

Ask @pinkunicxrns

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Worst punishment given by your parents when you did something wrong?

I don't rlly remember haha I only rmb there was once my dad got super angry & disappointed w me then he stuffed cigarettes into my mouth & kept hitting my head w a metal thingy hahaha. That was the worst I guess. But my dad will usually apologise after that even if it's my fault so ya :/ I love him

You wake up one day and discover that you are tied up tightly on your bed and your mouth taped up and your eyes are blindfolded. What would you do?

I'll try chewing the tape & spitting it out then I'll try biting the blindfold if I can then idk hahaha

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In your class, who is the loud one, quiet one, teacher's pet, sleepy one, hyper, pretty one, handsome one, funny & lame?

Lazy to name sozzzzz

One day your ex who still has feelings for you and your boyfriend gets trapped in a burning room who would you save? You can only choose one.

If my ex was a jerk then I'll just save the current one. But if I'm friends w my ex then I'll try to save both

PSA : Do not answer any fruit questions in future , the anon asking might have fetishes with fruits and by doing so you might be helping the anon relief his / her dirty thoughts :)

.......ok cool

What do you respect most about Lee Kuan Yew?

The fact that he changed singapore to a much better country & singapore probably wouldn't be the same without him around

Do u think is there a difference between eating watermelon sliced nicely or eating by holding the skin using your hands since most people like doing it by the second way?

The feel is different

Do you go for looks ?

Yes & no. The first thing I get attracted to is someone's looks, if his/her attitude sucks then ofc I won't be attracted anymore but even if I'm not attracted to someone's looks but his/her attitude is like, the bomb, ofc I will start falling for him/her

Would you have a BDSM session if you have a bf and he asks you to try it out with him in future?

Most probably no

Weekly Reminder] I need your favour. Spread Happiness. And this can only be done when you can drive happiness in yourself. Stay positive, optimistic and patient. For whatever happens, whenever you fell, you have to bounce back up. And it's something you can change IN yourself. Stay awesome ❤smile☺✌

U're so sweet :') I love u
Liked by: Mad Smileツ

What will you do if one day your best friend of the same gender tells you that she actually had feelings for you and wants to be partners with you?

If I like her then yay I wouldn't mind


Language: English