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Между нами разная грусть
Когда ты был для поцелуев
И остался пуст
И то, когда ты был несущий объятья
И от них
Лишь хруст/
Radiohead - Climbing Up the Walls
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Do you believe it is appropriate to visit a strip club or have a stripper show up at a hen or stag party, or is it offensive to the other partner?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden (MT)
It's only offensive if one party is uncomfortable, and the other goes along with it anyway. Blatantly disregarding your future spouse's feelings is a pretty lousy way to start off a marriage, if you ask me. If both parties are okay with it though, then I don't think there is a problem.
Personally, it's not the sort of thing I'd want at my hen party. Not because I believe it would be offensive to my partner, but because I can't think of anything LESS appealing than having a stranger's bits waggling about in my face. Like dude, I do not know you, I do not need to see what ya mama gave ya. PUT IT AWAAAAAY. 😂
Fortunately the three friends I've chosen as my bridesmaids are very much the same way inclined, so there is no danger if them surprising me with a stripper at my hen. If they did, I'd be climbing out the nearest window and catching the first train back home! 🙃

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What's the best thing ever after a hard/long, eventful day for you? 🥹

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Climbing into bed, getting under my weighted blanket, and just putting on something to distract myself. Whether that’s a show, a movie, some music, or watching a video game play through. Those are my favorite things! Sometimes, depending on the how hard of a day it was, I can also lose myself in a book, but a lot of times, it’s hard to focus if your mind is racing. 😵‍💫
Today, I’ve been doing basically all of the above, plus now answering questions to distract myself. It’s been one h*ll of a day, eventful, hard, emotional, you name it. Total rollercoaster. That’s all I’ll say about it. But yeah… I need all the distraction I can possibly have at this point. 😅😮‍💨
Whats the best thing ever after a hardlong eventful day for you

When was the last time you got chased by dog(s)? How did it go in the end?

SundayMondayOfficial’s Profile PhotoUNKNOWN PERSON
I actually have a funny story about this. My friends and I were having our morning tea after a very hectic duty when out of nowhere, these three wild, rabid dogs came running out of nowhere, straight towards where we were seated.
In a panicked state, we did all we could manage to do without attracting any unnecessary attention because the place was d3ad serious in itself, no pun intended.
This included climbing on the chair, keeping our legs on the table (I know, bad manners), but thankfully, those dogs ran away because a security guard saw our helplessness and shooed them away. Scary situation it was indeed. But now it makes me laugh at all our futile attempts. 😵‍💫🥴

Поделитесь своими впечатлениями от путешествий, расскажите о том, что разочаровало вас больше всего, а что наоборот приятно удивило✈️

Vierral’s Profile PhotoAlina Vierra
It's so long , if ever , that I've been impressed . . . . in such a way .
When expectations have long died, disappointment lies extinct , and fossilised in decomposed hope .
Pleasant surprise , . I can feel in my recall . . . . 'numb wonder' ~ can anyone imagine such a condition ?
The second-last time I flew , home from Greece . The craft gave a horrific , prolonged creak-snapping groan ran through the cabin/ fuselage on each manoeuvre ~ climbing, levelling out ~ pilot seemed to be throwing it into each change .
It was forgotten on the longish flight to Glasgow (lived near Aberdeen at the time)
Drank lots of small bottles of sparkling wine , using up lots of Drachma (yes it was before Euro-isation, May 1987 to be precise ~ my oldest had celebrated his first birthday in Tolo )
The sun rose brilliantly, high above the cloud level . . . . when we dived recklessly down through the cloud toward Glasgow , again that dreadful cracking noise shot along the structure, we dived into hell , after the brilliant sunshine in was black as night in the Glasgow rain . . . . . the next day that plane fell out of the sky , killing all .
Next time I flew , it was a tiny Cessna , xmas eve , '95 ~ first access to my 3 , then aged 6, 7, 9 . . . after their ma had bailed out . 9-yr-old piloted quite a time (he who was one yr-old in Greece . [After 5 month passive battle for access]
I soon got full custody ; after countless rescues from their ma being arrested for drunken insanity & assaults . . . .
many happy landings , bumpy flights
I'm easy to please , never surprised
*a day at the races, 15 yrs ago*

