
Monica Sun

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On the weekends, I cover my whole body with Vaseline and pretend I'm a slug. Does this make me an artist?

whatever floats your boat honey

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i usually feel like i cant understand poetry, especially since i've only been exposed to so little, but things like what you wrote down there make me re-think the whole idea of poetry.. i think you're really talented so please keep it up its great :)

poetry isn't really meant to be understood, but to be felt. thank you for your pick-me-up xx

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

my body
never agrees on a time
and place
the scalp
wants wind, lashes
autumn cold, but the spine
wants yesterday, the soles
yesteryear when they were not so worn
out and we
crave millennia ago when trucks did not exist, when living
was not so loud my knees
are curious
for the summer moon, the shins
for sighing waves the beach would do
but my cheeks just want to go home, inner thighs
asking for book spines, toes
for rug fuzz and elbows,
cedar wood
do you see my dilemma
when you ask me to stop wanting you
because my body agrees on one
thing the ankles
beg for your calves, the calves
gripped between your fingers the forehead
its wrinkles inside your lips
the heart wants today the head
wants now every second is excruciating for the throat
because it can't say your name
don't you see,
my whole body
aches for you do you
ache for me

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If you are such a feminist, why do you objectify yourself every time I see you out by wearing clothes that are an obvious attempt to fit the "archetype" of how women are perceived as attractive? (short tight shorts, shirts that show cleavage, bright red lipstick, and makeup).

actually feminism is about having the choice to be who you are, and i like to wear clothes that are flattering for my body. also i love red lipstick! it's my favorite thing in the world. (if you want to buy me a gift, get me lipstick hehe!!!)

Blake hates women

i dont think you know him very well o: blake and i used to have conversations about this a lot, and he's one of the most respectful guys i know. he admires women, really. you should get to know him better! i'm sure he could teach you a thing or two (;

I feel like you secretly hate women. That's why you go over the top with feminism.

hmm interesting observation. actually, a while back, i used to think feminism was stupid bc i didn't think that women were treated badly at all, and i thought "jesus, why are they making such a big deal out of it" and "oh my god they're so crazy, just chill the fuck out". but the truth is the educational system is relatively equal in terms of boys and girls, and so i wasn't exposed to the unequal treatment out in the real world, and also we've been conditioned to be ok with objectifying women bc of the way the media portrays them, so much so that we don't even recognize it anymore. for example, women dont have personalities in many of the tv shows we watch and are simply archetypes or an idea. they are also beautiful and flawless and put a lot of pressure on every woman to be that way or else they face not being desired. but i see that this is a personal comment, and i'd like to share a memory with you if that's alright: feminism became really important to me after i'd been in an abusive relationship and realized all the things i felt i needed to be or to do bc of what society had convinced me and had convinced him a relationship was supposed to be like. afterwards everything had changed for me, for better or for worse, and i had to go through a lot of shit to become who i am today. so im really proud to call myself a feminist, and i understand more of the struggles of my fellow girls bc of the experiences i've had to face, and i feel infinite sympathy and compassion and love for them. i hope this answer was helpful for you (:

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do you still know some of the people from Bridgewater that u used to hangout with?

hoiehoei of course! ekay is my childhood friend and i love her to the moon and back, she's quirky and cute and honest and genuine and compassionate and empathetic and wonderful. i remember everyone from my AI class back in elementary school we were all bros and i miss them all so much! i know a lot of them have changed i mean who doesnt after all this time, but here are some of my cherished memories: jenn xu was the prettiest girl in our class, gloria was my best friend, jenn fang was the cutest and we loved her cheeks, richard yunchao and weiss were really close and nerdy but they were hilarious, jared was the hottest boy and i had the biggest crush on him, and eric was one of my best friends too bc he made me laugh and was genuine and kind, and skyler literally punched everyone in our class she was so spunky and we loved to pick her up bc she was so tiny, and shivani was the most fun and beautiful, and vicky was so sweet to me, and nikki was trying to grow out his beard and his favorite color was green, and i feel like im missing so many people but i loved my time with these people no matter how long ago or short (:

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monica, i dont think i have ever talked to you haha. but we should get to know each other, its always nice meeting new people. i think its really cool how you are in to poetry and i really admire your confidence to get in front of people and perform.

Cleet Wrzesinski
yayy totally (: thanks a bunchh xx

honestly idk if we've ever talked but you seem super nice and chill so we should definitely get to know each other a bit more. i also love how youre into poetry, i think thats really cool.

Dustin DeLuca
huhu totes bb deluca xx

aahh monica so many compliments! you are so extremely talented at writing poetry its unreal!! also you are gorgeous and i love your style, you come across as very put together and confident (very very admirable) so yeah good job for being you!!

monnisun’s Video 110737147807

Do you love the World you live in?

even when it hurts
I am burning in this fire, and the ash is delicious on my melting tongue.

why don't you go to pingry anymore

pingry wasn't a good place for me (: i know a lot of people who love it to death which is awesome, but it wasn't like that for me, so i moved weee no regrets i love shanghai and the people in it (:

why did you shit on blake during the poetry slam? seemed like a pretty shitty thing to do. also fuck femnazis.

idk i thought my poem was pretty nice and he knows it was nice so hehe. also yea femnazis are pretty bad. so are male nazis. nazis in general i think are pretty bad. good observation (:

whats ur ideal guy??

someone with a decent sized peen
im kidding im so young so i dont know yet but its always good to have guidelines bc you obviously dont want to be with a doucheface fuckcunt that wouldn't be good i dont think. for me tho honesty is a huge thing most def top of the list. someone who would never manipulate me. intelligence. compassion. preferable someone who enjoys my poetry. respect is also huge. in general, qualities that the guy has worked for and wasnt born with you know what im sayin. ye
Liked by: Cleet Wrzesinski

What's your opinion about the death penalty?

death doesn't exist in my vocabulary
jk death is fuckin scary

post your favorite line from a poem :)!!

dude idk
is there a boy inside you painting your cells with a charcoal of cinder feathers so you will never glow in the dark like girls do? -trellis by andrea gibson
Liked by: Traci J caroline

Language: English