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kak, yang namanya agama emang gabisa dibawa ke logika lahh. jd ga alasan

sarahria’s Profile Photosarah ria simamora
Lah iya itu yang lagi dibahas: the inability to coexist between religion and science. Kok kontribusinya agak kurang membantu.
Liked by: Irza

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Quran encourages the muslims to ponder on natural phenomena, and analyze them. Islam statea that scholars (scientists) who die in the pursuit of scientific truth are martyrs. I bet you never heard of this teaching before. Do you still think islam is incompatible with science?

Yes, I've never heard of that teaching. My point still remains, though. What you're saying is that Islam supports science, but not the other way around.
My definition of two entities coexisting is mutual compatibility from both sides. Islam might be compatible with science by supporting its believers to pursue science. However, science itself is unlikely to explain the fundamental concept of Islam: the afterlife. Hence, the inability between religion and science to coexist.

hahaha. don't say that. everybody needs entertainment, esp the ones who live in a big city with much more stress and ever increasing working hour rate. plus ppl only knows small number of actors who are successful. there are also a lot who lives in poverty..

I'm not offending anyone by pointing that out. I just think that people in general value entertainment more than knowledge. (I'm one of them).
Liked by: Angelica Naftali

Are you interested in writing a crime-mystery-detective novel?

I am currently writing one in parallel with the sequel of my first novel.

Hey, maybe it's just your previous religion whose premise is illogical (I assume you were Christian). Have you surveyed all the existing religion on earth to arrive at the conclusion that ALL religions have illogical premise?

Scroll away if you're one of those people who can't stand having a logical conversation about religion. This might leave you butt-hurt. You've been warned.
Obviously I can't survey all existing religion on Earth, but I can logically infer. The thing about religions is that they offer peace in the (unsure) future while science offers confidence in the present.
Most religions give a (kinda false) sense of security regarding afterlife, because most people can't stand thinking that their fleeting lives would come to an end. Can you prove scientifically that afterlife exists? No. The reason why I think science and religion will never ever be able to philosophically coexist is because in science, everything is deemed false until proven otherwise. And in religion, you lean on faith, on seeing the invisible and listening to the deafening silence.
Let's see several mainstream religions as an example:
1. Christianity (and Catholic): Accept Jesus, enter heaven. (Does heaven even exist? How do you scientifically prove that?)
2. Islam: Similar to Christianity. Accept God, believe in Mohammad, enter Jannah. (Again, how do you prove that Jannah exists?)
3. Buddhism: We all will be reincarnated. (You might argue that deja vu is a proof that reincarnation exists, but deja vu already has a scientific explanation. Hence, how can you prove that reincarnation exists?)
4. Hinduism: Core of Hinduism is that humans seek liberation, for the soul to be liberated from cycle of death and rebirth. (Same thing with Buddhism)
Maybe there exists a religion that will happily coexist with science, maybe someday such religion will arise. But until then, my point stands.

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In your opinion, apa artinya ketika cowok blg scr langsung ke cewek itu klo cewek itu cantik? Apakah krn: 1.cewek ini memang spesial. 2. si cowok mulutnya manis. 3.hanya basa basi 4.si cewek emang masuk kategori cantik di atas rata2? Atau ada pandangan lain? Pengen tau klo dr perspektif cowok sepert

Gue cowok cuma karena ada sesuatu yang menggelantung di selangkangan. My point of view is not a typical guy's. It's an asexual's.
I only say "Wow, you look stunning," to women I actually care about. And only when they actually look beautiful. If I compliment her how beautiful she is every time I see her, when she really looks beautiful, my compliment then wouldn't amount to anything.

Ko kent baca kafka gaa? Klo iya bsa jelasin dkit soal the diary of kafka? Aku baca itu tapi kok rsnya otak ku ga ngerti2 ya.... Maaf ya ko secara ktnya koko suka males sma org oon (yah mcem aku ini HAHAHHAHA))

I think I can explain what Kafka's Diary is by using a single quote from it:
"People label themselves with all sorts of adjectives. I can only pronounce myself as 'nauseatingly miserable beyond repair'.”
Liked by: Jemima Fatita

Why do you think even the best teachers in large parts of the world earn far less than successful actors, models in their respective countries? Padahal without the former, most of us will be nothing.