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Поделитесь своими впечатлениями от путешествий расскажите о том что разочаровало

> what do u like about me now? - Your big ideas AND big sunglasses. Oh, and that short skirt + fishnets. 🤣 > oh, i do want to go climbing… - Climb on board! We're blasting off soon... Hurry up before Sage sneaks in again! :::closes hatch quickly, locks it::: 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Sage is still on Mars eating breadsticks. It will be fine. But I’ll hop on quickly just in case. 😛🤣💗

> having the wrong dreams - I thought I knew you better than that... 🤣🤣🤣 💗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2PGyapqy8Y

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Ooh, good cover. One of my favorite songs.
But I did want to ask you about another one of my dreams. I was climbing up the ladder of a bunk bed that was supposed to belong to a certain person. I don’t think I expected to find them there at the time but what I did find was a “bad” alien that suddenly popped up in front of me up there. Really big ugly “grey” alien. It wouldn’t let me see it’s face and it was doing something to my head with it’s hands. I was going in and out of waking irl and the alien was trying to keep me asleep but I got out of it. One of those that felt very real. Like it was more than just a dream. Any thoughts?

(( :0 ei ei )) ⚡ O-Oh right but, you don't feel a bit lonely? I mean, with all of the space and no monster to talking to ⚡ _climbing a little his head berry showed a worried look for a sec_ ⚡ I know Reaper is around and all, oh wait, what about your human? Is here with you too? ⚡ _asks curious_

BerrySans’s Profile Photo⚡》Underswap!Sans [Berry]《⚡
No. . . The Frisk I was with is in the alpha timeline, and I've never actually met the Frisk from Reapertale.
*Speaking of @GrimReapings he's currently hugging Geno and giving Berry jealous looks*
Believe me I have all the company I need with this one
*He playfully jabs Reaper's ribs*

Have you ever witnessed or felt the intimicy of eye contact?

khizarmkn’s Profile PhotoK@_@N
Yes. It was just about yesterday. I was sitting with a friend on a bench infront of stairs.
A close friend of mine (boy, with his classfellows), was climbing down from the stairs infront of where I was sitting.
It was just the moment of few seconds that we were unintentionally looking in "each and other's eyes" and he was smiling.
He climbed down the stairs and greeted us (me and my friend ) and again looked in my eyes and that one more "eye contact" of just few seconds had so much intimacy. His eyes spoke a lot. ❤️

Do you like to go up the ladder🏃or are you more comfortable🧘🌱 with where you are in life and/or within your career? 🤪 What got you to where you are now? ☺️

Honestly? I’d just like to get on the ladder… Like, don’t even worry about climbing up right now, just get on it. 😂 Like, I haven’t really had much work experience, especially not in my field of choice, so I’m just really wanting to start somewhere. You know? 😅
My career is honestly one area of my life I’m super insecure about/unsure of. It took a lot of work just to get to Cosmetology school, and to finish was amazing and so unbelievably fulfilling. But beyond that, I really haven’t gotten a whole lot more experience due to my health and that sucks. ☹️
Now, would I want to climb the ladder down the road? It’s hard to say right this moment, but eh, I won’t say that’s something I wouldn’t want later when I get more experience. Like, I don’t know if I’d ever wanna own a salon or anything, or even be a manager. Anything that takes me out of actually doing hair doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. 🤔

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Do you like to go up the ladderor are you more comfortable with where you are in

What essential personal characteristics contribute to a good life, specially between the ages of 20 and 35? how much self-love and self-centeredness are necessary for a fulfilling life during this stage?

What is a good life in the first place?
Despite any definition, climbing up to overcome misery is simply the most important realistic move to achieve any state of mind capable of enjoying and contemplating the idea of a “good” life.
However, Consciousness, discipline and hunger to climb the social hierarchy are almost always necessary between 16-35.
We are always self-centered, this is just our natural conscious state. It’s about the ability to switch your consciousness when needed and direct it towards other’s state of mind (empathy; compassion, anticipation, anger, happiness, and being part of a collective)

Do you like to go up the ladder🏃or are you more comfortable🧘🌱 with where you are in life and/or within your career? 🤪 What got you to where you are now? ☺️

