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Ponder with me—I understand that some people don’t want children, but why do some go to great lengths to make sure everyone knows they ha.te children?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Hmmm if someone does not want children, it is his/her choice. Maybe they are afraid of this responsibility or they feel uncertain about their own future, or they believe that they dont meet that long-life love or just want to have smooth life without taking care of someone. And they are speaking about it because they dont want to attract someone who wants kids and then to disappoint this person. I know 2 couples who decided not to have kids. The first couple decided to spend their life by work and traveling a world and the second couple decided to give their love to dogs (now they have 3 :)). Maybe if they became parents, they could be the best parents in the world, but they will never know ...... :)))

Do you think female social media accounts get more attention than male ones? Do you think there’s a difference in the way/why people follow them?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Yes, I think female social media accounts get more attention than male ones and I think a big reason why that is is because females tend to post more travel pictures or post more frequently in general. If a female posts very revealing content on social media, guys are more likely to follow them if they’re into that kind of content whereas when guys post shirtless pictures, they don’t always get the same recognition as females do. In my opinion, guys are more likely to follow females they find quite interesting but women tend to be more selective about which guys they’d like to follow on social media. For guys, people who know them and see them as a friend tend to follow them but as for girls, people who don’t know them well enough may still be drawn to their energy on social media and will be more likely to follow them. As a woman, I don’t post bikini pictures or myself when I’m traveling so guys are less likely to follow my account and those that I’m close friends with are more likely to keep following me.

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Would you talk to someone for the sake of talking to them/passing time even if it isn’t going anywhere (friendship/relationship wise)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Yes, on planes and busses!
One wicked nice lady and her daughter moved over so i could grab the last seat 💺on the plane! They shared coloring with me and bought me Chick Fil A. I will never forget their kindness. I probably will never see them again.
I have also helped a mother traveling by herself with a 👶 by sharing my pink teddy bear.
Would you talk to someone for the sake of talking to thempassing time even if it

kalian kalau lagi capek sama hidup biasanya ngapain?

Nidakf’s Profile Photonid✿
Menurutku penting banget untuk mengenali diri sendiri, minimal tau tujuan hidup. Capek hal wajar kok, tapi ketika masa itu tiba, kita harus punya back up plan atau to do buat mengalihkan rasa capek itu.
Back up plan atau to do nya itu apa?
Sesuatu yang kita lakuin buat kita lupa waktu. Contohnya: traveling, main game, shopping, etc.

//**To Be Alive** by Gregory Orr// To be alive: not just the carcass- But the spark.- That's crudely put, but…- If we're not supposed to dance,- Why all this music?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoZalaam
It would be pefect to try in life everything what you like 🤩👍, but sometimes your fear does not allow it, sometimes your responsibility towards others, sometimes lack of money. 😅 Therefore it is enough for me just to look at people who can afford to live fully for their hobbies......btw most of them have not their own family (i.e. life partner and kids). Here is the collage made of pictures I received from my colleague (single man 50 y.o.) living for traveling - and being alone... He saw many nice places in his life but he has not "own" people to share this beauty, just strange people like me...🤷‍♀️.
To Be Alive by Gregory Orr

To be alive not just the carcass 

But the

If you could brew a potion that would aid you in any sort of way, what kind would it be? 🥣🍶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’d want a potion that would temporarily take away all of my dietary restrictions so I could eat whatever I wanted on certain occasions (holidays, my birthday, other people’s birthdays, parties, while traveling, etc). And I know, it probably sounds like I’d be enticed to make this potion every day so I never had restrictions, but I think the joy of having that potion is that it would be a treat! 😋
Like, maybe it’s not so easy to brew or it takes a long time, so I only use it when I really feel like it’d be most rewarding. 😄 Like, if I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about going abroad and having to consider what foods I can/cannot eat, I’d just bring that potion so I could eat all of the local cuisine without a problem. Or if I’m going to a party, I don’t have to be nervous that whoever is hosting it won’t have anything I can safely eat while there! I can just enjoy the party as intended. That’d be absolutely wonderful! 😁

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If you could brew a potion that would aid you in any sort of way what kind would
Liked by: ΣΩ Tobbe

Do rollercoasters and other scary rides terrify you?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Oh, Huda, I am fond of all kinds of carnival rides whether it is traveling 30 mph down the Flagstaff slopes or being strapped to a drop tower released at 60 mph; adrenaline junkies are always seeking that euphoric feeling that goes along with a sense of danger but I like the spin ones best. As a kid; I always liked to get all-day tickets and stay on the ones that spin round and round for several rides. And for me, rollercoasters are nice when I get tired of the spinny ones. — but my favorite part is gliding along waaaaaaay up high and looking at all the stores, houses, and roads below. It is beautiful. 🌻✨️