Steffi Teowira
Because people in general are stupid fucks who seek instant gratification from entertainment rather than long-term benefits from greater education.
Liked by: Iban

If you were appointed by UNESCO to choose the 8th wonder of the world, what would you choose?

Quite dark, but I'd choose the Elephant's Foot in the bottom level of Chernobyl.
Chernobyl used to house a nuclear reactor, but in 1986, a power surge happened which caused the whole reactor to *literally* melt down, leaving only a giant pile of radioactive waste, known as the Elephant's Foot.
Even now, tens of years after the meltdown, the radioactivity is so high that the radiation reaches 10,000 roentgens per hour. (A quick comparison: an exposure of 500 roentgen in five hours is lethal). When you're actually close enough to look at it with your own eyes, after two minutes your cells will begin to hemorrhage and after five minutes, you have two days left to live.
The picture was taken using a mirror, because I'm sure nobody would be crazy enough to bet their lives for a single fucking picture.
Fuck Eiffel Tower, fuck Pisa. I want to go here.

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After reading 'an egg', is that means all the wits in this world is also mine? Wow i feel accomplished already. is this even a question? But it is since there's a qiestion mark isn't it?

Maybe if you proofread your question you will feel more accomplished.

Hai Kak Kent, paling suka baca buku genre apa? Lebih suka baca buku yang topiknya menarik atau yang topiknya kurang menarik tapi penuturannya bagus? Thank you and have a good day kak!

Hai ezioux!
Paling suka baca novel dystopia, crime mystery, psychological thriller, dan whodunnit. Kalo non-fiction sukanya self-help sama psychology. Well, kalo bisa sih topik menarik dan penuturan bagus ya.. Kalo salah satunya jelek ya jadi males baca nggak sih..

Menurutmu cowo yg digosipin sama cewe dikelasnya itu udah pasti si cowo suka atau gimna?

Tunggu-tunggu, coba dikasi justifikasi bagaimana kejadian digosipin bisa berujung kepada cowonya suka.
Liked by: Ale

menurut kaka air es itu bisa bikin seeorang jadi gendut ga?

What? Minum air es itu bakar kalori. The amount being burned is negligible though, so don't start neglecting your morning jog just because you start drinking iced water.

Halo, kak. Bisa dibilang, aku nggak memiliki banyak teman. Aku nggak nyambung dengan teman-temanku yang ngomongin cowok, sementara aku dibilang "terlalu susah dimengerti" karena aku lebih nyaman membicarakan konspirasi dan imajinasi ultra-random. Bagaimana caranya agar aku bisa bersosialisasi?

Hi Zivskalania,
Buset itu nama asli kamu? Kasian juga guru kamu pas lagi absen.
Masak nggak ada sih satu topik pun yang kamu bisa ikutan nimbrung gitu? Aku dulu juga paling nggak bisa ngobrolin mobil/bola gitu, yaudah akhirnya aku cari temen yang bisa diajak ngobrol tentang game. Admittedly, gerombolanku bukan gerombolan anak-anak eksis yang super cetar, but I love them so much I wouldn't trade them for the world.
When it comes to friends, quality is always better than quantity. :)

Apakah ada pengalaman masa muda kakak yang pelajarannya masih kaka ingat sampai sekarang? Ceritakan ya kak hehe. And have a nice day