Honestly like most people, I got sick and tired of working my a$$ off climbing "The ladder" only to have a newer employee pass me up on promotions, Just because I'm deaf... So I gave up my whole career and start my own Search & Rescue company. Now my old job calls me to finish something they can't handle. Karma is a b*tch... and I have her on a leash 😝
Liked by: shahpotato Smile

Do you like to go up the ladder🏃or are you more comfortable🧘🌱 with where you are in life and/or within your career? 🤪 What got you to where you are now? ☺️

I'm still studying! So I've got a lot of climbing left to do in my life Haha I have gotten some work experience but except for an internship that went so-so cause of me getting covid, not too much in my current field! So once I graduate I'll most likely not have too many opportunities to pick and choose what job I get 😅 But hopefully that will improve with time!
Do you like to go up the ladderor are you more comfortable with where you are in

Any thoughts about the whole submarine situation?

It the same, albeit opposite ends of the atmospheric spectrum, as people climbing Mt Everest. There is absolutely no point to either undertaking really. I like skydiving, people take the risk they can afford for the adrenaline rush and the risk of not coming back 🤷🏻‍♂️

What do you like to do in the city and what do you like to do in the country?

I absolutely hate the city. The only nice thing about living in a "city" is the food options. Living close to shopping areas are dangerous for me because I have expensive taste whether that be decor or clothing.... 😬
I find the beaches very relaxing, too.
I grew up on a farm, so I love the freedom. I love the responsibility of caring for animals and keeping busy with chores or whatever needs to be done. I love being able to hop on my horses whenever I felt like it and ride for hours. I loved mudding and spending hours outside climbing trees. I miss swinging off the hay trolley and jumping into a pile of hay.

Post something beautiful

khak_saar’s Profile Photoخاکسار
So here is something I wrote again either would be beautiful or other way round:
Dehydrated veins and all they contain are your memory stains running like rodents around the brain.
Struggling with remaining pure and letting go of all the agony that was gained from a sprained heart in pain.
Broken dreams flared up the flame with the hurricane in the soul's pain-soaked head, which was genuinely insane and was just to abstain.
All the complain was to ascertain the fact which briefly explained that this soul inhaled vervain and unchained all the pain to retain the effort resultant from the bargain against climbing this mundane mountain.
To not distain all the journey in vain!!!

What's your thrill-seeking hobby?

I fly an airplane. It really isn't a thrill-seeking activity, as most pilots take every possible step to reduce or eliminate risk. Still, there's a nice adrenalin boost when you get down 20' over the runway, struggling with a gusty crosswind....
Well, let's see. I like to ride motorcycles, explore dangerous places, take pictures of dangerous animals, sail in my 8' homemade boat, hang gliding, paragliding, go camping, (this is a wolf in one of the campgrounds I've stayed in. We've also had bear in the campgrounds, but I didn't get a picture), SCUBA dive, go caving, canoeing, and, um, other things. Before I moved last year I flew planes. I got my solo but not my license because I moved before I had enough classes to test. Now all of my time is occupied by school so I can't do lessons for a few years. Flying at night is soooo fun!
The first time I did night flight we practiced landings. Each time we went through we would do a different simulated failure (no landing lights, no flaps, blah blah.) Since I was at a tiny airstrip in Ohio we has pilot operated runway lights, which means that to turn on the lights on the edges of the runway you tap the talk button on your radio 5 times really fast. The lights go off after like 20 minutes or something, and it was a 1 hour lesson. Normally they would go off while we were in the pattern so it didn't matter.
On the last landing we were doing no flaps, no engine (power all the way down), no electric. So inside the plane is completely dark, and the big headlight-ish thing is out. When you don't have flaps you can do what's called a slip, which means that you basically use the entire side of the plane to slow down by going in crooked and then straightening out near the runway.
So, I'm going down, and I'm turning out of the slip. The last bit where I'm going straight is probably like 30 feet off the ground. Right before you hit you're supposed to flare, which means that you pull back and make the back wheels hit first. (It can cause damage to the plane if you don't.) So I'm going, and I'm getting really close to where I need to flare, and the runway timer runs out. Now everything is pitch black and I have no idea where the ground is. Luckily my first reaction was to turn the lights back on, and I actually made a pretty good landing.
Ice climbing! I'm at the experience level where I've just started doing leads, which can be pretty thrilling before the climb.
Open track days, there's nothing quite like legally pushing your car to it's limits (and sometimes beyond).
Bike riding through Ethiopia with a pound of bologna tied to my neck.