People go on holiday once a year and make it the highlight of their lives. Meanwhile, to me, traveling is the most basic, normal thing

Travelling is definitely a luxury for most, but it would be amazing for it to be considered such a normal and ordinary thing :)

People go on holiday once a year and make it the highlight of their lives. Meanwhile, to me, traveling is the most basic, normal thing

Omg I LOVE that for you!! And how do you balance out your carbon footprint on the other side? ☺️☺️☺️
Because I, as an ex international athlete who has almost certainly been to more continents than you, felt so guilty that I planted an entire sodding orchard with my winnings.
You’re not better than anyone. Sit the fuck down unless you’re actively trying to make the world a better place.

Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative effect on how realistic our expectations are in life? For example, how we view travel, success, relationships, and physical appearance?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
For me, it’s definitely both. I love seeing animal content on my Instagram feed and seeing people happy makes me happy too but at the same time, I have a tendency to think that people are living their best lives based off of how optimistic they come across as on social media. I’m only seeing the positives without the negatives and it makes me think that life is beautiful for everyone except for me but my mom is more grounded and reminds me that life isn’t always picture perfect and social media can be deceiving. I don’t care about physical appearance much these days so following those who look “better” than me physically doesn’t affect me much but, when it comes to traveling, I do get jealous seeing others travel while I stay home and sit in my room. It’s both inspiring but also unrealistic and, at times, depressing to be on social media for too long.

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Czy leciałeś kiedyś samolotem? Jak wrażenia?

zajacmarta1306’s Profile PhotoBlackAngle
PL: Owszem, leciałam.
Na początku śmiesznie uszy zatyka, jak się wzbijasz w powietrze, a potem dosłownie jak podróż autokarem, tyle że takim, w którym dodatkowo jest powietrze i się nie dusisz.
ENG: Yes, I was on a plane.
At first it's funny when it plugs your ears when you fly up into the air, and then it's literally like traveling in a bus, but with air in it so you don't feel sick.

If you ever had the opportunity, would you live in space? 🌌

I have yet to explore more of what this world has to offer so I’d rather go traveling instead and after having tried almost everything, then perhaps I’ll consider that for a change and that is, if I’m tired of living on planet earth and am looking for an out of this world experience.

How easily scared are you? 😨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I see spider or wasp or snake - very easy! 🕷️🐝🐍
When I walk alone on the dark street - very easy! 🌚
When I hear about health issues of my dear people - very easy! 😱
When my daughter is traveling abroad alone - very easy! ✈️
When in the forest I hear sounds like wild pig or bear is walking - very easy! 🐗🐻 ...... 😅🤷‍♀️

Hey big bro it’s been a while! How’ve u and the fam been lately? I’ve missed yall so much and Jared too ohh I miss talkin to all yall

Cali0143’s Profile PhotoMami Kasey
Kasey! Hey, yeah it's been a long time. We're doing good! JJ turned 11 last month. Jared and his fam are good too. They've been traveling a lot. How are you doing?

What is one of your best memories of childhood? Worst?

HappyBoss_’s Profile PhotoAnon+
I’ve blocked out a lot of childhood bad memories. I can’t remember many good ones either except when traveling. I don’t know if 16 is too old, but I had a special connection with my art teacher. He introduced me to painting and my world was opened up to color in art. Something he did that meant a lot to me was frame my art pieces. He built the frame himself. It was my first painting ever so even though it had many flaws and I’ve thought about painting over it, I can’t because the frame reminds me of how sentimental the piece is.
What is one of your best memories of childhood Worst

What reminds you of home? 🏡

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Since I have so many pictures from my travels hanging on my walls and keychains I've collected from the various locations I've been to... Weirdly enough, traveling or just thinking of my previous travels reminds me of home. I guess I'm always thinking about whatever picture or trinket I can add 🖼️
Then there are certain things that remind me of the area I've lived in my entire life, such as rapeseed fields, windmills and buildings covered in ivy 🌻
What reminds you of home

