

Do you believe in the supernatural? Heaven, angels, ghosts? Luck, fate, magic? Mind reading, lizard people, the Illuminati?

Yes. Not heaven as depicted in religion. Angels no. Ghosts for me are inter-dimensional beings. Luck in the sense of energies and such yes. Fate, half and half. Magic no. Mind reading yes. Lizard people no. The illuminati yes. 👁️

Latest answers from Patchy_life

Does anyone get visions before going to sleep and finding out years later it becomes true

Indeed. Try tap into it more by meditating

Do you want to be rich?

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It would be cool. But I want to be rich to serve humanity. Don’t get me wrong I will treat myself too. But mostly it’s for humanity to move forward. So yes.

Do you think you can be friends with someone who has different views and opinions from you?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I can. But I mostly find others are not capable.

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