

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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Do you usually prefer the book or the movie? 📖🎥

agirlwhowishes’s Profile PhotoDreamer Girl
The movie but it's only to torture the pretentious person that wants to go on and on about the book. I enjoy reading the book I enjoy frustrating and annoying the avid book reader more.

Get tf off of social media if you cant handle beef

It's so cute when people " stand tall" anonymously. Really drives the message home. Smh some people's children.

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Did the clown do that for you?

I grew up in the middle of sticks any clowns that might have shown up would have been snatched up and disappear real quick fast and in a hur-ruh. Ain't no country folk got no time for no clowns.

Do you think a guy that smokes sharing with other people expecting to go home to his wife with that mouth of other peoples germs is acceptable?

I think if you're going to start nitpicking on germs anyone's mouth is a bad place to start. I would much rather have a shared germs smoking be it cigarette or apparatus then go home to someone who kisses their animal or lets them lick their lips or face. Great question seems like a very divisive topic.

What’s your go to topic to talk about when you don’t know what to talk about?

jwillis89’s Profile PhotoJames Willis
It depends on the setting. If I'm at a social event and I'm standing around a group of guys obviously sports is the go to. What I'm trying to accomplish is also a big part of it. I live in a very extremely liberal area and I don't exactly agree with anyone who's far left or right so if I want to get under their skin I'll make a condescending comment (for example I'll point out the hypocrisy of protesting oil drilling rigs in kayaks which take an enormous amount of petroleum to produce therefore highlighting how you're doing something for political points not because you actually give a damn.)

Do you think it’s creepy that a married man in his 40s has female friends at work in their 20s?

At work no everyone has to have people they get along with the work otherwise work would just be insufferable. Now if we're venturing away from work into social situations and or potential night outings with a lot of alcohol then yeah there might be an issue or it'll just look weird too people

Are you into role play?

I want to say no however with enough liquid encouragement and a good enough sales pitch there's no telling what I might agree to

What's the chance of getting your reply if I am unknown?

It depends on the question. If you ask a personal question the chances of me referring to you as a creeper are exponentially higher.

Do you use Telegram?

No. Aside from it taking up way too much space in your phone it also will take photos off of your phone and place them in folders on other people's phones. I know this because I found said photos and a couple videos of people that were not me so if I'm going to get yelled at by somebody I'd much rather be the one in the video not the one that has the video.

How much did you lurk your crushes social media before talking to them?

Social Media was not a thing when I was in school. I don't currently stalk or lurk anyone's social media. People's rehl

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

A few close ones a large amount of aquaintances and associates.

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

Depends on what's going on I'm trying to do something important I want everybody as far away from me as soon as possible if we're just hanging out or doing nothing important then people

😺 Do you have a special playlist for bad moods? What kind of songs are on there?

Not really music seem to be more of an integral part of my mood and essence and life when I was a child is an adult it doesn't play the same role but if I want to reflect my anger I can just play what I listen to in high school and they still don't like heavy metal now no more than they did when I was 16

Do you agree that making love is not everything and that there are more important things ?

I think most people confuse sex and love in general equate sex with love and there's no connection whatsoever. So while I agree with your basic premise I would take it a little farther than that.

Would You Rather follow me on Snapchat or Instagram?

I mean I don't even go on my Instagram and I just did a massive delete delete section on my Snapchat so I don't really think it would matter at this point now the ones got much traffic at the moment will SnapChat does cuz I couldn't delete everything but it's not going off every 5 seconds like it was

What has been your biggest financial mistake?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Moving in with two girls that I had just started seeing and barely knew. While it was fun at first after about 3 months one of them lost their job the other one just didn't want to go to work so at $12 an hour I had to pay for a two-bedroom apartment cable cigarettes food two cell phone bills and anything else that came up. I think the grand total ended up being around for the 5600 that I ended up spending that it was unaccounted and not planned for.

Do u see dead people

The problem is I see people. I mean yeah there's some people are dead no one's just told them the joyless lives that do not seem fun but that's their problem.

Is getting married a scary concept for you?

No it's an outdated concept that only seems viable if there's a tax incentive. I've always found it kind of odd that people are so insistent on certain aspects of it like you will take my last name or you know I don't know so much of it just seems weird and forced and just out of some not to sound like a broken record outdated concept of what the world was.

Is it hard to get close to you?

If they are a shady individual or dishonest or just kind of an overall jerk yeah. I don't like competition we already have one of me in the group there's no room for another. Being a female is a good start. I tend to play favorites so if I enjoy being around the person that also helps


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