What is the best memory you have of a vacation trip? What made it special?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Ooh, now that's a tough one! I'm fortunate to have traveled a fair amount during the thirty years I've been alive so far, and I have made some pretty fantastic memories during my trips...
The first that comes to mind though, was from my recent-ish trip to Japan. On the second-to-last night of our trip, my two friends and I decided to go and do karaoke. Bear in mind, by this point in the trip we were exhausted, having spent the past few days traveling from Tokyo to Kyoto and back again.
We planned to stay out until about 2 AM, maybe 3 AM at a push. We'd made plans to visit TeamLab Planets the next day so we wanted to get at least some sleep... Yeah, that didn't end up happening. The wine started flowing, the tunes started playing, and we just got so caught up in the fun of it all that we ended up staying out 'til just before six!
Did we regret it the next morning when our alarm woke us up at nine and we had to face the day ahead running on less than three hours of sleep? Mmm, yeah, maybe a little bit! 🤣 Despite the lack of sleep, it was still a fantastic night, full of so much laughter. But the moment that sticks out most in my memory is of the walk back to my friend's apartment...
It was so quiet, the sun was just starting to come up, and as I strolled down the streets of Tokyo with two of my oldest and closest friends by my side, I remember this feeling of immense gratitude washing over me. How lucky I was, to be spending time in such an exciting city, making memories with such amazing people. 💕

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What’s the toughest conversation you’ve ever had to have?

bint_d’s Profile PhotoHauntedHouse
It was the first of Ramzan on August 2, 2011. I was around 13, I guess, and I was traveling with my mamoun. He fell asleep in the bus, and a part of his head was outside. While trying to overtake our bus, another bus from behind hit the side of his head and crushed his skull. I didn't know what had happened; all of it happened in the blink of an eye, and before I knew it, there was blood everywhere. For the first time, I had seen a gore sight of death. And no one was around to tell me it was okay or that it'd be fine. People gathered around and told me to call someone, and even though I had a good memory, I could only remember the number of my father. I called him, but surprisingly, my mother picked up. I managed to tell her what had transpired, and I could feel her pain through the speaker of the phone. I had just told a sister that her youngest brother, someone she had raised like her own sons, had passed away, and his body was lying next to me.

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School is out for the summer. Are you parents excited?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
My mom is looking forward to going on a vacation whereas my dad doesn’t have any plans to go anywhere at the moment. Us traveling as a family depends on whether or not my dad wants to go anywhere and he’s usually content with staying home. I’m happy that I get to take a break from classes and that my grandparents might come to visit us but that will be towards August if they do. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go to Turkey again like I did last year but it’s fine if I don’t go as long as I keep myself busy in the meantime.

What’s your goal in life or maybe in this year?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
My goal in life is to find my purpose, to be happy and live my life to the fullest, enjoying the all the moments a long the way, and to travel often.
I’m happiest when I can share these adventures with family and friends.
Finish my education and settle into a career.
Hopefully find someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with and share my passion of traveling and raise a family.
My aim is to be happy & thankful with no regrets ✨✨✨

When was the last time you traveled ? Where did you go ? 🏝️ 🗺️🏙️ And did you have fun ?

The last big trip I went on was in October, I went to Japan! I was traveling with one of my close friends and we wound up meeting with another friend who lives out there.
It was one of the most fun trips I've ever had, but it was also rather tiring! We didn't have a great deal of time on our hands (we were only out there for a little over a week) so we did our best to squeeze as much as possible during that short span of time and, well, I think by the end of it we realized we'd pushed ourselves a lil too far... The post-trip exhaustion once I got home was B R U T A L.
I have zero regrets though. It was still a fantastic trip. I got to see so many cool things and made memories that will last a life time. I'm never going to forget seeing the view from tokyo skytree for the first time, or feeding the deer at Nara, or walking back to my friend's apartment at 5:30 AM after spending the whole night at karaoke... And those were just a handful of amazing moments we got to share.
I hope to go back, someday.
(Picture: myself, October '23, at Ueno Park.
And yeah, I had red hair back then~)

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When was the last time you traveled   Where did you go    And did you have fun

Do you prefer traveling solo or with some people

Makasimu’s Profile PhotoСум
I've never traveled alone, unless you count taking myself out for little day trips. I do quite enjoy hopping on a train or a bus and just spending a day exploring by myself. If I'm gonna be staying overnight somewhere though, then I prefer to travel with other people. Partly for safety reasons, but mostly for the company! Some of the best memories I've ever made have been from trips I've taken with other people.
(Image: a picture I took when I went to Nara, Japan, last October with two of my oldest friends)
Do you prefer traveling solo or with some people

Do you think it's wrong to get help from your family as an adult? I make $25 an hour and my rent is $3k because it's a nice apartment in an affluent area. I can't really afford to pay rent, utilities, eat and also buy clothes, travel, go to concerts. I'm not willing to STOP living.

