
megan frew

Ask @megyfrew

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What made your day?

" she's a slut she could be a bowling ball gets fingered throwen down the lane then comes back for more" holy shizzzzzz hahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahah

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thoughts b? xx

Alisha McCoy ✌️
Hey bro!! For starters I'm talkin to you now! And I cbf typing :( but cause your nice I'll do it for yah :) your so lovely! Fab at kapas! Your amazing! Gorgeous! Sweet heart! Missing u heaps and heaps tho catch up soon aye!!! Much love gorgeous xxxx

Fave year 7s to 12s?

Year 7:
Year 8:
Year 9:
Year 10:
year 11:
Year 12:

thoughts beyy?

charlee hati
Hey girly!! Well your a always a good chat ! I actual can trust you heaps! Today was good fun with yah!! :) yeah we've had our ups and downs but I'm so glad we sorted it out! Mum loves you! Your always welcome at my house! Your so much fun to hang with aye! I miss being close :) your FUCKEN GORGEOUS!! You got my back and I'll always have yours to!! Tbh playing netball with u has been a great experience and umpireinh with you to always a blast! Haha we have heaps of memories hopefully more to come!! her thanks for being a great friend! Love you Charlee!! ♥️♥️ :**
Liked by: charlee hati


alisha stephen
Hey! Sorry it toke a while to answer! OMGSH THO YPUR MY LITTLE SISTER! Your so gorgeous! I miss you heaps and heaps and heaps! Your tons of fun to hang with! Heaps of mems! Your crack up asf! Must come stay soon love u heaps xxxxxxxxx
Liked by: alisha stephen

What has someone done to you recently that fucked you off?

THE BLOODY BITCH LIED TO ME AND TEGZ! She couldn't do this or that then we seen her when she said she was busy? Wtf?!! Argh fuck it fucked me off tho!! Gosh. But who needs her? I got my girls fuck the rest :)

You need to stop thinking that they are your friends! Let alone best friends! Go be a dumb loner cause Tegan don't like you either! Hahaha

Woah! Don't you think that's abit rude? Cause I'm not a dumb loner thank you very much! So please on behalf of me FUCK OFF. If Brittany and leia don't like me then they can tell me this ! And tegs is my sister! So bak the fuck off!

what is opihi like I was thinkin of going there

Amazing it's so welcoming it's honestly like a big family! The education is alright! But you gotta put the hard yards in to! It's great! Everyone's so lovely there

What fucks you off most?

When people say " your my best friend" " your actual like my sister" then after a while they stop talking to you? And u always have to message them! They don't wanna hang anymore! Or they are always " to busy" with nothing! They push u away! And replace you and change! Then when you see them in public place they put there heads down and hide from you so you don't see them wtf? They aren't true friends! And then when you meet up with then they completely ignore you and it's always all about them! No and i cannot believe that I was close with 4 girls that have done this to me! 2 of them I told everything! I truste with my life! Well no your not gonna fuck me over anymore! I'm done with our friendship! GTFO of my life! It's honestly like u woul come round and stay become close then at school it's like we seen friends? It's honestly like your jealous cause I'm close with some one you use to be close with? That's not fair? It's not my fault you fucked it up! Argh fuck off! Stay away from me! All 4 of yah! Especially the other 2.

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You just told everyone you were going there

And I was going there? I signed out and everything! But because of certain people who are very important to me and reasons I came back! Opihi is my home :) it's where I belong ! I'm not leaving! Who is this?

thoughts? long please xx

Alisha McCoy ✌️
Heeeey there alisha!! Well your a really lovely girl! Got an awesome personality ! Always positive it's great when you need sosme one to cheer you up! You really trust worthy! We have a few memories together hopefully more to come aye! I seen you the other day haha! We needs to have a proper catch up soon tho :) your really beautiful! Your so funny and real cool and kick back :) yah see ah round I guess :) xxx

If you got the chance to bring one friend that has either moved away or something back in your life who would it be?

Charlee hati <3 she was like a brown sister to me :) I know she hates me but I really really am sorry! I miss her I miss being close! I miss her coming round and shit :) but yeah Charlee I guess :)

Who do you miss?

Tbh completely honest here... I miss Charlee heaps! I realise she hates my guts and don't wanna know me at all! But I'm so sorry! I miss bein friends! She was one of my closest friends! That I could trust! And talk to when I needed someone to talk to! Then I fcked it all up! And I'm so sorry! I regret everything I've ever said to hurt her or cause a fight!! The other day with Kanikani and anthea an stuff was heaps of fun hanging with you!! I really hope she reads this and messages me or texts or something cause I really am sorry! I really do want to be her friend again! Charlee I MISS YOU HEAPS AND IM SO SORRY :(

Why do you say leias your "bestfriend" when she doesn't even like you!?!

Am I not aloud to have leia as a best friend? If she didn't like me then we wouldn't be this close but chur.
Liked by: gracieshortus

Someone you trust with everything and knows everything about you?

Brittany armishaw! She's always been there for me! We have been thru a lot together! But she will always be my best friend!! No matter what!! Even tho I'm really really close with Tegan Brittany knows mostly everything about me! She's very supportive! And lovely! Kind heart and caring! I guess those are the reason why she knows everything :)
Liked by: gracieshortus

If you had to choose one of your best friends who would it be?

There first name is • brittanyteganalisha• last name is •leiapaigeevelyn• tht person is fab
Liked by: gracieshortus

what did you do today in full detail?

Okay so I woke up at 9:30 and messaged Alisha Brittany and leia to see if Brittany or leia wanted to come to town and I was already meeting up with Alisha. Then I Annoyed the fuck outta dad UNTILL 12:30 when he toke me to the bay where I meet up with Alisha and Evelyn then we went to maccas had heaps of laughs!! Then we said bye to evelyn then me as Alisha went along the beach and got followed by jay and kegan :) then me and Alisha meet up with ruby and Meghan at the beach then jay and Megan came over and started throwing sand balls and sea weed at me and Alisha!! Then we said bye to ruby and Meghan and jay and kegan then me and Alisha went thru the bird Avery then went and laughed our heads off on the swings then mum rang and picked us up and dropped ALISHA home and toke me home :) then I walked home from the pool where I saw Brittany and some other girls then I got home and facetimed Evelyn andessaved Alisha! And leia! And then I had a sleep and now answering this while talking to leia!!!

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Liked by: gracieshortus

Thoughts on Brittany armishaw?

BFF amazing trust worthy miss being real close tho!! Get a feeling I've done something wrong! I'm sorry!! If I have? But your pretty and so weird but it's great tbh

Sorry no need to get shitty I was just asking also I ant your "bro" I thought that's why your going to TGHS haha anyway I'll see you there this year love

I'm not bi ! And nah you won't see me idk what I'm doing yet soz


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