

Ask @pinkunicxrns

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YOOOO get on askfm more yo!

sometimes I get a lot of questions all of a sudden and sometimes I get no questions at all then I v lazy to reply HAHAHA

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Imagine this- You are now living in a city just like the cities in the game Grand Theft Auto, how will you live your life?


What strange things you have came across so far in life?

My life is boring, I've never rlly seen anything special or weird

What dialect can you speak?

Is english a dialect......HAHA I'm terrible at chinese & I don't know anything else

If someone broke into your house tying you up forces you to choose between taping ur mouth ,stuffing or tying a piece of cloth in your mouth to keep you quiet which one will you choose and why?

Tape bc it's easier to get it off

What would you do if you found out your male classmate have saved plenty of your photos found on fb and ig onto his phone?

Sorry ah my school only have girl students


V gorgeous & super skinny!!! :( I wnna be u omg & when u want to meet me ah, say so many times alr then in the end also haven't meet!! & last long w your bf hehe ✨✨ see u arnd!!
Liked by: cel

If you are invited to an exploration trip to an island full of dinosaurs, what are the three things you will bring?

Water, phone & my family HAHA

One day if you are in a bank and a robber grabs you as a hostage for the bank robbery what would you do?


[Weekly Reminder] - Encourage, believe and love yourself. Never doubt who you are. Those who care will stand by your side and give you strength. It's okay not to walk alone. I follow this quote, "Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end." by Ed Sheeran❤ So Smileツ

Liked by: Mad Smileツ

One day you are walking on the streets and you see Amos Yee!! What will you say to him about the rude video he made?

I don't know, I don't rlly care about him


Language: English