

Ask @meesism

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I did something against my religion when I was at a party. I’m a straight individual but I feel disgusting

It’s okay to explore your sexuality if that’s were you’re getting at lol.
I hate that you feel disgusting, but hope that stems from you just not enjoying whatever you did and not because you “failed your religion”. That would be bonkers.

When you stay up later than usual or until sunrise, do you think of how that will negatively effect your health in the long run?

Yep but I’m not as concerned bc it’s inevitable.

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Can you please justify why tf are you needy & you cling to your partner like a frickin’ leech? For crying out loud, chill! 🙄

Are you okay..?

How long does it take you to get out of bed after waking up??

Depends. If I have stuff to do, I can launch out of bed from a dead sleep.
Today is my day off and rainy, so I get a relaxing day today.

Is there a relative you dread having to see/visit?

I would be easier to list the family members I would be excited to see

When was the last time you dined-n-dashed?

Never that’s so rude and embarrassing. I’m not going to go somewhere I can’t afford.

I don't really like hunting type dogs, how about you?

I like some of them, like the Carolina bear dog or Jack Russel terriers. I’m not a fan of wire-coated breeds like poodles and wolfhounds.

Bucket list of things you wanna do ?

>build my dream home
>build my dream building (work)
>see sea turtles (preferably in the wild)
>visit a tulip field

If you cheated on someone would you feel entitled to drive their truck?

Lots of cheating questions floating around today.
I am not a cheater but, for imaginations sake, no- I would probably feel so guilty I wouldn’t be asking or demanding anything and instead be working my ass off to make up for my mistake.
Whoever you are talking about sounds self centered.

How would you handle a cheating situation?

NicoleeMichelle’s Profile PhotoNicole Michelle ∞
Depends if it was one time, on how attached I am (time spent together/emotional attachment) and how they handled the aftermath (did they immediately fess up? Do they seem genuinely upset about their choice? Did they tell the whole truth?)
And finally it would come down to them if I COULD move past it. Sometimes people want to work things out but can’t help but feel resentment.
You have to really want to work things out with your partner, and vice versa, to make a relationship work after someone cheats.

Do you believe divorced women should give advice to people who are in a relationships?

I think all advice from anyone should be taken lightly bc not all advice works for everyone or for every situation.
I see no harm in someone else sharing their story and showing people possibilities that have happened to them / can happen to others.
Liked by: Ven

Are there days when you skip working out because you showered early in the morning or the night before and don’t feel like taking a shower again so you try not to sweat too much? This is something I struggle with due to being lazy these days and because I typically shower every other day.

You could either move the time when you workout to fit better into your shower schedule (exercise first then shower)
Or make one shower a “sweat shower” where you just wash your body and another shower where you clean your hair.
Most women do this bc washing hair everyday is a waste of product/can damage hair and skin when used too often.

Are you ever reluctant about complimenting people on their looks and/or asking them how they achieved a certain look, in fear that you’ll make them feel uncomfortable?

No I have the opposite issue of blurting out how hot I think other women are.

What kind of person is mean impatient and bitter all of a sudden, but keeps doing nice things for others? Confused

Probably someone with their own issues going on who doesn’t want it to affect others/their peers but are having trouble regulating their emotions and finding a solution to their problems.
Sounds like a good person, just maybe going through some stuff.
Or they could just have a “hard ass” attitude that makes them seem mean to people but really they want the best for their loved ones. My grandmother was this way.

Are you anything like any of your grandparents (the way you express yourself, your interests, personality wise, looks, etc.)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I inherited my size from my grandmothers/mother. We are shrimps.

How was your school lunch packed in a bag or box?

ItsTiffyTime’s Profile PhotoGeorgie
Depended on the day. Sometimes I’d use a (reusable) collapsible freezer bag, sometimes in a hard box, sometimes just in a paper or bag plastic bag. The main factors were how late was I and how big of a lunch was I making.

I want to be your friend. I am desperate.

You should find friends who don’t make you feel that way.

when do you introduce your partner to your family?

When you feel like it’s serious enough to do so

If you could write a letter to the person who hurt you, what would it say?

I wouldn’t waste the paper

In your opinion, why do some guys feel the need to talk badly about the girl they used to be interested in?

To preserve their ego or mislead others/themselves into thinking they don’t like someone anymore.

Did many of your relationships start off as platonic or was it almost always a strong connection with intense chemistry from the start?

Strong connection. I can’t date someone I view as a friend from the beginning.

Do you think men handle rejection better than women? I’ve been told that as a woman, I’ll be the only one who gets hurt if I approach a guy and get rejected which is why it’s better to wait for a man to approach me.

I think this varies from person to person regardless of gender.
You and another woman could ask out the same man, both be turned down and have totally different reactions. Whoever told you that views the world in black and white.

Do you think if someone stops loving you, they'll break up with you regardless of how good looking you are?

Some people stay with their partners despite a lack of love because of their situation whether it’s financial, personal or to keep a public image.
No matter how hot you are, you can still be broken up with, cheated on or settled for. If your relationship is built solely on physical attraction it more than likely will not last.

How do I stop feeling guilty from something I did wrong?

Totally depends on what you did. Usually getting it off your chest and confronting the source of your built up guilt helps.

Would you rather have the power to breathe underwater or fly

anonstar6478556’s Profile Photoanonstar6478556
You can only go so deep underwater before pressure kills you, our eyesight underwater is okay at best and humans are slower than most creatures in the water.
With flying you couldn’t go very high or risk passing out from a lack of oxygen/freeze or run the risk of being hit by god knows what…. But at least I could float over houses and save money on gas 🤣.

Do you think it's weird that someone's never travelled outside their country?

Not really. Traveling for fun is a luxury. Lots of Americans have no desire to travel outside of the country because of how large the country is. There are lots of sites to see.


Language: English