Pengalaman masa muda.. Berarti gue udah tua dong. *nangis di pojokan*
Dulu waktu SMA, gue pernah ngejar satu cewek mati-matian. Buset bener-bener mati-matian lah pokoknya. I sincerely believed that if I didn't get this girl, my world would stop spinning.
Gue pertama kali kenal doi pas kelas 10 di lomba Agustusan gitu, doi lagi duduk di depan kelas gue dan genjreng-genjreng gitar (ceritanya kami beda kelas). Nah pas itu udah mulai kepanah nih, tapi belum fatal.
Terus pas naik kelas 11, rupanya gue sama dia sekelas (eng ing eng, BGM: Kisah Kasih di Sekolah). Yaudah dong biasa aja, eh rupanya senyum doi ngajak berumahtangga gitu. Udah kepanah lumayan fatal, pendarahan di mana-mana, tapi masih bernafas dan hidup. Gue PDKT-in dong, tentunya.
Eh, doi nggak mau sama gue. Kayak, bener-bener repulsed by the idea of dating me. Awalnya gue gondok dong. "Ih kenapa sih lo nggak mau sama gue," gitu. Tapi karena gue bener-bener mikir kalo gue bisa mati kalo nggak dapetin dia (maklum ya, namanya anak SMA), yaudah gue kejar terus. Dia masih nggak mau.
Anyway, long story short, gue introspeksi diri. Pandangan gue yang sebelumnya "Ih, dia nggak mau sama gue, ada yang salah sama dia," berubah jadi, "Oh, mungkin ada yang salah sama diri gue, makanya dia ga mau sama gue." Yaudah, alhasil gue berubah.
Moral of the story is: You can't force someone to love you. All you can do is make yourself into someone worthy of love.

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Kakk aku baru dikasi temenku kitten 2 bulan, tp baru 2 hari si dia mencret, gmn dong :((( ga ada dokter hewan yg buka malem2 gini :(((

Fakkk pas kuliah nggak diajari cara menangani beginian. Coba tanya @morastoic, dia punya setengah lusin kucing kalo nggak salah.
Liked by: blank farah펠 m o r a

Eden no Ori and then aku no hana. Suka bgt manga2 semacam itu trs Life juga. Ada rekomendasi yg lain yg mirip2?

Eden no Ori sama Aku no Hana agak beda lho genrenya.. Anyway, coba baca Oyasumi Punpun kalo suka semacam Aku no Hana, atau 7seeds/Hohzuki Island/Suicide Island kalo suka Eden no Ori.

Koko kalo plihara kucing, bakal plihara yg dr kitten ato juvenile ato adult?

Dari kitten kali ya, supaya iketannya dapet.

Do you think Mandarin will ever replace English as world's lingua franca? Why? Why not?

Steffi Teowira
Below are my justifications on the subject.
1. Gross Domestic Product
GDP is probably the most commonly used indicator about a country's wealth. And China's GDP is inching closer and closer to USA's. People all around the world are expecting that in the next 5-10 years, China would overtake US as the giant country. Business connections between China and the rest of the world would flourish and ultimately boost the benefits of learning Mandarin.
2. Difficulty
Sure, when you actually learn it properly, Mandarin isn't THAT hard to learn. Especially if you learn about the radicals. However, the fact is that people perceive Mandarin as a hard language to learn. The strokes, the tone, the pinyin.
Moreover, Mandarin, unlike English, doesn't use Latin Alphabet. This doesn't bode well since majority of Europe, America, Australia, and Africa speak major languages that are written in Latin Alphabet.
3. Inertia
Newton stated in his Law of Motion that a body in motion tends to stay in motion. English has been branded as the language of science and technology. Most of everything in the Internet is written in English, and to change that into Mandarin requires a tremendous effort.
Bottom line: despite the Chinese economy expanding with amazing velocity, I think English will continue to be the world's common language for at least the foreseeable future.

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Manga yg setipe eden no ori apa aja kah?

Coba baca 7 seeds! Itu juga survival/time slip, tapi gambarnya super shoujo, so it might not be everyone's cup of tea. Tapi menurut gue itu jauh lebih bagus dari Eden no Ori. Kalo survival in general, coba baca Hohzuki Island. A lot darker than Eden no Ori, tapi nuansanya bener-bener dapet.
Liked by: Nathania

menurut kaka apa mungkin bakalan hamil kalo sperma hanya mengenai bibir vagina?

Ya enggak lah, buset. Lo kira sperma kayak homing missile gitu?

Ah itu... saya... Oyasumi Punpun memang strangely enjoyable! Awalnya memang kurang menarik, tapi makin ke belakang... devastating. Sukses bikin terngiang-ngiang di kepala selama beberapa hari. Or is it just me?

Hahaha aduh akhirnya nemu yang baca Punpun juga. Waktu masih kecil bener-bener bosenin sih, tapi begitu mulai dewasa langsung turned 180 degrees. That manga left a mental scar on me.
Btw kalo suka Oyasumi Punpun, coba baca Aku no Hana deh. Itu juga mirip banget nuansanya.
Liked by: m o r a

gue mau dijodohin sama ortu. udah diliati foto sicalon ke gue. udah pernah ketemu sama adiknya sicalon yang mau dijodohin. tapi gue masih ragu sama perjodohon ini. mau nolak takut ortu kecewa. baiknya gimana ya?

