
kent sutjipto

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Latest answers from kent sutjipto

hi kent! i wonder if it was you the one who once wrote about how you wish relationship was like building a lego house. it was long time ago, and i tried scrolling through your timeline but i couldn't find it.

Hello yes I wrote about it tapi karena gue udah tua gue juga lupa.
I think it goes like I wish relationships were more like lego, that if it didn't work out we can just destroy and start over without anyone getting hurt.

Kent, kalo cowo pdkt dgn lebih 1 cewe itu gimana? Apakah dia berengsek? Emg bisa cowo jatuhcinta pada 2 org wanita?

Pertama-tama, lo harus make sure kalo dia tuh beneran pdkt dengan 2 cewek atau lebih sekaligus. Nggak menutup kemungkinan kalo dia orangnya ramah ke semua orang dan lo cuma baper.
But let's assume dia pdkt ke 2 cewek sekaligus.
Kalo cowok udah pdkt ke lebih dari 1 cewek, itu cowok lagi main lotere. Dia ga yakin bisa dapetin cewek yang pertama, makanya dia hedging the risk dengan cara pdkt ke cewek kedua. Dengan memperbanyak target pdkt, dia meningkatkan kemungkinan dia jadian.
Cowok begitu tuh lebih mentingin pacaran daripada meeting the right person (buat dia, yang penting pacaran; pacaran sama siapa itu urusan belakangan).
Is it illegal? No.
Is it brengsek? No.
Is it time efficient? Yes.
Cowok yang ngejar banyak cewek sekaligus is NOT the guy you'd want to date, for the reason I listed above.
To him, you're just a number. A statistic. Ngapain buang waktu pacaran sama orang begitu?

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If you were the opposite sex, how would you describe your sense of style? PAP if possible

Tar kalo PAP-nya nggak pake foto mbak pacar, gue bisa dibunuh sama doi.
Terus ntar ada artikel di kompas pake headline, "Seorang mantan Selebask yang dulu relevan mati ditusuk-tusuk pacar sendiri karena PAP foto cewek lain."

dalam memilih pasangan , pilih kualitas apa kuantitas ? - kualitas ( dia cantik / ganteng tapi cuek ke kita seperti setengah hati ) - kuantitas ( dia biasa aja tapi bener" cinta dan perhatian )

Lo ngerti arti kata kuantitas ga sih? Terus, kenapa yang "kualitas" kudu ganteng/cantik tapi nggak emotionally invested in us? Holy shit this question triggers me so much.

Definisi cantik menurut kak kent

Buat gue, cantik adalah mata almon dengan wajah V.
Cantik adalah bibir tipis merah merona dengan gigi putih rapi.
Cantik adalah rambut lurus--sesekali dicatok bergelombang--dan wangi sampo.
Tapi lebih dari semuanya, cantik adalah nyaman dengan tubuhnya sendiri.

Ka kent, kalo cewe lg jalan sama cowo trs cewenya yg bayarin makan (lg pengen bayarin aja) tu dimata cowo dia ngerasa direndahin ngga sih?

"Nggak lah. Cowok yang self esteem-nya rendah aja yang merasa direndahin kalau ceweknya bayarin dia." - @jeaniceang, 2018.

Ugly is the new beautiful. Do you agree?

Some people say that there is no stupid question but holy shit you're reeeaaaaally pushing it.

Kak Kent!! This may kind of seem like an odd question but, what would you like to recommend to your non-indonesian friends that will be visiting Jakarta? For around 5 days. In terms of food and destinations :) Thank you!

Let's see... I'll probably recommend:
1. Babi guling Ko Made di Muara Karang (it's haram btw) because i believe babi guling cuma ada di Indonesia?
2. Still on the same street, I'll bring him to martabak Sinar Bulan buat makan martabak manis because you haven't been to Indonesia if you haven't eaten martabak manis yalord.
3. I...guess Masjid Istiqlal? Make sure to educate your non-Indonesian friend to tutupin aurat.
4. I'll also bring them to Plaza Indonesia to experience the luxury Indonesia has to offer. Bonus point kalo dilewatin jalan belakang (Tanah Abang masih bisa dilewatin ga?) biar dia bisa melihat kontrasnya Jakarta.
5. Bakmi Agoan (haram) di Puri because that's legit the best bakmi I've ever eaten.
3/5 of the recommendation is food. No wonder I'm getting fat.

Hai kak! Good to see that you’re back on askfm! How’s life?

Life has been mostly okay. Thanks for asking. Btw, feed askfm gue agak sepi???? Rekomendasiin akun-akun askfm yang menarik dong.

What do make u like Jeanice?

Here's a snippet from my old blog.
Here is something to think about. I actually think the saying "You don't need a reason to love someone," is bullshit. You need reasons to love someone and you need a million of them. You love someone not only because they are beautiful. You love someone not only because they're rich. You love someone not only because they are funny. You don't love someone because of ONE big reason, you love someone because of all the little things that made them, them. So even if one thing changes from them, you would still love them because you still have 999,999 reasons to love them.

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