
olivia pranantoputri

Ask @octopusburger

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Then aren't you jealous or angry when you see his DMs? Like since he's so flirty :(

but thats like from befr we were tgt!!! like last yr befr we got tgt n when he was sec 3 liddat. if he still liddat now i break up long ago pls ahah

close friend ! Pretty sure about this feeling not sure about her

does she treat u diferently frm othr guys?? get affected by things u do/say?

I like someone and I don't dare to confess because I am afraid the feelings aren't mutual but I'm dying omfg ! !

r ya'll friends or do u barely know he/she? sorry but u cant like someone u barely know if it is the latter....

Why did your previous ended ?

my first one was bc she fell fr her best fr who lived in another country hahahahh she broke up w me fr her but being selfish n young i told her to b tgt w me while being tgt w the other girl bc she doesnt live in sg..... aft awhile it just got too much to handle so i poof-ed. second one was bc we damn on off n every time we were off he got bk tgt w his ex girlf but aft 2x he permanently left me fr her lor. while i was overseas. n he couldn't even break up w me to my face. he sent a text to my bestfr at the time to forward to me but she didn't lol. kk whatever haha. the rest all not srs like date 1 2 3 wk then i felt disgusted w myself/the person n backed the fk off

Is Bryan the best one out of the rest then ?

wouldnt b a fare comparison bc everyone is diff resulting in all rlsps to b diff :(((((( my other rlsps nvr came got this far(1yr++) so ya idk cant judge :(

Don't ever think like that you are so much more than you can imagine darlin

hahahaha wish i coud see myself frm ur pov then


im fking srs eh. then we gna bring he/she go play pool use stool all cos too short then we make fake ic for he/she cos pool must b 16 then cn go in (or no) idk ahhahahah then bryan gna force he/she to learn dota LOL n im gna force he/she to learn audition HAHAHAHHAH then we go lan tgt as a family until he/she eyesight 666 like bryans then we cn b a PAJIAO FAMILY AHAAH kk gg crazy

Not hitting on you haha just trying to justify things :)

its ok hahahah everyone has thr own opinion la but i rlly feel v lacking

You r more than enough pranantoputri (: not lacking in any aspect wonderful the way you are and you are fuckinggggh funny what you talking pretty also oh jesus

no haha i rlly don't feel that way. not when i look in the mirror or surf the net or walk ard town.

Yr anon friend here , so fucking cute the vid please make brylivia babies

hahahhahaah too soon ah too soon i also want tho like v fun sia hAHHHHA we gna force feed the baby then it roll to sch everyday wtf is a school bus


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