

Ask @plmtkn

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What is your muse(s) biggest insecurity?

yuu's biggest insecurity lies in his looks and how others perceive him. basically he's a dumb teenager who can't help but get caught up on how others think, but it's understandable since he's a vocaloid. he's afraid of not being good enough. he's desperate to be perfect, the best vocaloid, but even then, i think he'll still hate himself. despite everything, he has incredibly low self-esteem. it doesn't help that he's genderfluid, so who he wants to be and be seen as changes way too often.
wil's biggest insecurity lies in being a foreigner. a foreigner of everything. he's the most silent one in a group of friends, the one who's remembered last, and his voice is different from yuu and kyo. he doesn't want to be ignored or forgotten. he doesnt want to ultimately be left behind, whether or not it's on purpose. he wants to feel like he's really here with everyone. it doesn't help that being with people outside of zola makes him feel incredibly shy.
kyo's biggest insecurity lies in his leadership abilities. he's trying his hardest but even he knows that it's not enough. he's willing to hurt himself if it means yuu and wil are happy. he's willing to sacrifice himself for them. but it's not enough. even he knows letting himself get beaten up over and over won't fix a thing. he's supposed to be the natural leader, yet he doesn't know a thing. he's nervous and hesitant about hurting the two, so he's not a good enforcer of rules. he's stupid. he doesn't know a thing. he's a useless, idiot leader.
flower's too stupid to have insecurities. they're totally unaware of anything. they don't understand anything. the world seems like some weird alien planet even though they were born from the earth. they hardly have the ability to feel insecure or scared of how different and weird the world is to them. they still have a lot to learn.

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Liked by: PD

If you could choose a special talent, what would you pick?

idk about talent but if i had a superpower i'd wanna have the ability to stop time!! that way i can breathe easy for a bit without taking time out of other things that i should be doing hehe
Liked by: eto

Can you tell us about your otp?

GH... first of all, i'll establish that my otp is kyowil. thinking about them makes me wanna fall to my knees and cry
secondly, hcs:
- kyo is so incredibly cheesy and romantic, he'd be a fan of matching shirts and necklaces and bracelets and stuff
- they always hold hands in public
- they don't go on dates a lot because they already live with each other. they enjoy relaxing and being together at home
- sometimes kyo takes wils phone and takes a buncha selfies. wil has a folder of all of them
- wil is the one who asked kyo to be his bf. kyo was afraid of moving too quick and overstepping his boundaries around wil
- they dont kiss or.... do the thing.... much. wil has a low "doing" drive and kyo's more into romantic activities, like hugging and holding hands. also, most of kyos previous relationships were usually more sexual than romantic and he didn't like them very much
- even their bedrooms are right next to each other sometimes they just send each other emojis well into the night. like the smiling pile of poo
- they like to cuddle
- wil is soft and very nice to hug 100/10 would definitely recommend
- kyo learning to use twittbot just so he can post WIL-KUN NAU every hour
- kyo yelling every time wil sends him a selfie
- imagine the wedding photos. kyo would be a blur in every single one except the actual uh kissing thing and another one of wil kissing him on the nose
i'm on my knees and i scream to the sky with a runny nose and eyes full of tears. i'm not even done yet

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If your muse(s) could choose to stay with a different company for a week (for example, miku staying with Zero-G), who would it be and why?

kyo would prolly wanna stay with crypton. he has heard of crypton being a mean old fart, but he treats his vocaloids like family. of course, it doesn't mean kyo doesn't agree with how distant yamaha is, in general, but... families are incredibly human and he would like to be human. also, he's chummy w/ miku, rin and meiko, and also likes kaito. he'd also think about pfx/vocatone just because of hio. wow
yuu's just fine with yamaha. he doesn't... actually have much friends outside of the bplats/yamaha vocaloids. and unlike kyo, he doesn't care about how yamaha treats him. he's completely fine with it because, hey, we're not humans, we're vocaloids
i'm thinking wil would choose wherever the other two go. though, if he got a choice, it would be ahs. he thinks the vocaloids there are pleasant to be around, especially yukarin and zunko. the children there aren't so overbearing either. it seems the only person he would have to be careful around is iroha
i don't think flower even knows about the different companies she just knows she's related to the other yamahaloids somehow, and not the others. i don't think she even cares enough to know

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Liked by: Untramen Kat eto

How did your muses meet?

the zolas were made at the same time! they met just after they were built
flower met the zolas a few days after she popped out of the ground and they've been like over-protective brothers to her ever since.
Liked by: Kat

How long have you lived in your current home?

uhhhhhh nearly 2 years i think?? idk my family moves around a lot so i stopped keeping track of how long i stay somewhere anymore lol
the zolas have been living in this current apartment for about 10 months! before, they used to live in a (kinda small) 2-story house. it burned down one day, i'll leave it up to you to wonder who burned it down, kyo or yuu. so now they live in a small apartment on the 6rd floor, #6-20. the zolanniversary is also on june 20th, isn't it great!
flower is homeless lol. if she ever does sleep in a house, it's either mew, zola, or pikos house. occasionally kokone tries to sneak her into her room, but since there's already many people living in the internetco house, flower usually isnt allowed to stay over.

