
olivia pranantoputri

Ask @octopusburger

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When you’ll be 90 years old, what will matter most to you?

if my coffin will b pink or not. kidding. hahhaha my kids grandchildren lor unless i infertile then.....

There is no way that you are 55kg you are super tiny

im 56 now ah if that makes u feel any btr HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA fatfuckforlife

ci saran in je spore kemana aja yang enak untuk belanja gitu dong hehehe

town(orchard somerset area) - cine taka knightsbridge paragon mandarin gallery 313 orchard gateway orchard central wisma ion far east plaza
bugis - bugis st!!! haji lane
ahhahahahha ok done sg is boring

hey! what sch bag do you recommend to someone who only fits kanken? (other than kanken)

omg i rlly dont know how to ans this

How do I draw your brows?? Your brows are so thick!!!

huh.. i anyhow draw leh i take the brush i just whack everyone close to me laughs at how i put make up cos i damn anyhow

Not ashly the girl sitting on the chair not swing her ig is charlie something

huhhhh idk anyone w la dispute tattoo leh!!

The 19th chalet!! When you were at the swing saw you talking to the girl who has the la dispute tattoo

ashley my lover la what friend ahhaha who r u!! anyw its not the same
The 19th chalet When you were at the swing saw you talking to the girl who has

The girl you talking to at the chalet has their flower tattoo eh

huh what GIRL what CHALET what FLOWER TATTOO bless u n ur fucking vague question IF ITS EVEN A QUESTION bc it sounds ike a fucking statement i dont understand u TAK FAHAM I CATCH NO BALLS

what is your view on homosexuality???

i think that everyone should be able to date whoever they want regardless of gender skin color body type blablabla


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