
megan frew

Ask @megyfrew

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Why did u post that picture? 😂 cause it basically describes you 😂😂😂

Cause that's how I'm feeling! Yeap I already know :( thanks for that 😪👊

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you don't needa know my name it will cause more shit? I just wanna know his duh

You've basically given me so many clues 😂 " more shit " Is tho makayla? Geargia? Nikita? Fuck! And I'm not telling u duh

please don't get shitty with me wtf did I do? he's your mate! you can tell us hahahahahahah

Tell me your name ffs?!?! I know his name and have hung out with him twice we aren't really friends. Who's "us" fuck off man.

he's cute and i wanna message him? is that okay with you

Who are you then? no it's not clearly? He's got a girlfriend so fuck off!?

wow don't get shitty with me bruh I was just asking

Tell me your name then? And why what's it to you? So fuck off!

You and Liam mulligan seem pretty close together aee? You sure he's just like a " brother " to yah?

Me and Liam have Been like brother and sister for 9 years straight now! I don't see him in my eyes anymore then a brother 😂 and I know it's the same with him to 👍

Thoughts on your best friends?

Ty- is amazing! She's a gb as! She's like my sister 😘 she knows my thoughts on her
Brittany- crack up as 😂 always makes me laugh! Got some fab memories with this chick she knows my thoughts on her to ☺️
Sian- is such a we weirdo and never fails to cheer me up! Maths is always a blast with you ☺️
Liam mulligan- like my brother! Always there for me and same goes 👍☺️

I'm so confused right now? Are you friends with leia or not? Are you friends with Brittany or not? And same with ty? Fuck you confuse me.

Seriously this is the last question I am answering about this stupid ducking drama! It's got nothing to do with me!! Leave me out of it ffs 😪👎 I have no reason to hate leia? Me and Brit are algoods? So are me and ty? Can you fuck of now? 👊😒😪

my auto completly fucked that up alwell, hope you okay Megan, this all seems so pathetic now 😪 x

I knew what you meant completely! Fuck I don't know tbh 😪 it is fucking pathetic for sure 😒 x

wtf, more fucking drama over, I've said not hug this time keep my name out of everything thanks, and anons leave Megan alone ! x

I know 😪 shot x

i don't know if anyone took me off Leia? I don't feel as if they did but ya know

Sorry if you feel like that Brittany. Or if I made you feel like that cause it was not the intention at all

Brittany you might as well admit it Megan took you off leia! And now yous aren't friends! Wouldn't become close with her if I was you 😂

Ummmm I didn't take anyone away from leia? Wtf? And Brit can be friends with who the fuck she wants your not her mum ! Kindly fuck off please

I do know what happened! And you had a plan and you took her away from her! Silly girl

No you fucking don't! I didn't take anyone of leia? You stop talking shit.

You did take Brit of her! That's not very nice of you Megan! I thought you wouldn't of dropped that low holy shit girl!

You clearly don't know what actually happened between them do yah? No! 😂 so get your facts straight before you blame me for something I didn't do? 😘😘

You don't like her? Why? Is it cause of what happened on Facebook last night? Or what happened with her and Brit? Cause if anything she should hate you for takin her best friend (Brit) of her.

I never said that? And what happened last night on fb was pathetic! And what the fuck? What happened between her and ty is nothing to do with me either? And Omgsh 😂 really I took Brittany of her? I would not of done that? 😂 oh fuck

What is the most painful thing you've witnessed?

Watching someone you Calle. Your best friend change into something they said they wouldn't 😂👎
Liked by: charlee hati

how did you lose Brittany ?

Hi Brittany, I think you of all people should know :/ but anyway hope your happy as could be. See u round.

Best friends?

Did you know it's possible to loose 2 of them a couple weeks apart. Both horrible ways to end them. ATM I don't know.


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