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-whats your pov on Pakistan's politics 🌚

dokhtarafghan123’s Profile Photo-the other woman
Fuck this shit show. Get the fuck out if you can. You don't owe anything to a land controlled by crooks. If you're the type that likes this shit then enjoy you have some chances to thrive here. Get rich outside this country and use this place as a means to an end. You only owe a better life to your loved ones not to every tom,dick, and Harry saying get out for azaadi or controlling your emotions to help gain their own power.
Secure a safer life for yourself and your loved ones first, then think about climbing Maslow's hierarchy of needs and fighting for ideals you're not even sure are future proofed yet. Political winds change, popular opinion is a bitch ass chameleon. Your hakook al ibad will first be questioned for your loved one's. Not for who you voted for and supported politically.

Would you rather live in the country or the city, and why?

in the city. I can't really explain it. I just love that there's always something going on in a big city. I love the ambiance. and I love watching city skylines at night. my ex boyfriend used to live in downtown Toronto and his apartment had such a beautiful view at night.
Moved from city to country 2 years ago and I'll never go back. No traffic, less ppl so stores are never busy. Stars and wildlife instead of noise and pollution
I grew up in the countryside; most of my childhood memories revolve around climbing up trees, getting lost in the mountain side, stealing my dad's car to speed down dirt roads and having no swimming skills whatsoever. I'm in my mid twenties now; I have been living in my country's capital for half a decade; I adapted to the city life quite easily. I am however faced with deciding whether to settle in this city or move back to the countryside. The city offers every needed service, proximity to the sea and a variety of personalities to explore and befriend. But knowing and remembering the countryside (despite its lack of commodities), it offers a level of serenity I could not find elsewhere anywhere else. But, on a day-to-day basis, more of my practical needs are satisfied in an urban environment. I have more greater variety of employers, food sources, and housing choices. I have more reliable utilities and communication. I have a shorter commute to work, school, errands, family, friends, library, post office, museums, entertainment venues, etc. I have better and faster access to emergency services (police, fire, hospitals). Literally everything I need is available, closer and easier, in an urban area. Overtime, if and when you have kids, when you age and need more medical attention and services, there is more available in an urban area.
I've since settled in the suburbs after meetingy wife. Im not sure your familiarity with suburbs but they are essentially town surrounding city with easy public transport access to the city yet just a short drive to the country side. I love being so close to both, and because of that I wouldn't change where I live, but I frankly hate the actual suburbs. Every house in every neighborhood looks the same, and the roads are packed like city roads but the scenery is nothing but Walmarts and Pep Boys. That last paragraph was probably more American centric, but if you have the option to rent and it is easier to do in the city, I would recommend renting and living the city life for a few years. At some point you will either decide to stick with it or settle in the country.
Country for sure. But somewhere near a large city for swifter access to hospitals and similar in case of an emergency. After having lived in both environments I've found I hate traffic, I'm not fond of having too many neighbors, and I like having acreage to grow a large garden and work on my other outdoor projects.

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ᴅᴀᴍᴏɴ— https://ask.fm/the_salvatorebrothers/answers/170774468159

