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if somebody wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch and listen to?

amnabdr’s Profile PhotoAmna
Paid Applications ka cracked version dhoondna aata hoo,
Mp3 song aur Movie Torrent download (kyun har movie Netflix aur Amazon Prime Video pay available nahi hoti) karna aata ho aur Sports k rules aur teams ka pata ho.
^ye sab cheezon pay research karain
mujhey bas inn main interest hai.

What's the most you ever lost on a coin toss?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Back in the day, I participated in a sports festival where I was the captain of a cricket team but felt like a puppet because everything was controlled by the management behind the scenes. In the final, I won the toss, and it had already been decided that we would bowl first.
Our opponents set a stiff target, and the scoreboard pressure got the better of us. Unfortunately, we lost by 40 runs. You win matches and receive gold or bronze medals, but you only get silver when you lose 😔

When you congratulate someone for their team winning, what exactly are you congratulating them for? Being happy?? How were they involved in the winning process?

I don’t follow sports or know anyone that’s into them. One wise reason why I’m not. That makes no sense. Like congratulating someone for their favorite band playing a great show? 😂

If you woke up in a place that was not your home, where do you imagine finding yourself?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Serendipity 👋
The following picture immediately appeared in my head: A small house high in the snow-capped mountains 😌 Some winter resort, probably with ski sports 😅 I don't know, maybe I really missed it 😅
Have a nice evening and have a wonderful mood, Marie Serendipity 😌🤗
If you woke up in a place that was not your home where do you imagine finding

movies or tv series? 📺🍿

aik baar pehlay bataya tha aaj phir bata deyta hoon... mein movies bhi daikh leyta hoon aur series bhi, Pakistani dramas bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Sports bhi, News shows bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Fashion shows bhi,
National Geographic bhi daikh leyta hoon aur Animal Planet bhi,
Youtube ads bhi daikhh leyta hoon aur Tik Tok bhi
Sunset bhi daikh leyta hoon aur sunrise bhi,
Ubalta doodh aur bistar pay sota bacha na gir jaye wo bhi daikh leyta hoon.
aik dou baar SHABBIR busy tha,
uski jaggah bhi meinay he daikh liya tha 🌚

How do you go about keeping a good posture? 🚶‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Since I have problems with my back, I move regularly, do sports and physio exercises and I don't sit all day at work. So I think about my posture more often. I also try to think about good posture when sitting and standing.

Грузчик, разнорабочий, комплектовщик, яндекс- доставщик, сторож, вахтер, продолжи...

С таким набором не видать ни Бугатти, ни Мaserati, ни Сhevrolet, ни Lexus, ни Hummer, ни Sports car. И даже ни Range Rover, ни Toyota, ни Porsche.
А жизнь одна. Не, я однозначно не хочу продолжать тот список. Даже и близко. 🙄😏✌️

Thoughts on Pak cricket team?🌝

MaheenAaftab’s Profile Photoماہی❤
"Everyone supports you in good times, but I've always said that fans must support us in tough times. We are not a gully cricket team. This is your Pakistan team as well. If you can't support us during these times, you're just like the media" Btw it's just a game winning or losing is the part of the sports I'm supporting Manchester United this is nothing like that i get more frustrated watching them than the Pakistani cricket team .

Is it strange that I always kept quiet in school due to having social anxiety? I went to school with the same people from middle school to high school yet was hardly ever open to having conversations with my peers & after I graduated, I didn’t hear from anyone again. Did you keep in touch w/ others?

Maybe not strange as such but a little surprising you didn’t make a few friends of note at school I guess.
My longer term school friends came from sports teams not school classes as such though 😂😂😂

Na graniu w jaką grę spędziłeś/aś najwięcej czasu?