What is your favourite time of the day?

i don't know!! probably morning, i guess. i usually feel fresh at that time and that's when most people are online too! which is important because i live on the other side of the world from most of the people i like to talk to online

If your muse(s) could do anything else apart from singing or being a vocaloid, what would it be?

kyo would be okay just being human, i guess!! i mean, there are things he doesn't like about the vocaloid life but it's alright for him! though, if it's anything, he likes programming and if he ever stops being a vocaloid, which could be a while after he graduates college, he might work with yamaha or something
yuu doesn't know anything else other than being a vocaloid and he doesnt have a dream to follow. nor does he really want anything for the future. though, he loves fashion, clothes, make-up, so maybe he would become a model for mew or something??? my hc mew is a fashion designer and already uses yuu as a model some of the time!
wil enjoys a lot of things. i think he might wanna open up a restaurant or something because cooking is a passion of his!
flower is a plant
Liked by: Kat

(actual) Show us your first Vocaloid fan art?

i did some more searching and this was the earliest i could find. it's dark seeu and seewoo. i used to run a dark seewoo askblog with a friend... actually, this was also a collab with that friend! i drew it and they colored it. i'm cringing as i look over the comments on dA
Liked by: Teru PD

What junk food could you never give up?

i don't eat junk food much but, i guess, chocolate? though sometimes it feels too much for me
Liked by: Teru

How much has Vocaloid affected your life?

hhhhhh, actually, even though i first found out about vocaloid when i was ten, i never really cared for it until i found and got to know the zola project. i mean, i've made a few askblogs before, but it didnt affect me so much because i never lasted long or got to know anyone. i barely liked the vocaloids i made askblogs for either. i didn't care. so it's more that zola project affected my life than vocaloid as a whole.
honestly, i think they've affected it in a good way! they've given me something to love and hold dear! starting a yuu askblog was also the first time i got to know people through drawing fanart and askblogging, and so i've gotten to meet new people and make friends. i'm really thankful for that! and also... it seems a bit dumb but zola helps me get through bad times, i guess. i love them and hearing their songs and exvoices make me smile. looking at zola fanart makes me happy. they've also helped me like myself a bit more, since i put a bit of myself in them, be it physical or mental or in personality. since i love them, all of them, i also start liking myself...
ehhhhhhhh, yeah, that's real sappy. i'm just very happy to have gotten interested in the zolas, and it was good timing too. it makes it better than vocaloid has little to no canon too.

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Liked by: Teru I'm Hir!

Show us your first Vocaloid fan art?

i tried to log into my old dA account to find it but apparently deactivated accounts can't be reactivated after 30 days! so i can't get it again since all the pictures there has been deleted too. bummer. so all i can say was that it was either a vocaloid oc or yowane haku
Liked by: Teru

How did you discover Vocaloid?

back when i was like 10 or something, i was into bases and pixel dolls on dA, and there were bases traced from vocaloid pvs. that's how i found my first vocaloid songs, psychotic love song and upside down reverse rainbow!
Liked by: Teru

What are you studying/working as right now? Is it art related? Are you thinking of doing something art related in the future?

im in highschool rn so im studying it all in preparation for later! math, english, science, history, french, art. yeah
and yes, i'm thinking about it! i'm thinking of either going into architecture or fashion!

Are you stylish?

i like to think i am but recently ive just been feeling too lazy to actually make an effort to look good. but, hey, the simple casual look is nice too, y'know!
Liked by: Kat PD

How would your muses confess to their crush?

kyo's very clear about his feelings but with his attitude, it all seems like a joke. which it could be. so, a confession could take weeks or MONTHS to give an effect. so, uh, the final point would be somewhere alone. it would be a very intimate moment in time as well, since kyo is trying hard to put meaning into his words and actions.
yuu, on the other hand, hides his true feelings because he thinks it's a load of unnecessary bullcrap that he doesn't need to deal with. he's faking a lot of the time. it's fun that way. so a confession would immediately seem strange and sketchy, because for once he's being sincere. no sarcasm, nothing sly, nothing clever. he's, for once, laying himself bare. and no doubt, he'd be incredibly embarrassed by the end, hehe
wil's confession is short and hardly seems serious or heartfelt, until you put into account that he's timid, quiet, and that he just isn't the kind of person to say lovely words. just a simple "i love you" would be his confession.
flower isn't interested in romance at all, but she did ever happen to like someone, she would give the message through flowers.
kait would fumble around and trip over his words so much. his face would go so red that he would have to cover it with his hands and you can just barely hear a muffled "i like you"

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Liked by: Kat PD Untramen

is you muse a morning person or a night owl? what do they do in the morning/night?

kyo is neither. he's energetic when he's awake, no matter what time it is. he has a bad habit of refusing to sleep until he's ready to collapse. in the mornings, if he's free, he would go out for a run. at night, he either stays inside or goes to dinner outside.
wil is a night owl. he usually studies into the night and then either sleep into noon, or if he doesn't have that much time, take naps throughout the day. in the mornings, he sleeps. he's a light-sleeper, so kyo and yuu are usually careful not to disturb his sleep, since he needs it and he's most cranky and bothered when sleep deprived.
yuu is a morning person. he wakes up really early, usually around 4-5 am and in the mornings, he likes to go out and get breakfast somewhere. he used to like watching the sun rise, but he's no longer interested. at night, he plays video games and then go to sleep.
flower is a morning person. she rises with the sun and sets with it as well. in the mornings, she usually spends it on someones roof, watching the sun rise and sunbathing later. at night, they're more lethargic and lazy in movement, so they sleep.
kait is neither, though he's leaning on night owl. the mornings, he spends it in a half asleep daze. he's usually not fully awake until noon. at night is when he relaxes from the day. he spends nights at home, making dinner for the family and watching tv with meiko.

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Liked by: Kat


Language: English