the_salvatorebrothers’s Profile Photosᴀʟᴠᴀᴛᴏʀᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀs
Katherine’s gaze sharpened, her playful smirk turned into a scoff at Damon’s provocative answer. She wasn’t exactly sure whether it was an innocent taste of her own teasing or a rather clever attempt to see her reaction to the thought of Stefan and Elena together, which wouldn’t be surprising considering the recent turn of events and her confession. In fact, Katherine would be lying if she said she knew the underlying reason of her instant annoyance at the mention; perhaps the younger Salvatore, although not the chosen one, still tugged on the strings of her undead heart or maybe it was just the undeniable distaste of anything Elena, only strengthened by what her human copy had interrupted between her and Damon not too long ago. Regardless, Katerina chose to let the subject die down and not give it much thought. She turned her face away from Damon, pouting playfully at the nerve he must have had to compare Katherine Pierce to Elena even if that wasn’t what’s intended, she simply chose to focus on that for now. “ouch.”
The brunette’s thoughts returned to the mission ahead, the lack of plan keeping her on edge as her mind desperately began weaving through some thoughts. Damon’s voice interrupted the shortly lived silence once they reached the car. Katherine shook her head in disagreement before, opening the door and climbing in, waiting for Damon to follow before she spoke. “we’d be stupid to not expect Klaus to follow or even Stefan to go back. Klaus won Stefan in a deal, Damon. Your life in return for Stefan’s loyalty.” Katherine shared, eyes starring ahead as she continued thinking out loud. “the only way to get Stefan back is therefore, a deal. Get Klaus something he wants more than Stefan.” She stopped, her attention back on Damon, beckoning him to think along. Slowly, a devilish smirk began stretching her lips once the thought crossed her mind. “Klaus doesn’t know that Elena survived the sacrifice.” She started, eyes curiously scanning Damon’s feature for a reaction as she became certain he knew where she’s headed with that thought. “I’m sure sweet, selfless E-lena wouldn’t mind handing herself over to free Stefan.” Her suggestion was clear so was the distaste Katherine added to the pronunciation of her doppelganger’s name. Aware of the many holes her ‘solution’ had, she was rather curious for Damon’s reaction above all else, not to mention, just how fun it’d be to strike Elena out of their life once and for all. Katherine remained silent for a few long seconds as if to let the thought sink in before she spoke again. “or.. we can give him something even better, something he’d chased for 500 years.” She paused. “Me.” She exclaimed, surely she didn’t mean it, she mainly just wanted a reaction out of him but as soon as the words left her lips, the idea grew to become smarter;giving Klaus the illusion of that wasn’t at all a bad idea, if executed correctly,it could work despite the immeasurable danger for all those involved, especially the bait.

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ᴅᴀᴍᴏɴ httpsaskfmthesalvatorebrothersanswers170774468159

ᴅᴀᴍᴏɴ— https://ask.fm/the_salvatorebrothers/answers/170699331903

the_salvatorebrothers’s Profile Photosᴀʟᴠᴀᴛᴏʀᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀs
Katherine's hands quickly came to top his on her hips, depending on him for support as she expertly rode just a little faster at the moan the escaped his lips, she hadn't realized she had missed Damon calling her name out with so much lust and it only drove her wilder.
She moaned softly into the kiss at the feeling of his hands on her cheeks; the gesture a sweet contrast to the heated scene they were painting.
The kiss broke and she smiled at the sensation of Damon's breath against her neck. A concentrated kiss to her neck, she quickly realized what he was trying to achieve and despite how feeble the attempt is with a vampire, Katherine couldn't help but admire the show of possessiveness that she'd always admired about the elder Salvatore.
After all it was just so Damon of him to try brand her as his own.
She was about to comment on it if she hadn't been distracted by Damon once more, lightly tugging on her lower lip.
His hands sneaked back and lifted her and she gave in immediately; leaning forwards and placing her hands on his chest for balance.
The change of rhythm caught her off guard causing a moan to slip past her lips that was a little louder than she realized but she barely had time to register that with her entire body was quivering as she swang on the edge of ecstacy but it was his sweet release that triggered her own, a wave of pure unfiltered pleasure washed over her, muscles clenching around him as she arched her back and rode it out, generously vocalizing her pleasure.
Damon pulled her down and she gave in without breaking their connection. She laid her head on his chest, still panting, struggling to catch her breath.
The whole scene felt to emotionally charged for her liking and she rose back up, climbing off of him once she'd gathered enough strength to do so even with every inch of her being was begging for skin contact, she'd love nothing more than to lay her head on his chest, let her curls fall in rings on his fingers as he (..)

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What was the worse physical injury you’ve ever had?