Jako dziecko spędziłem mnóstwo czasu grając na konsoli zwanej Pegazus, która była prawdziwym skarbem w tamtych czasach. Teraz, jako dorosły, najwięcej czasu spędzam grając na Xboxie w EA Sports FC, dawniej znaną jako FIFA😊🎮
Pegazus to konsola, która wprowadziła mnie w świat gier wideo. Pamiętam te godziny spędzone przed telewizorem, z joystickiem w ręku, zanurzony w pikselowych przygodach. Gry takie jak "Contra", "Super Mario Bros" czy "Duck Hunt" były nieodłącznym elementem mojego dzieciństwa. Każda z nich miała w sobie coś magicznego - prostotę, ale jednocześnie wyzwanie, które sprawiało, że trudno było się oderwać🕹️🌟
"Contra" była jedną z tych gier, które najlepiej grało się we dwójkę. Wspólne przechodzenie poziomów, walka z przeciwnikami i wspieranie się nawzajem tworzyło niesamowite wspomnienia. To była jedna z pierwszych gier, która nauczyła mnie współpracy i strategii🎮👾
Kto nie zna "Super Mario Bros"? Ta gra to prawdziwa klasyka, której nie mogło zabraknąć na Pegazusie. Skakanie po grzybach, unikanie żółwi i ratowanie księżniczki to coś, co zawsze sprawiało mi ogromną radość. Każdy poziom był wyzwaniem, a pokonywanie Bowsera dawało niesamowitą satysfakcję🍄🏰
"Duck Hunt" z dodatkowym pistoletem świetlnym to była rewolucja. Strzelanie do kaczek na ekranie telewizora było czymś niezwykłym. Chociaż pies, który śmiał się z naszych nieudanych strzałów, bywał irytujący, to i tak gra była niesamowitą zabawą🦆😂
Teraz, jako dorosły, najwięcej czasu spędzam grając na Xboxie, szczególnie w EA Sports FC, dawniej znanej jako FIFA. Ta gra przynosi mi mnóstwo radości i jest świetnym sposobem na relaks po ciężkim dniu⚽💪
FIFA (teraz EA Sports FC) to coś więcej niż tylko gra - to symulacja prawdziwego piłkarskiego życia. Grafika, mechanika gry i dźwięk tworzą niesamowicie realistyczne doświadczenie. Możliwość zarządzania własnym zespołem, taktyką i strategią, a także rywalizowanie z innymi graczami online sprawiają, że każda sesja jest unikalna🌍🎧
Jednym z moich ulubionych trybów jest tryb kariery, gdzie mogę wcielić się w rolę menedżera piłkarskiego klubu. Planowanie transferów, rozwijanie młodych talentów, tworzenie strategii na mecze - to wszystko sprawia, że czuję się jak prawdziwy menedżer. Sukcesy i porażki mojego zespołu są w dużej mierze zależne od moich decyzji, co dodaje grywalności i angażuje na długie godziny📊🏅
Granie online z innymi graczami to prawdziwe wyzwanie. Każdy mecz to inna historia, pełna napięcia i nieprzewidywalności. Rywalizacja na globalnej arenie pozwala mi doskonalić swoje umiejętności i uczyć się nowych strategii od innych graczy. Każda wygrana daje ogromną satysfakcję, a każda porażka motywuje do dalszego treningu🥅🔥

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Вам подобається ваша зовнішність?