Lo kira gue cenayang bisa nerawang masa depan lo sama si doi? Temuin aja dulu, kalo ga cocok yaudah, fuck it. Your happiness is in your own hands, not in your parents'.
Liked by: Mahatma D. Putra

genre manga yg bagus apaan kak buat cewe? ga mau yg terlalu cheesy

Ga mau cheesy ya baca shounen aja non. Shingeki no Kyojin atau Tokyo Kyushu tuh, ga ada keju sama sekali.

Udah coba baca Oyasumi Punpun?

Ini siapa? Off anon dong, I thought I was the only person freaky enough to read it until the end and found it strangely enjoyable.
Liked by: jess m o r a

bagus eden no ori kak! coba baca deh, gw baca 2 hari pake lembur2, soalnya ga bisa ditinggalin tu

Gue udah baca Eden no Ori sejak baru keluar 10 chapter. Endingnya jelek, bikin pingin bakar rumah yang ngarang.
Liked by: Ilham

Kak maaf ya mengganggu siangnya. Tadi saya sudah coba google tentang past continuous tense, tapi masih kurang ngerti. Kalo saya ingin menjelaskan suatu hal yang telah terjadi sejak masa lampau dan masih terus terjadi hingga sekarang, saya harus pake tense apa ya? Terima kasih kak Kent.

Tense di Inggris itu bisa dipecah menjadi: simple, continuous, perfect, dan perfect continuous.
Simple ini digunakan untuk fakta dan kebiasaan (I'm sure you understand this one).
Continuous ini digunakan untuk kegiatan yang berlangsung dalam durasi. Equivalent Indonesianya adalah kata "sedang." Kalo kamu nonton filem kan pasti makan waktu lumayan lama ya. Which is why you say, "I am watching a movie (Saya sedang menonton filem)." Menjawab pertanyaan pertama kamu, past continuous itu jadi dipakai untuk menerangkan aktivitas yang kamu lakukan di masa lampau (biasanya disandingkan dengan sebuah kejadian yang spontan), misalnya: "I was watching a movie when the lights went out."
Perfect digunakan untuk kegiatan yang sudah selesai ketika kamu mengatakannya. Equivalent Indonesianya adalah kata "sudah." "I have watched that movie (Saya sudah menonton filem itu)."
Perfect continuous ini adalah tense yang kamu mau pakai ketika menjelaskan suatu hal yang terjadi sejak lampau tapi terus berlangsung sampai sekarang. "I have been watching this movie for two hours and it's not yet over."
Ini kenapa gue berubah profesi jadi guru bahasa Inggris yak.

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Mari uji imajinasi: Seandainya suatu hari ada alien dgn intelegensi tinggi dateng ke bumi dengan misi persahabatan, dan entah bagaimana caranya PBB menunjuk elo menjadi duta peradaban manusia utk ngomong ke alien tsb, Apa kata2 yg elo gunakan untuk memperkenalkan peradaban manusia ke alien tersebut?

Fuck memperkenalkan peradaban manusia, I'd probably be super excited and thank him/her/it for solving Fermi's paradox.
Liked by: Iban @SoundOfYogi

Simply, the point is; "were" is used when you're gonna say something impossible. Isn't that right?

Your improper use of semicolon bugs me to no end. But yes, you are correct. "Were" is used in conjunction with "I wish" and "if" to form a hypothetical sentence.

Why 'If I were', not 'If I was'?

Both are correct, but they differ in usage. Here is an explanation.
You should know that, like humans, verbs also have moods. There is indicative, imperative, and subjunctive.
Indicative mood is the most common mood, it makes statement or asks question, such as: "I am stupid," or, "Can I eat that?"
Imperative mood is when you give command to someone or requesting something, such as: "Please don't do that," or, "Stop dicking around."
So far so good. Then there is subjunctive mood. This is the mood we use when we talk about hypothetical things. When we're talking about wishful situation, the proper usage of the verb "to be" is "were." Which is why Beyonce's song was titled "If I were a boy," since, clearly, she was implying she was never gonna be a boy.

