
megan frew

Ask @megyfrew

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Thoughts on tashana??

Ew! I do not like her. She can leave my dramas alone next time! But nah!! Outta my life sweet as :)

What happened between you and Alisha? What happened to best friends?

She was a bitch. Say that I say I love you baby everyday I don't!! So she should stop making shit up!! And we'll we drifted apart... And she told Tashana to message me I wasn't a bitch to her she was to me? She told Tashana that I always messaged her first she always messaged me first... So as you can tell it was all to good to be true!! But pathetic over it outta my life for good :)

Thoughts back? :)

Zoe Hunter
Your really sweet!! And yeah your house was heaps of fun!! And your real nice! Really pretty!! Haha might wanna post it Facebook and post how you were a smart ass to ;) hahahahahahahahahah oml good times your a great friend gal

Lol alisha doesnt like you, you annoy her..

Grow the fuck up. Honestly I was already kindove getting that vibe from her anyway!! But if this is her then come of anon Hun!! Who ever this is come of anon show your self!!! Your to scared! Stop fucking shit stirrering ! Her choice if she wanna be friends or not!! I honestly don't want bull shit so fuck off.

Thought make them long hoebag xox

I actual have nothing nice to say about you.. My mother always told me If you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all... Haha joking ! We'll your gay!! Your aiite!! You look ugz in school uniform haha jokes ;) Oi nah your funny!! Have some great memories!! Haha had the mean trip to the uniform room that time oh wow ! And you gotta loud voice geal! It's pretty mean how you came to old dopihi!! We'll ummm your hairs gettin long!! ;0 your entertaining to listen to in maths ::)) you crack me up sometimes! We have some weird chats!! Your such a skinny girl! Has a weird imagination! Nah your real nice and sweet and caring!! I got yah back hoe!! Your really beautiful yer that's long enough!! If only I had an ugz pic to put up haha ;* ily bae x

Do you consider yourself popular

I hate the word 'popular' it's ew no ones popular!! Everyone has school friends and outta school friends and school and outta school friends!! That doesn't make anyone popular
Liked by: PHILLIS

Thoughts frew face

Hello Bimmy!! We'll your gay! I really don't like you!! I actually hate you!!.... Joking!! Your so funny! You laugh at the weirdest shit out!!! The sea gulls!!:)) we have our ups and downs but mainly downs lately.... That sucked a lot!! It's pretty awesome how we becoming close!! But your my best friend!! You know my thoughts
Liked by: PHILLIS


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