

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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well hello Do you believe a relationship can start here?

I mean why not. I mean if you try to talk to somebody in the real world they look at you like you murdered a kitten, but they get on here and then all of a sudden they're chatty Cathy so I don't see how else you're supposed to meet somebody anymore. I feel like you're trying to ask whether there should be some shame or awkwardness attached to it I can't really read which way you fall on that but it seems to me like there's an underlying question, something you're omitting from your inquiry.

What your favorite type of cookie

Remember those otis spunkmeyer ones you would get at school The Big Three Giant ones they were almost liquid in the brown bag. Yeah

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What is your percentage of anxiety? From 0 to 100%

Right now it's like a 40 but it's because I'm out and I spent money I shouldn't have so now I got to make money magically appear in 3 days.

Who sent you

No one sent me I just wandered here aimlessly.I don't do orders or instructions. I arrived here as a byproduct of two other people and their sound decision making.

What kind of meat is your favorite?

I eat mostly beef. I've long since had a contention; if the establishment or the person in the kitchen cannot cook an edible, decent cheeseburger, then we have no business to be in their establishment / allow that person in the kitchen in the first place.

If you are on your way to your partner's home to break up with him/her but as soon as you get there they tell you that they just won $50,000 lotto, will you stay in the relationship?

It depends on why I was breaking up with them. If I could justify it there might be a good possibility of me walking away with that lotto ticket and not the significant other. A whole lot of variables to come and play here and besides $50,000 isn't much after you pay the taxes on it you're looking at like 24,000 if that so you're looking at less than 10 grand a piece.

Is it easy for you to open up around new people?

It's easy for me to make people think that I've opened up to them. Words can be very misleading if not paid close attention to now I can talk for a long time and say pretty much nothing. No it is not easy for me to open up to people that I've known for years let alone a complete stranger.

What a kind of coffee do you like ☕️?

If I'm going to drink coffee French vanilla latte every now and again a little bit of hazelnut, to keep up with the spice pumpkin latte kids. Honestly I don't really ever need coffee. I have so much energy I physically exhaust people just by being around them.

What three things in life you want more than anything else?

To be left alone, to be happy, and to be left alone. None of which will ever come true that's why they're called dreams.
Liked by: ReyRey

Describe what a good friend means to you?

There's not really a one definition fits all model here. My friends couldn't be any more different if you tried to assemble a cast of misfits. From their backgrounds to their everyday activities they're not a collection of people that you would think of spending time around each other would be and for the most part I'm the main reason that they do. Like I have more in common with with my friends than my individual friends have in common with each other if that makes any sense. The only rule I really have with anybody is don't lie to me when you lie to me I can't trust you when I can't trust you then it's just there's no telling what can happen from there
Liked by: ReyRey

Are you here to make new friends or to just spend your time??

I don't actively try to impress anyone in any situation so I'm not really ever actively trying to make friends if it happens great cool most of the time it's not going to. I'm not user friendly not exactly what you would consider a fan favorite.
Liked by: ReyRey

What do you HATE? ???

I think it would take less time to name list or remember things I don't hate than what I do.

Who was the last person you gave a kiss?

That is what we classify as personal information between me and said female.

Can you look up people on here

I think you can look them up like by their name for the site or whatever but I don't I don't know the BIOS are kind of weird I don't really pay that much attention to him anymore and if I'm on my phone like right now I don't even attempt to try to figure out if I'm messaging or if this is something everybody can read or any of that cuz it's just the app jumps around so much and I'm doing three other things at the same time I just don't have time to pay attention and it's a social media site so I mean who really cares

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Would you rather watch your crush kiss someone else or watch your crush get dumped?

I haven't romantically kissed anyone and I can't tell you how long so I don't care about that and if I'm wanting something unfortunate and funny to happen to an ex it's going to be like catching STD from a cheating partner. That would cost them money and makes me laugh. When you become an adult most of the time breakups are like good finally they're not the heartbreaking thing they are when you're a child.

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

I pay somebody to drive me now why the hell would I drive if I have a vehicle that can do it for me

Do you trust your country ?

I don't trust the country the state the city anything because of one key component; humanity and it's 99.999999 repeated percentage of human error.


Language: English