(lupa mau ngasih rekomendasi) Sprite juga lumayan bagus, tapi ini bukan survival manga semacam Gantz sih. Lebih kayak I Am Hero, sepertinya.

morastoic’s Profile Photom o r a
Noted, Mora! Gue cek ntaran kalo udah nganggur :>

Greetings, fellow night owl. Thoughts on Albert Einsten's quote "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind"?

Ah, the most misinterpreted quote of all times.
Taken out of context, Einstein's above quote surely refers to his belief in religion, implying that he is a theist.
However, Einstein explicitly stated in his letter that, "The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me.”
Surely if he doesn't believe in God, he wouldn't believe in religion either. Yet, he said what he did. Is this a contradiction?
The full passage in which the quote was extracted actually said, "Though religion may be that which determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned from science, in the broadest sense, what means will contribute to the attainment of the goals it has set up. But science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling, however, springs from the sphere of religion. To this there also belongs the faith in the possibility that the regulations valid for the world of existence are rational, that is, comprehensible to reason. I cannot conceive of a genuine scientist without that profound faith. The situation may be expressed by an image: science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
Quite confusing. Einstein obviously wasn't a very great writer. So let me sum everything up: Einstein believed that religions exist, but he didn't believe in it. His definition of religion, derived from this letter, was merely a source of curiosity ("...But Science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding. This source of feeling springs from religion."). Therefore, when he said "Science without religion is lame," what he truly meant was "Science without profound curiosity is lame."
I rest my case!

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Kent, suka baca manga setipe Gantz ndak?

morastoic’s Profile Photom o r a
Kak Maura,
Suka banget! (Tapi endingannya bikin agak kesel).
Eh aku juga ada banyak rekomendasi manga, bentar aku yang ask deh.

Ko, coba deh baca manga atau nonton live actionnya liar game. Lumayan nguras otak tuh...

Gue pembaca setia Liar Game! Bahkan waktu pengarangnya hiatus juga gue secara Hachiko menanti karyanya keluar lagi.
Liked by: Nathania

I wonder what is really the meaning of time is relative? Geez it keeps me awake to find the answer....

Can you describe the color red for me? You might describe it as "Well, it's what you see when fire burns," or "It's what you feel when you find out your girlfriend is cheating on you." You can describe it with any descriptive adjective you want, but there is no way I can see how "red" looks to you.
What you see as the color red might not be the same red that I see. What I call "red" might be what you call "green." There is no way I could get into your head and see exactly what you see. How you perceive a color is not necessarily how I perceive it. This is the essence of relativity.
So how does this apply to time? A relatable example would be how you feel about time when you're taking an exam, compared to when you're talking to your crush. The absolute duration might be the same: 40 minutes. But the 40 minutes used to talk to your crush might feel much shorter compared to the 40 minutes used in your exam.
A more scientific example would be the fact that time moves much slower when you're approaching the speed of light. So if I go to the outer space and you stay on Earth, my "one year" would be much longer than your "one year," due to my velocity being much bigger than your stationary speed.
Hope this makes sense to you!

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Ko Kent, 'secara' itu kata yang baku nggak? As in, "secara dia kan pinter". Kalau nggak baku, seharusnya apa?

(Gue nggak yakin gue bener, please ask @einedame if you'd like a proper answer)
"Secara" itu ada dua tipe. Ada yang baku dan ada yang nggak baku. Yang kamu kasih sebagai contoh itu termasuk yang nggak baku. Yang baku misalnya, "Ia mengambil bola tersebut secara acak," di mana "secara" di sini berarti "dengan cara."
Untuk alternatif contohmu, mungkin bisa pakai "karena"?
"Secara dia kan pintar, seharusnya dia lolos ujian itu." = "Karena dia pintar, seharusnya dia lolos ujian itu."
Liked by: @SoundOfYogi

Sebutin musik favorite dong

Apa aja oke sih. As long as the lyric is meaningful. Unlike a certain song about a fucking ass.
My all time favorite music is probably Jason Mraz's A Beautiful Mess, though.
Liked by: VIDYA A. C.


Language: English