

Ask @pinkunicxrns

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[Weekly Reminder] - Reach out to someone you don't normally talk to, and wish them all the best for their upcoming exams if they have! It's the thought that counts and I feel it's only gonna make his/her and your day better.?? That is, if you've studied for your exams, hohoho ? jiayous! As always, ➡

x3Fiqqqq’s Profile PhotoSmileツ
thank u ?

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[Weekly Reminder] - " when it rains, look for rainbows, when it's dark, look for stars " Sometimes it feels like life is grey, ? Or like nothing will ever go your way. ? But hang in there, and wait and stay, ? For tomorrow is another day ? Have a lil faith and stay humble!?❄? As always ?

x3Fiqqqq’s Profile PhotoSmileツ

Yooooooo hope you are doing fine in life man, if you have the time just come back here but leave the watermelon and kidnap questions unanswered! ( Even though it's a fact you like watermelons)


Is it very loser if one does not have any plans on xmas day and nua home the whole day instead ??

noooo HAHA and sorry I just saw ah

I used to be an active follower here of you man just that surprised you are active again and yeah, you have alot of weird watermelon and kidnap questions answered indeed LOL

ohhh HAHHAAHA yooooo

[Final Reminder?] - I've decided this shall be my last, who knows, I'd start doing notes again! Fret not, I still write notes and place at random apartments & seen people smile, I'll keep to that! I'd wish you guys a fruitful end to 2015 and welcome 2016 with an open heart. Oh and don't forget to ~>

x3Fiqqqq’s Profile PhotoSmileツ
thank u ?

Wa vanessa long time no see you here LOL

IKR HAHHAHAH got alot of boliao question then I lazy reply mah. who r u ?


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