lenaaa0_0’s Profile PhotoLENA
Угу, і твої щічки норм. ;) І коротко по питанням...
Неприйнятні фільми.. Мабуть ті що про справжнє вбивство. Хоча три роки повномасштабної, і через те, що "хтось", впустив ворога з Криму. Через Чонгар, розмінувавши його і не тільки його.. Нажаль, маємо такі фільми, роліки, у вільному доступі. Ну як нажаль. З окупантами то добре. Але ж є в з нашими.. Нажаль. "Зробили себе разом"..
Про спорт. Роблю руханку. Іноді. А іноді п'ю каву з мріями.
Люблю засмагати, особливо у травні.
Літній сезон розпочато без електрики. Як і позаминулої зими. Але ще треба рвати бур'ян на городі. ;)
Коли не гальмує цей додаток, і є, що написати, можу і дві години на день. Доречі народ. Особливо іноземці. +1 значить, що я долучився. А ви долучайтесь теж. Якщо хочете. Це ж логічно. Досить бути такими тупими. Дякую!
Ugh, and your cheeks are normal. ;) And briefly about the question...
Unacceptable movies.. You must be talking about a real murder. Three years of full-scale war. Because "someone" let the enemy in from Crimea. Through Chongar, demining it. And the north of the state. Unfortunately. There are videos with the victims of the occupier, that's fine. But it is also with our defenders.. Unfortunately. "we made ourselves together" (one of the slogans at the 2019 elections. Clarification...)
About sports. I work out, I do exercises. Sometimes. And sometimes I drink coffee with dreams.
I like to sunbathe, especially in May.
The summer season began without electricity. Like the winter before last. But we still need to pull weeds in the garden. Because it's not winter, but summer. ;)
When ask.fm is not slowing down, and there is something to tell, maybe two hours a day. By the way, the people. Especially foreigners. +1 means I joined. And you join too. If you want, of course. This is logical! Enough of being so limited.. Thank you!

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Чи є українська особистість, яку ви вважаєте взірцем або джерелом натхнення?

Ab1rapper963’s Profile Photoعبدالسلام
Всі народи мають такі особистості у всіх сферах діяння, і не по одному і не по два.. Вийняток імперські формування і роблення з багатьох народів один штучний. Як от рф. Який всю історію краде здобутки народів яких приєднав силовим методом і пропагандою і терором. силовими методами. І одне діло, коли імперії, наприклад європейські, попри мінуси, несе і плюс, розвиток, то совок нічого не несе крім війни і пропаганди, смертей і деградації. Але ближче до вашого питання.. Уточніть, що ви маєте на увазі. Спорт, літературу, науку, мистецтво...
All peoples have such personalities in all spheres of activity, and not one and not two. The exception is imperial formations and making one artificial out of many peoples. Who throughout history steals the gains of the peoples whom he annexed by force and propaganda and terror. And for one thing, when empires, for example, European ones, despite the minuses, also carry a plus, development, then the scoop carries nothing but war and propaganda, deaths and degradation. But closer to your question.. Clarify what you mean. Sports, literature, science, art...

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You meet your 15 year old self , and only you tell them something about life. What do you say and why?

princess567l’s Profile PhotoMiss multiverse
You're not gay. Don't listen to your sister. Don't ever get into long distance. Don't say "yes" to your male best friend. Learn how to do shit. Be besties with that one girl who likes FIFA only. Cherish your Internet friends. Go gym. Dominate ova' multiple useless planets. Study. Learn how to drive cars and learn how they work. Get into sports bikes. Learn how to slap the sh*t out of people.

Hi I asked her out In person, would you like to meet for sports and dinner She blushed and said,I'm sure we can arrange something on WhatsApp.its been 3 days and havent text once nor has she.Should I give her more time.Bad online, but better in person.Thankyou Write your answer...

Hannesja’s Profile PhotoHannesja
You Fuktup , Hannesja . . . .
You need to hurry back to read the man-U-el , you know, the one that tells you what to doooooo . . . .
And , YOU , need to blush , get some colour in your cheeks & complexion ~ from your profile pic, you look o-so grey .
(now when you fukup ~ you stay clear . Anymore will be criminal harassment !)
BTW , was her name 'Debora' by any chance ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyP_C3chI9Aigotamatch’s Video 174188082042 NyP_C3chI9Aigotamatch’s Video 174188082042 NyP_C3chI9A
(STRICTLY hypothetical, now)
I took my fantasy to Deborah
You know she's always been a friendly girl
You'll see her cruise the Picadilly streets
And she winks at every man she meets
I've been a fan of hers for quite a time
I tried to pull her with a bummer line
I asked her would she like a cigarette
And she said let's go to bed
('cause that's what you want)
And so I went
And I was shocked
I was so green
Ground I wish you'd swallow me up
She had to laugh
I nearly died
Some Superstud!
There's more to this than meets the eye
I hurried back to read the manual through
You know the one that tells you what to do
But all I needed was the confidence
To start and break the ice
Experience would be a boon for life
And Debbie smiled as I came strolling by
I said I'd like to have a second shot
And I'd give it all I've got
And with a twinkle in her eye
She led me by the hand
Through a door to a room
Above a Soho restaurant
And she smiled and told me
Not to look so serious
But by the time she'd talked me down
I was delerious, I was away
I had to window shop in Amsterdam
But down the Troubador in Hollywood
I found a lover who was bold enough
To live my fantasy (this isn't a dream)
I was away
Up in the blue
How you gonna make it in a jet
The need to shock
Was coming through
Where would it end
You'll never know

