

Ask @pinkunicxrns

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:3 u still remember me bo????

Who are you? You didn't even tell me who are you, how would I know if I remember you? HAHAH

hi, you may not know me and i don't know you but we hv something in common we both find jessica ugly yes?

No wtf who are you. You asked miho this question and now you're asking me? EXCUSE ME but I think that Jessica is fucking pretty okay. I'm sure she's much prettier than you inside and out, you have no life so just go fuck an animal or smth. Oh wait, don't do that, the animal would probably just commit suicide after you fuck it :-) you'd better shut your bloody mouth before anyone finds out who you are bc things spread VERY quickly in our school. You will die like, D I E if we know who you are :-)

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what is dayna to you ehehe

A very nice, pretty, weird, crazy friend of mine. She means a lot to me, all of my friends mean alot to me ☺♥♥♥

20 pretty sec 3 seniors!!

What OMG 20 is alot okay I'll try. Uhm Nicole Isabelle, Amanda Pang, Sybil, Natalie Chua, Sophie Soh, Debbie, Cheyenne, Rachael , Rachel Low, Margret, Rachel Holmberg, Eunice, Jieling, jasmine koh and Wynona . Ok idk alot of seniors haha yes I know I have no life.

Define Fifi... :)

Pretty, cute, nice, friendly, understanding, CHUBBY, funny, dirty-minded, kind, honest and I AM SUPER GLAD THAT SHE'S WITH DENISE WOOHOO
Liked by: fїfї

I wan u help me make cookie... Must be filled wif love kay?

Uhm what LOL. Nah, daiso cookies tastes much better. I suck at baking, I'm sure the people who makes daiso cooks bakes the cookies with love :-) lol who are you

Top 10 juniors u ever seen?

Ryann, lesya, Patricia, Elissa, Shaza, anthea, Shannon, Francesca but I'm not close to them haha. Idk alot of juniors. But I really want to strangle Ryann because she always kicks my legs from the back ASPMHCEJJD
Liked by: Christina

New friends u have made?

Uhm for this year, I talked to alot of people who I never ever talked to before even though we were in the same Primary school for 6 years LOL

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Nothing like us - Justin bieber

What's your favorite thing about where you live?

It's near a shopping cenre, bus interchange and I have been staying here since I was born so there are alot of memories (:

Wat kind of ppl do u like?

Weird people I guess? Most of my friends are super weird but I love them hahaha☺

What do you think when you look in the mirror?

'Ew why do I have to be so fugly?' 'Why can I be like those other pretty girls?' 'Why do I have so many pimples on my face?' 'Why can't I be pretty?'


Language: English