Bottom half of my right leg crushed in a car accident
I also broke almost every bone in my body from a mountain climbing accident o_O

What is something that you feel, is bad design, in your opinion? 🤔 And, what is something that you feel was designed well? 🤪 (Gotta outweigh every negative with a positive, hehe) 😉

The unibody frame/chassis design of most vehicles. It makes for a low profile such that one’s bum is nearly dragging across the pavement while driving. It makes for a difficult exit out of the seat. One nearly needs climbing equipment. There is a reason why US carmakers are halting production of sedans. The SUV has a higher seating position.
Ventilated vehicle seats (with fans) are great. I used to avoid leather seats to avoid my back getting all sweaty in hot weather. You can feel the air flowing yet the seat is still cushiony and comfortable.
Liked by: Justice

If price had no limit, what is the most ridiculous thing you would buy? (Like getting Morgan Freeman to follow you around narrating your life). 🤔 Get creative! And yes, for the right price I can be bought. Just saying.

edraegen’s Profile Photoʎǝɹɟɟǝſ™
I'd want a house with lots of land, it would have an "enchanted forest" that kiddo could explore, a whole obstacle course and climbing walls and stuff to keep me in good nic, a pool that looks like a Stargate! And a workshop with all the crafts and tools I need to start making my own cosplay properly! 😀 It'd have a whole room dedicated to music too, soundproofed n all that, plus a dual gaming set up with the whole works!

-have you ever had a crush on your teacher having same gender as you ? (:

dokhtarafghan123’s Profile Photo-the other woman
No I remember I had this urdu teacher in 8 grade she was skin and bones but super fait and had very long hair in a braid one day as I entered school and was climbing up the stairs I saw her in a green frock red lipstick and hair open she looked so pretty and I fell from the stairs (very Bollywood) but she looked gorgeous mashaAllah

If you woke up as one of your favorite cartoon characters, who would you be? Why that one? What would you do as said character? Is there something specific you’d want to experience? 😄

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I would be Stitch! I simply have so much nostalgia watching not only the movies but the Disney Channel show as well! Being Stitch I'd try out all the things he can do like climbing on walls, make myself into a ball and roll around, use my three pairs of arms to multitask... 😆
If I also had the ship he stole in the beginning of the first movie I'd obviously use it to explore space 😁 Maybe shoot some asteriods while maniacally laughing lol
If you woke up as one of your favorite cartoon characters who would you be Why

Who do you think deserves praise?

All the men and women working in this horrid heat 🥵🥺
But a big one to my amazing handsome strong hard working husband. I don’t have a to write a book and explain every single detail. But he works on roofs/on top of factories/he’s been 200-300 fr in the air climbing cellphone towers ☺️ he can handle heat but it takes a hard working real man to be able to work in this heat and NEVER give up ☺️ especially when my husband just fell off a roof in another state 3 weeks ago 🤘🏼🏼 that’s my real hard working amazing handsome man💙❤️‍🔥

How did you get over a breakup with someone you loved?

I give myself sometime to actual cry and let my emotions out. Absolutely don't let yourself bundle onto those emotions. After a few days of this (<3 days), I look at what went wrong and how I can improve my future relationships. Life is constant learning experience and you better not make the same mistakes that either you or your ex SO did.
Now you can attempt to forget about the whole relationship and the person. Get a hobby that requires exercise. Rock climbing/ bouldering is great. Binge watch a TV show. Hang out with friends who won't remind you about the person. Splurge on clothes. After a few weeks of keeping her off your mind, you'll slowly forget. Only time will heal your broken heart. The most you can do is keep your mind off of it. I'm in my second month of being single after a 4 year relationship and this thread is full of great advice. Having said that, my ex is my roommate for another month. We're really good friends and hang out outside of the apartment here and there (no sex or anything). But I'm afraid that 3 months of being roommates and wishing she didn't break up with me will take a bad toll on my ability to bounce back. I definitely know it'll be a long time before I date anyone else.
In my experience you don't. I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years a year and a half ago. We wanted different things at the time (or so we thought), so we made the mutual decision to break up. Well here we are 1.5 years later realizing we want the same things now, and still love each other. So now we're kinda in relationship limbo where we want to get back together, but we also don't want to realize getting back together was a mistake down the road. We're both in our late 20s, so we really don't want to waste each others time if it isn't going to work out. You just can't allow yourself to stagnate and dwell on things. That doesn't mean that you're not allowed to feel awful about what happened, but keeping yourself active and engaged will keep such feelings from getting the better of you. Treat yourself, spoil yourself, be selfish now that you have the opportunity. "Selfish" in this sense isn't a bad thing; it's just recognizing that you can relish the independence you have again. Been just over a year for me and I still have those moments where I feel really down and disappointed about what happened, but these feelings are coming fewer and further between and I'm certainly in a better place than I was one year ago.

