
megan frew

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thoughts babe xx

alisha stephen
oh hey der m8 👋
your one of a kind aye it's honestly always a laugh with you 😂 we laugh 24/7 when we are together its great 😂 your very trust worthy 👍 we use to be very close miss that 👎 you have a top notch personality ☺ your good vibes you and your boyffee are goals as😍 got some fucking amazing memories!! And many more to come!! many more laughs to come with those memories 😂 here's a cute wee picture of us miss you heaps love ya heaps shit stain 💋❤
Liked by: alisha stephen

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What frustrates you the most?

some one would put an end to an amazing friendship because some one told them bull shit and then they come stay but only doing it to get out of there house.when they make a mistake and talk shit with proof I have the decency not to take it to heart and put it behind me for thag friend ship👊 now that person is either pretending to be my friend or is actually my friend but can't tell hers or she would get removed from the group for being friends with me😂😂 stuffed up.

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

I think if I count them all up I would have 1 if I'm lucky but I love that person more then anything tbvh

What do you most value in your friends?

the fact that they come stay and talk shit bout u still and you read it 😂

Do you pick and choose your friends?

I don't have any friends 👎 the more friends the more bull shit and drama that comes from them 👍 no time for that 😂

@itsmerickeyt asks, "How do you start your morning?"

well usually I wake up lucky if it's the morning still 🙊 check my phone realise I have no friends 😂 get up have a shower clean up a little bit and yeah

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

trying to make plans with my "friends" when all they do is talk smack behind ya back and think ya wouldn't find out 😂 lol all my so called "friends" are a waste of time 😂😂 shot for nothing gals

How can you tell a good person from a bad one?

You can't. some times you gotta experience and find out the hard way and learn from the mistakes of that bad person

Thoughts? 😉

Georgia Marriner
Hey ✌
first of all I thank you so much for helping me last night ! it means a lot to have you there 😍 your one of this girls I like to call a sister our friendship means the world to me 💝 our chats are always a good laugh never run out of stuff to talk about either 😙 your very trust worthy some one I can tell anything and you won't tell a sole 😎 and the same goes with me and you to ☺ you've got such a caring heart you always there for me even when I'm real fucked off your still there to help I thank you so so much for everything you have done for me 🙊 and I will always be here for you to! your so short it's so cute haha 😂 you have a heart of gold 💛 your a gem your such a kind caring person always see you with a smile on ya dile 😊 i have so much respect for you! I love you so so much sugar 😍

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Liked by: Georgia Marriner

thoughts on this society?

Hahaha well this society is stuffed up man!! there is no loyal and true friends out there 😂 it's always gonna come to an end that's why the word end is in there. also there are no such thing as trust worthy people any more 😂 tell some one something they get mad at you so they send it to the person its about 😂 another thing this generation is full or fake two faced un loyal boys 😂 it's quite stuffed up how some one would quite happily say to some one " I love you so so much " next thing you know they love some one else 😂😂 another thing is every one finds out everything that is sent or said to some one else ant nobody you can trust these days 😂 this society is fu**ed up!! 12 year olds all looking there virginity I mean yeah you gotta loose it at some stage but cause you lost it doesn't make you very cool at all 👎👎 yeah that's my opinion 😂

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Thoughts back? 😘😚

Tytãñyã Griffithß
your such a strong hearted person! yeah we have been thru some tough shit but we put it past us 👍 your one of those girls I can tell anything and you can tell me anything to 💟 we use to be so close I'm sure we can fix that again tho ☺💋 you good vibes to hang with and be round your such a funny girl top notch personality 😚 love you heaps 💞💜

What about Brittany?

she's family 👍✌
we are farmer Brown 😉
we live in the middle of no where 👎
yay us 😒

best friend?

tbvh no one 😂 fuk friends they are c**ts in this generation it's almost impossible to find a true friend 😂👎👊

Thoughtsss? :))

your algoods! got a awesome personality !! top notch person to be round 👍 always a good laugh with you 😂 we've got some decent as memories I'm so greatful to have a friend like you by my side 💓 you've got a heart of gold 💛 never a dull moment with you 👍👍 your always up for a good time! I miss you heaps!! it's been ages!! should text me or fb or sc me 👍☺ and thanks for the thoughts I look forward to the Many memories to come love you 💕💗💘

Why do you hate darrin

don't really hate anymore now I've thought about it I'm more disgusted and disappointed in him 👎 it's a quite hypocritical what he said. who's asking?

What is one thing you hate the most?

Becoming so close with some one making heaps of new memories! And spending every moment possible together to the point where they become family! Then they start treating you differently and start acting different towards you! And you know it's because your "best friend" don't like drifting away from her other two close friends and it sucks cause your the one who gets dropped outta there life and gets left on the sidewalk alone while they go off to there other friends and it's like really? Everything we've been thru together and everything we have done all the memories we've made are just gonna be forgotten about!! And they hardly hang with you and all of a sudden excuses come up when you ask to hang with them?! Yeah well it's been good while it's lasted I just wish you wouldn't ditch me just like that! 😒. After everything! And one of those two other friends all she does is get you involved in shit you don't need in your life! I thought ut was okay to drift from people but still be friends with them? But apperntly not

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