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Hi I asked her out In person would you like to meet for sports and dinner She

Plans for weekend? ⭐️

Asifkhangandapur’s Profile Photodoctor x
Saturday was great I watched the FA cup final who we won because we are the biggest side of Manchester then Pakistan Vs England jis main technically we lost but they have changed the intent I am happy with that people will cry hum harh GA but still I m happy way they played and Sunday most probably another max verstappen won in formula one if you have seen I pretty much covered all the biggest sporting events this weekend. I don't watch AFL because I sleep at time I m boring I know but watching sports is my best therapy ...

Have you ever had any sport supplements like protein powder? If yes, what’s your favourite flavour? If no: what is your favourite milkshake or smoothie flavour? 🥤

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
I've never taken a sports supplement, but I like milkshakes and smoothies in different flavors, including strawberry.
I like my natural body! I think it's more beautiful that way, for me.

Wychodząc z domu w upały masz zawsze ze sobą butelkę wody?

Julciopat’s Profile PhotoPani w okularach ☺️
Zdecydowanie tak, wychodząc z domu w upały, zawsze mam ze sobą butelkę wody 💧☀️ To nie tylko kwestia komfortu, ale przede wszystkim zdrowia. W gorące dni nasze ciało traci wodę szybciej niż zwykle, dlatego tak ważne jest, aby regularnie się nawadniać.
Woda pełni kluczową rolę w wielu funkcjach naszego organizmu. Pomaga w regulacji temperatury ciała, wspomaga trawienie, transportuje składniki odżywcze do komórek oraz usuwa toksyny. W upalne dni, kiedy pocimy się bardziej, ryzyko odwodnienia jest znacznie wyższe. Odwodnienie może prowadzić do różnych problemów zdrowotnych, takich jak bóle głowy, zmęczenie, zawroty głowy, a w skrajnych przypadkach do udaru cieplnego 🥵
Zazwyczaj noszę ze sobą butelkę wody wielokrotnego użytku. Lubię mieć pewność, że mam dostęp do świeżej wody przez cały dzień. Butelka wielokrotnego użytku to również świetny sposób na zmniejszenie ilości plastiku, co jest korzystne dla środowiska 🌍♻️
Często dodaję do wody plasterek cytryny, limonki lub kilka listków mięty, aby nadać jej świeży smak. To nie tylko dodaje smaku, ale także może zachęcić do picia większej ilości wody🍋🌿
Badania naukowe potwierdzają, że regularne picie wody jest kluczowe dla utrzymania zdrowia. W badaniach przeprowadzonych przez American College of Sports Medicine zaleca się, aby w upalne dni spożywać dodatkowe 0,5 litra wody na każdą godzinę aktywności fizycznej. Ponadto, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine zaleca, aby mężczyźni spożywali około 3,7 litra, a kobiety około 2,7 litra płynów dziennie, wliczając w to wszystkie napoje i jedzenie zawierające wodę📊📚
Ważne jest, aby być świadomym objawów odwodnienia, aby móc szybko zareagować. Do najczęstszych objawów należą:
- Suchość w ustach i gardle
- Zmniejszona ilość oddawanego moczu i ciemniejszy jego kolor
- Zmęczenie i osłabienie
- Zawroty głowy i ból głowy
- Skurcze mięśni
Jeśli zauważysz te objawy, natychmiast zacznij pić wodę i, jeśli to konieczne, znajdź chłodne miejsce, aby się ochłodzić🌡️🆘
Noszenie butelki wody podczas upałów to nie tylko kwestia komfortu, ale przede wszystkim zdrowia. Regularne nawadnianie pomaga utrzymać organizm w dobrej kondycji, zapobiega odwodnieniu i poprawia ogólne samopoczucie. To mały, ale bardzo ważny nawyk, który warto wdrożyć na co dzień💧👍