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Have you ever caught someone stalking you? So there’s this person who hates me even tho we havent interacted in yrs. And they’re watching my instagram stories bc my account is public. They dont even follow me nor do I want them to, I want nothing to do w a racist sc*mbag. I blockd them now but loool

lots. Including in person. In college this guy I knew used to sneak up to my second story bathroom window (climbing the balcony railing) and let himself in and watch me sleep and leave me poems and candy. It was horrific and no one took my fear seriously.

If you moved to a completely new area permanently and you knew nobody there at all, what things would you do to meet new people where you live?

LouisaRHale’s Profile PhotoLou
Look for local climbing groups and go to them. Chat to people online who where from the same area and then meet up.

🐟what was the highlight of your best ever holiday?

Each holiday there have been many ..
US : Alcatraz , The Food , Universal Studios , Disneyland.
Beijing : Climbing a section of The Great Wall , Tea Farm , food .
Malaysia: Temples , Penang Island , food.
Queensland : Outback Spectacular , Theme Park rides , especially the roller coasters .
Hawaii : The beaches , Volcanoes , Pearl Harbour .
NSW : Camping , horse riding , hiking .
Many more and many to still discover ;)

What's your plan for the weekend?

Well, it’s moms birthday on Monday and I still can’t play footy with my bung collar bone so I’m gonna build her the garden arbor she has asked for since I was an apprentice. I have all the climbing plants ready to go to make it look well established 🤗❤️

The most helpful advice you've got from someone so far?🌝

ash_m_khattak’s Profile PhotoAsher
My father. Bachpan se mjhy math mushkil lgta ha and he always said jis cheez se jitna dro gy wo utna sr py chary ge. Jese hi feel ho you’re afraid of something us k peechy pr jao whether it is practising a lot of maths, climbing heights, going in dark, availing an opportunity in uncertainty or any human. Ye implement krny ma bht mushkil lga ha mjhy but it’s worth it.

So old sport, butter bei die fische; teil‘ mal den spears jedem einen pink floyd song zu c:

Hanna_Blub’s Profile Photohanna
I tried my very best!! PFs Diskografie ist umfangreich, aber well, es hat etwas Überlegung gebraucht:
Lance: Time
"Far away across the field / The tolling of the iron bell / Calls the faithful to their knees / To hear the softly spoken magic spells"
Heracles: Julia Dream
"Sunlight bright upon my pillow / Lighter than an eiderdown / Will she let the weeping willow wind his branches round / Julia dream, dreamboat queen, queen of all my dreams"
Graham: Fearless
"You say the hill′s too steep to climb / Chiding / You say you'd like to see me try / Climbing / You pick the place and I′ll choose the time / And I'll climb the hill in my own way"
Josiah: Young Lust
"Will some woman in this desert land / Make me feel like a real man? / Take this rock and roll refugee / Oh, baby set me free"
Camille: Matilda Mother
"For all the time spent in that room / The doll's house, darkness, old perfume / And fairy stories held me high on / Clouds of sunlight floating by / Oh mother, tell me more"
Tadgh: Shine On You Crazy Diamond
"Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun / Shine on you crazy diamond / Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky / Shine on you crazy diamond"
Virgil: Hey You
"Hey you, out there in the cold / Getting lonely, getting old / Can you feel me? / Hey you, standing in the aisles / With itchy feet and fading smiles / Can you feel me?"
Sidonie: Eclipse
"And all you destroy / And all that you do / And all that you say / And everyone you meet / And all that you slight / And everyone you fight / And all that is now / And all that is gone / And all that's to come / And everything under the sun is in tune / But the sun is eclipsed by the moon"
Oscar: Wish You Were Here
"How I wish, how I wish you were here / We're just two lost souls / Swimming in a fish bowl / Year after year / Running over the same old ground / What have we found? / The same old fears / Wish you were here"

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Language: English