Sometimes we have to make the choice to limit our spendings, save money and/or work harder in order to live the life we really want to live. If you have a good relationship with your family members, don’t be afraid to reach out to them unless you worry that you’ll have to pay them back or that they’ll have certain expectations from you if you do choose to ask them for financial help. It’s ok to “stop living” temporarily in order to start living without worrying about not being able to afford traveling, attending concerts, or buying clothes. I’m saying all of this as a person who still relies on their family financially 😁

Has the time passed and it's too late or was it already etched in your fate?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoZalaam
My fate is not so important already, 80% done! 😅 But my son needs to work at least 13 years to have the right to get a pension once 😁. Today I went with him to station to wave him when he was traveling to new job place 💟👍, I hope this work is in his fate! 🚂🚃🚃🚃
Has the time passed and its too late or was it already etched in your fate

Why would someone suddenly not want to talk to you &/or associate themselves with you when you can’t recall doing anything bad to them that might’ve pushed them away? Someone I considered a friend didn’t accept nor reject my follow request on her Instagram spam page & she didn’t reply to my message.

Is that me cause if so I'm sorry I don't get on the other insta unless I'm creepin. And I ain't try to push anyone away I just had a busy week traveling and dealing with family

Do you have any posters / pictures / paintings set up on your walls? Feel free to showcase them if you want to 🖼️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I presume you mean my bedroom? I don’t have any posters/pictures/paintings as such, but I do have on one wall a large display of Polaroid pics on a clip string of fairy lights. And because I love traveling, so much on the other wall I have a (sticker) map of the world 🌎 similar to the pics below 👇🏻
Do you have any posters  pictures  paintings set up on your walls Feel free to

If you were very wealthy, what changes would you make in your life? 💰 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
If I suddenly found myself swimming in wealth, I think there would definitely be some changes, but I'd like to think I'd try to keep things grounded.
First off, I'd probably sort out any financial stress I or my family might have, like paying off debts and ensuring everyone's future is secure.
Then, I'd definitely indulge in some of life's luxuries, like traveling more frequently and maybe even splurging on a nice house or apartment.
But beyond that, I think I'd also want to use my wealth to make a positive impact, whether that's through charitable donations, supporting causes I care about, or even starting my own philanthropic initiatives.
At the end of the day, while having money can open up a lot of opportunities, I believe it's important to stay grounded and remember that true fulfillment often comes from meaningful connections, experiences, and making a difference in the world.

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If you were very wealthy what changes would you make in your life

Is happiness expensive?

For me it is and it isn't. Things that make me happiest come from love and laughter. Which comes from who I surround myself by. Then there's the other side of my happiness that comes with a cost. Traveling, going to concerts, going to sporting events, collecting sports memorabilia, shopping for shoes I don't need, etc. Happiness is really what we make of it.
Liked by: Raakel ThatGuy

One thing you really wanna do before you die?

ananya234’s Profile PhotoAnanya
One thing I really want to do before I die is to travel to different countries and experience their cultures firsthand. I want to immerse myself in the local traditions, try new foods, and meet people from diverse backgrounds. Traveling has always been a dream of mine, and I hope to make it a reality one day.

Albert Pine said, “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.”

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoZalaam
I have a theory in my mind. Our actions stimulate waves/energies. So, if we do well, positive waves are generated. If we do bad, bad waves are generated in the cosmos. These waves keep on traveling in the cosmos unless they return to their starting point. For example, if I do good, I have generated a good wave. The wave keeps on traveling and one day reaches me in the form of goodness. Once I receive the goodness, that's the end of the wave. Similarly, that goes for the person who does bad.
In this universe, many people do good deeds and bad deeds. Some people die before their action waves reach them. Those waves keep traveling and traveling. Then I believe there will be a final day when all waves reach their ending points.

When traveling, would you rather fly on an airplane alone or road trip with friends?

When it comes to the actual journey, I'd much rather go on a roadtrip with friends! I generally don't like traveling alone, the one time I've flown alone I knew I had friends waiting for me when I arrived. If that was the case, I wouldn't mind traveling by myself again. It was one of my most memorable trips, meeting up with them made those hours by myself at the airport worth it 😊💙
When traveling would you rather fly on an airplane alone or road trip with

Language: English