
olivia pranantoputri

Ask @octopusburger

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Hello, there's a girl that i didnt talk to her for like ages. I wanna start talking to her what should i do? I dont want her to feel weird or something.

uhm.... just talk ah i think you're thinking too much hahaha say hi how're u i miss u or sth idk be direct

Idk.. I get nervous around him I think? I think I like him and he knows it. How do I start a conver );

Just talk!!!! Rlly hahahah say whatever is on the tip of ur tongue or else it'll b v hard cos you'll constantly be tryna come up w Sth interesting or funny to say then it's v hard la. Rlly just b urself n see if y'all cn click if cant click then I don't think u shud go for him

You &your boyfriend are so cute!!! I like this guy very much but we rarely talk how do I start a conver? Help );

we aren't tgt but thx!! hahaha if ya'll rarely talk how d'you know u like him?

Oliviaaa how do you get such good complexion?

idk!! i think u should ask bryan bc my complexion damn shit compared to his HAHA :(((

depends on what ? i really dont know what to do with them ......

depends what they hate on me for. haha dgaf srsly it's v hard to do but ya.... try ur best to not let it get to u. if they hate on u fr sth u did wrong then own up to it n nvr do it agn but if they r hating on u bc of ur appearance or what then fuck them

have you encountered haters? how you handle them?

yes.... haha i get sad n start feeling lousy abt myself........ u shouldn't let haters/hate affect u bc the problem doesn't lie w u but it lies w them?? no matter what u do thr will always be people who will hate u n try to bring u down but u just hv to keep ur head up n not let whatever they say affect u bc that's what they want so u shouldn't give them the satisfaction of getting what they want. just fuck the h8rz n focus on the people+things who rlly matter :}}}}} sry if i out of point lol
Liked by: Hailley


Language: English