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I quit my job last fall and I thought that'd make my mental health be better. It did for a while but now it's starting to affect me. I feel unproductive and kind of lonely, isolated. I feel as though I don't exist socially anymore. I wasn't happy working but I'm not happy now either... Advice?

I’m currently going through this right now as a college student who doesn’t and never had a job, always at home and in my room being isolated from everyone. You seem to show signs of depression which is something I’ve been dealing with for years. I’m also not productive since I can’t even force myself to start working on my assignments these days and I also neglect personal hygiene on a regular basis even tho deep down, I enjoy being clean and taking care of myself. Maybe you need to find a job that you’re more passionate about, contact old friends if you can, distract yourself with hobbies like sports, or reward yourself after accomplishing a certain task by buying yourself something (but not all the time if you’re worried about finances). Listening to the new music I discover, reading books that help me escape reality, talking to my family members, and having online friends help me cope with my situation in the meantime.

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What are some ideas of starting a online business what can I sell and how do I get sales ? Any ideas ?

With a bit of investigation you can find fishing gear, lures etc at wholesale prices from China and still sell them at lower retail prices than sports stores, most of it you don’t need to stock, it will be sent directly to the customers.
I guess the same is true for lots of stuff but fishing gear moves fast 💨😂

What's the best way or place two people could meet? 🤔 (for amazing friendship, for an interesting beginning of a love story) 😁

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Hmm I like activities and spots where you can both talk and be quiet!
Activities like that are: midget golf, bowling, watching a (sports) game.
It’s always advised to meet up with people at places that are crowded.
Whats the best way or place two people could meet  for amazing friendship for an

How traditional would you say you are?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Hmm it’s hard to tell because the original Dutch traditions and culture haven’t really been around since about 1900.
I hold on to the traditions we sort of have though:
celebrating Kings Day: the birthday of the king. On this day everybody can set up a spot and sell some of their junk. It’s like a huge flee market all over the country. There are also festivals and it’s normal to dress in orange. 🧡
Kids do ‘Kings Play’ which is basically a sports day at school. Where they do an estafette with different activities.
Memorial day: 2 minutes of silence on the 4th of May, to remember those who died in the second world war.
Day of Freedom: 5th of May: celebrating that The Netherlands wasn’t occupied by the Germans anymore.
Then we have a bunch of Christian celebrations as traditional, like Easter and Christmas. I do not really celebrate it since I’m not a Christian, but we sort of have our own twist.

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How traditional would you say you are

What do you think about the whole homeschooling vs public school debate?

Homeschooling sounds nice bc I'd get to spend more time with my kids & wouldn't have to worry anymore about school pew pews (bc stuff like that had happened close to where I live) but not only do I feel like I'm not capable of doing it anyway lol but I also have to work & can't be home to do that. Also wouldn't want to deprive my children of school sports, friends, school dances etc normal school experiences that they'd miss out on if they stayed home all the time.

I don't want to sound mean but why do men not have hobbies? or if they do, it's always either gaming, sports and in a more modern fashion crypto. I want to see more unconventional men, men who break stereotypes. Like, go crochet, go do nails, go do something different.

I know men who like to paint, play music, write, cook etc. Maybe you just don't know the right dudes

I see you like the Boss Mustang. Any favorite vintage fastback or is that it?

