
megan frew

Ask @megyfrew

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Fucking oath.why is it whenever someone becomes close with someone that other person has to be a bitch. What even are true friends? 😂😪👊

its wasn't me 😂 I'll send you my answers if you need Megan, but seriously everything some one gets a question can you'd not prosume its me? I'm not that pussy that I send anon hate 😂 gosh x

I rekon it sounds more like tegan tbh, but algood leia 😂 x

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anon you sound jealous to me😂go annoy some one else with your rude questions,they arnt wanted here😁have a good day anon

Very jealous tbh!! Thank you Brit 🙌🏽😄

You do rub it in! And you've changed for the worst! And your hanging out with the wrong people bro! Ty is not someone I would want to class as my best friend! Get some sense into your head and make the right friends.

Anon fuck off man. And tys not my best friend! She's like a sister to me! 👊☺️ so go fuck yah self for all I care. I can be Close with Brit if I wanted to. Stop getting jealous and fuck off.

You got Brittany as your best friend now you gotta rub it in everywhere. You know some people get annoyed with that. Grow up. Honestly girl.

Excuse me? Me and Brit have been close for a while now and I do not run it in everywhere? Is this leia? Anon fuck off.

yoo👌 your crack up and know how to make me laugh tbh your quite weird hut its always fun laughing at you for it✌we have quite a few inside jokes like nesquick😂😂hahahahaa but nah your a real good friend and always sticking up for me which is great 😜15 meters oi 😂

Kia or a ✌️ haha shot g!! It's great to be weird it makes me different 😏😂 thank you Brit 😎 and ofc I got yah back! Yeh 15 meters ffs take yah own advice 😂😂

What are you doing tomorrow in detail?

I am gonna wake up get ready to attack the day! Then probz hang with josh at the skate park for the day then go shoot hoops for a bit then walk around with someone and go back to the domain and watch my coaches netball :)

🕒🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🕒 🕒🕒🌱🌱🌱🌱🕒🕒 🌱🕒🕒🌱🌱🌱🕒🕒 🌱🕒🕒🌱🌱🌱🕒🕒 🌱🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🌱🌱 🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🌱🌱 🕒🕒🍀🕒🕒🍀🕒🌱 🕒🕒🕒🕒〰🕒🕒🌱 🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🌱 🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🌱🌱 🌱🌱🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒 🌱🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🌱 🌱🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒 🌱🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🌱 🌱🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒🕒

Ummmm okay

thoughts? :/

You've gone running back to the wrong people and something's you've gotta keep to your self :)

Who all in your netball team this year?

Umm me, Brittany, Charlee, anthea, akena, Tegan, sian, Emily, tea, Emily, Olivia why?????

Who do you trust the most out off all your best friends

Tbh I honestly trust Brittany the most and then Liam close second but yeH Brittany tbh

Maybe you shouldn't fuck shit up and None of this would happen. Also maybe you should be careful what you tell people cause it caused what happened today.

I told you fuck off. Okay! What happened today hurt a lot! But i really don't need your bull shit on top! So please leave me alone. 😭

You fucked shit up with you and Tegan its your fault what happened.

Ahh omg please don't do this now 😭 I am already hurting enough as it is! So kindly fuck off

recent one?

Is this you Tegal??? That was recent ?? The only other recent one I got is with other people

Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

Yes Ofc! Me and Liam mulligan are best friends! He's like my brother! I mean it's not illegal? It so much better being close with a boy! There little drama they always cheer you up! And then there's the annoying part everyone thinks yous go out? I'm pretty sure I'm aloud to be close with him so why can't anyone else? 😂

Are you playing netball this year?

Heck yeah! And I'm actually quite excited ! At first I wasn't sure! But then I went to the training and I had a blast! I've never actually wanted Thursday and Saturday to come so fast!! I'm pumped!

What are your plans for tomorrow?

Well school then maybe netball training I dunno then I'll probably go down to domain to work on shooting


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