

What do you think about vegans who feed their dogs vegan dog food? Do they have the right to force their diet on their carnivorous pets? BQ: I've seen vegans say they don't trust meat eaters to look after their pets but would you trust a vegan to look after your dog properly, in terms of feeding??

i wouldn't trust most vegans to look after my pets

Latest answers from Lilly

Two people that flirt a lot and it's obvious that they like eachother?

Everyone in the grade knows who this is....

Two people that flirt a lot and it's obvious that they like eachother?

Everyone in the grade knows who this is....

Have u gotten ur period? (this is coming from a girl and I'm just asking because I have not gotten it yet and mostly everyone did and I'm scared!!)

not everyone gets it at the same time lol

How old were you the first time you fell in love?

i was prolly like 2 or 3 when i first laid my eyes on pizza.

Language: English