
Monica Sun

Ask @monnisun

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Will you go on a date with me on October 24th to see Fury

omg yea that movie looked really good even though war movies usually scare me the fuck out

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Woah, your ex-boyfriend abused you? What happened to him? Did you ever confront him?

i moved on. he moved on. life moves on. we find ways to move forward.

two. why two everything comes in Duos We have couples and good and bad there's him and her and up and down Why two? Why is there an on and an off How can I be that middle path of not mad but not happy. why two

hmm wow that's going to make me think for a while! i think us humans like the idea of simplicity or maybe opposites? but then in the process of simplifying things to twos as you pointed out, we forget that a lot of things in this world is a gradient, a scale, and it's very important to find balance rather than sticking to one extreme. this is a very good outline for a poem! keep up the good work!

ok :) what's the best way to send you my poems?

well you can add me on facebook or skype (xamountofsky), but if you'd like to send it to me anonymously, that might be a bit harder. you could ask it to me on ask.fm but it would be in fragments. good luck!

so what pain have you gone through? honest question.

one time i hit my leg against a table and i got this massive bruise. it hurt a lot.
Liked by: Steph J

You think you have experienced "pain". Thats a fucking joke. I doubt your ex-boyfriend even "forced" you to do stuff with him. In fact i hope he did force you to suck him lol. Even if he did thats not real pain.

dude cmon...
i could try to explain what "pain" entails and that it doesnt have to be forced to be sexual or emotional abuse, but i can see from your comment "in fact i hope he did force you to suck him lol" that you have little human compassion or integrity. no matter what i say, you will only hate more and crumble more and i wish i could tell you that i am sorry for what you must have gone through to become this way, but there is a certain point in which people must begin taking responsibility for their actions instead of blaming it on their environment. you crossed a line, child. it's time to get your shit together.

what are your thoughts on kirk naar? I feel like you have a crush on that boy :)


imitate two of your closest friends

moo + PLAY WITH MY HAIRRRR ... two ends of the affection spectrum

"to remember to be kind to herself/himself." you should be kind to others, that would be a good first step to get people to like you.. am i right?

i think that being kind to yourself first is actually the first step. you can't be kind to others without being kind to yourself. also, the intention of this is not to get people to like you per say, but to begin understanding what it means to live and to be happy. i hope that helped!

your going to prom? :/ what kind of person would have asked you ?lol

sam hanson (: i paid him to ask me huhu

hey how come u think all guys are assholes or something i am a guy, I understand that I'm not exactly the best person in the world...but you generalize your past experiences to all men a bit much if you ask me, I try hard to be as nice as I can

hm i think maybe a year ago i had trust issues with boys bc of personal reasons, but ive grown a lot since then and now i see each human being for who he/she is, instead of gender. there's a quote that i quite like that says that we tend to say "boys do this" and "girls do that" but really we are all individuals and it's easier to generalize about a gender bc then we don't have to think about who we really are. we're scared of thinking about who we really are.
Liked by: Andrea Steph J

who are some people you are friends with on facebook, but don't know very well in real life?

uh, ye, i am quite sure that is what fb is for so...lots yo

What is your most unusual nighttime or morning ritual?

She lies naked in the company of a man with good-byes on his tongue, facing his fishhook spine, breathing like a ghost against his shoulder blades. When he stirs, she dares not move, dares not let him hear even her heartbeat in fear that the throatiness of it, the passionate grating of its rusted master might be enough to wake him. And if he wakes...if he wakes, he will see the sun. You see, the night no longer hides them from each other, and he is one with a disposition for apologies. So she must be still. She must be stone.

What’s something you should throw away, but can’t?

these are really good writing prompts o:
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What books on your shelf are begging to be read?

hyperbole and a half, emma, emotional alchemy, eat pray love, a dance of dragons, the edible woman, the diary of anais nin, and where the fuck is my english patient im so mad

MONICA that poem you just shared oh my gosh amazing you are amazing!!!

aw thanks traci! just a little something on how i feel about senior year (:

What's the perfect place for a first date?

take me dancing to happy music. be willing to dance. bring me five different bouquets of flowers. i like hole in the wall restaurants. red wine. dont let me eat sushi in front of you just yet. i mean u can if ur willing to see me fat-faced and ecstatic. ive always wanted to see the entire city from high up at night. be ready to lend me your jacket i get cold mad easy. dont write me a poem. dont sing me a song. dont kiss me. dont meet my family. dont make any damn promises or tell me im special. i'll kill you.
or we could just go on a roller blading date and eat italian that's pretty damn sweet too
Liked by: Tessa Steph J

what the frick monica why are you so good at poetry and performing it why its UNFAIR!! share some :')

aww u sweetheart xx you can do it too as long as you practice and have confidence that what you have to say is important! i'm running out of poems for y'all ):
in all this chaos we are
floating things
trying to grab onto what we know
can't stay she
wants love a thousand miles
into a broken boy's
broken promises he
just wants to be comfortable with all the lukewarm
that makes his life
easy i
have always wanted everything my way, so we are all
basically fucked.
everything is a speed train refusing
to stop for that stray bird SPLAT! i am not
scared i am
furious why is my family
the only thing I don't want to come home to why does home
lie in the arms of three girls who will be but maps
in no time why am i unwrenching
pieces of myself into car parts for a boy
who has no engine why do we have to say goodbye
when we are hanging on
and falling apart?
the direction our parents taped us together with is
peeling off from all the water
in our cracks we don't know what to do
with all this time of not knowing
what the hell to do there is no fork in the road.
we are tip-toeing on hot plates and drinking
straight gin so we can pretend
the flesh on our feet isn't melting we are melting
in all the lies we have told ourselves these past
four years get into college
and you'll be okay
get people to like you
and you'll be okay
don't trust any boys
and you'll be okay
does anyone here
seem fucking okay?!

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favorite sophomores?

i dont know very many but here are some pretty cool ones: iszy, gaby, kaitlin, melodi, is dylan a sophomore idk he acts like he's 3 xx

can you post one of your poems here?

i stuck my tongue out and inhaled
eight plates of expensive sushi
2300 yen don't
forget you have to pay the Atkin's
back because i know you will
i don't remember how
it tasted only that
i burned my everything on wasabi and that he stuck a
fishbone in my esophagus i'm still
trying to breathe
in out
thirty gallons of water and forced
thanks man i really
needed to fucking fall in love right now he
make my eyes sting
green hot
yes i'm still talking about sushi fuck you

monica what are we going to do without you in the poetry club next year!!!!!!!!

miss me a ton ))): keep up your energy and don't forget that what you have to say is important! love forever xx
Liked by: Traci

who's one person you dont know very well but have a lot of respect for?

everyone from my poetry club
mr. parker
ms. kemsley
ms. rosen
maddie leary
anais nin but she ded
shakespeare but he also ded
carol ann duffy i dont think she ded
michael odaatje
andrea gibson
my great great grandmother
hayao miyazaki my bro
alexander mcqueen
oh did you say one?

did you have a nice day today

i did thank you so much! i just slept a bunchload and got my prom dress made it was expensive dont care #spoiledchildsyndrome

What do you prefer: read the newspaper, watch TV News, or check online news?

there's a world outside of america???


Language: English