The 1954 Chevrolet Corvair "Fastback" show car (based on the 1954 Corvette) wasn't bad but when it comes to that style, the 1963 Chevrolet Corvette "Split Window" pictured below is probably my favorite. Styling was more aggressive and perhaps more typical of sports cars from that era. Man, I was born in the wrong timeline... 🤣
I see you like the Boss Mustang Any favorite vintage fastback or is that it

How do you cope up with pain ?🙂

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Expressing my thoughts and feelings through writing and engaging in sports has proven to be a beneficial outlet for me. Rather than bottling up emotions, I find release and relief by letting it all out. This practice liberates me from the weight of pain and helps me navigate through life with a clearer mind.

Is happiness expensive?

For me it is and it isn't. Things that make me happiest come from love and laughter. Which comes from who I surround myself by. Then there's the other side of my happiness that comes with a cost. Traveling, going to concerts, going to sporting events, collecting sports memorabilia, shopping for shoes I don't need, etc. Happiness is really what we make of it.
Liked by: Raakel ThatGuy

Which historical period do you find most interesting? Why? ⏳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
THE ROMAN EMPIRE, of course.
Mostly the era of the colosseum. The series about it not long ago on a history network described all the details of it. While barbaric, it was still fascinating to go deeper into the history of it. I didn’t know there were female gladiators and they had served food like current sports stadiums do.

Have you ever spilled liquid on something which shouldn't get wet? What did you do then? Was that thing okay afterwards? 💧💻

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I want you to join me for a truly tragic tale, Tobbe. It’s not recent - this all occurred when I was a fresh faced, limber limbed 18year old. I was training full time, I was running a lot. And I absolutely loathed those armbands you were meant to put your phone in when you ran.
This is before wireless headphones - they really weren’t a thing. So your choices were armband and two meters of anaconda-esque wire, or no music for a gruelling fifty minute treadmill sesh. Intervals, man. I hated intervals.
I, of course, thought I was a GENIUS and came up with a third option. Stick the phone in your sports bra, job is a good’un. Phones were meant to be semi-waterproof, what could possibly go wrong?
It drowned. It drowned in my own sweat. The most disgusting of deaths. And then! A month later, a new phone! I did the same fecking thing. Because it takes a good few sessions for the water damage to take effect. I did not put two and two together. I thought “how weird, my phone is bust” but at NO STAGE did I blame my own bust until it was all too late.
Nowadays phones are a lot more waterproof but we’ve also invented AirPods, praise Jesus.

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Im in college and already take 3 class. Total 16 unit. But i want to take karate class. Should i add karate class? Or 4 class per quarter are too much? Ps. It’s 3 months

I’m in college and am taking 4 classes right now but I would definitely make time for Karate if that was something I really wanted to do. You’re taking three so one less class that you don’t have to worry about compared to me. There’s always time for extracurricular activities unless you’re taking like 6 classes and spend the vast majority of your day studying/keeping up with your school work but even then, I think a person could make time for sports. I’d say do it and drop it if your schedule becomes really hard to follow after doing Karate.

Did you do any sports or activities as a child?

I did various martial arts, rounders (kind of like the English version of baseball), tennis, and a few different kinds of dance classes before realising I wasn't much of a dancer 😂 Also did a few different musical instrument lessons, but again not for long as I didn't have much talent.

If you are blessed with children one day what sports would you get them involved with? Badminton seems to be a family tradition of yours? I would sign mine up for swimming lessons asap and let them choose anything else they wanted to be involved with

Hahaha, it is! I think I'd get them into racket sports and sailing, because I love them, and then as a family there'd be a lot of hiking and skiing. I was like you - I had swimming lessons young (Mum was fairly convinced that I'd drown otherwise, and that was fair) so that would be another one. I used to love running track and cross country as a kid as well, and my partner runs ultra marathons, so I think we'd encourage them into that line of things.
I don't know, honestly. I know a couple of mums who are super athletics and their kids could not be less interested in sport, haha! And if that was the case then I'd try and encourage whatever else they had an interest in (whilst desperately hoping it'll be something sporty) (ya girl hasn't got the braincells for quantum physics or whatever)
Liked by: igotamatch LYNDSEY Doug

Language: English