

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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Weed is illegal and hasn't killed anyone. But alcohol and cigarettes are legal... which kills a lot of people. Do you think it's ridiculous?

Right some dipshit gets behind the wheel while intoxicated hits and kills people and it's the alcohol. Nevermind the questionable judgement of the self-absorbed asshole that made a series of decisions before and after alcohol was around. Weed has also played a role in people dying. We was a direct result of a cat I had dying when I was a teenager and while it's not a person that animal is dead because people high on marijuana thought the thud in the dryer was an odd sound no one thought to go check it to see if maybe a cat got in there. Do I think you should go to jail for having possession of marijuana? No I don't. le and it's the alcohol. Nevermind the questionable judgement of the self-absorbed asshole that made a series of decisions before and after alcohol was around. Weed has also played a role in people dying. We was a direct result of a cat I had dying when I was a teenager and while it's not a person that animal is dead because people high on marijuana thought the thud in the dryer was an odd sound no one thought to go check it to see if maybe a cat got in there. Do I think you should go to jail for having possession of marijuana? No I don't. i also don't want to smell your shitty pot when I'm waiting for a bus or light rail. As far as the whole things that kill people you can't regulate people making bad decisions some of those decisions may have adverse effects. But throughout the course of history you will find that human beings like to indulge in things that are not exactly beneficial to their health. Whether they're legal or not it doesn't really matter. We tried to outlaw alcohol in this country once; didn't exactly go over so well.

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Would you want to learn what people really thought of you?

rachelmyriehopp’s Profile Photomyrierahel
Not really. I'm self aware, I know how I am, I know how I come across, I know what ld work on to do better and I know what things people with bitch and complain about regardless. But the biggest reason would be I just don't care about anybody's opinion so it would be a waste of time for them to even say anything.

Ever been picked for jury duty?

I had to report for jury duty last month. After asking all the questions sending everybody out and bring him back in I was the first juror they dismissed.

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Want to make more friends? Try this: Tell us what you like and find people with the same interests. Try this: + add more interests + add your interests

My circle of friends are small. My life is private. My mind is at peace ✌️. How do you like living your life?

My life is just fine. Similarities there I keep a small group of people I trust looped in and in the know. Tend to have a lot of associates and acquaintances not much I can do about that.
Liked by: Jacky C.M.

Do you like to swim? Where is your favorite place to swim? Pool•lake•river•beach?

I'm not big on swimming. There are sharks and jellyfish and all kinds of other things in the water things I want no part of so the way I see it I stay on land where I'm supposed to be they stay in the water where they're supposed to be and everyone gets along just fine.

In your opinion is a man less than 200 pounds worth it? Or you like skinny men?

Let me start by saying I don't like any men. That being said is someone who has been sub 200 and then 200 plus on numerous occasions in my adult life I would say less than 200 based upon my own experience. Not as many interested people when I was 230 pounds. Went back to around 185 and hey look at that renewed interest.

do you set profile pic of you or random pics on internet

Even if it's not me in the picture it's a photo I've taken I don't need random photos off the internet I'm creative enough I don't need to steal somebody else's shit.

To love others you need to love yourself first. If you don't love yourself first then how can you love others. Loving yourself first is just as important as Loving the people around you. Loving yourself first is not easy and it can be really rough but It is a very important step in life

See I have that in reverse. Me loving me, no problem. The others is where we start having issues.

What led you to rebel when you were a teen?

The entire town was stuck in the 1950s. I was smarter than the majority of the adults in said town. And I was bored. You can only smoke so much weed and with a girlfriend oh so long.

Do you involve politics and/or religion when dating?

I try my best to avoid those topics as long as possible because I have very strong opinions and I can only listen to so much nonsense before I say enough is enough. Politics I don't mind so much I can get away with not picking that fight religion on the other hand there will eventually be the situation that I'm something wheretion that I'm something where someone wants to say some stupid shit ants to say some stupid shit based upon some belief they have constructed because of it and I will eventually attack their belief in their religion and people don't like that.

Women earn less money then men because women are less motivated. TRUE OR FALSE ?

False. Women tend to take jobs men do not such as teachers which has a low pay ceiling they are looked over and discriminated against when it comes to Fortune 500 jobs like C.E.O.s C.F.O.s C.O.O.s and it is still true that they make like$0.80 to the dollar then a man doessuch as teachers which has a low pay ceiling they are looked over and discriminated against when it comes to Fortune 500 jobs like C.E.O.s C.F.O.s C.O.O.s and it is still true that they make like .70 cents to a man making $1 for essentially the same fucking job. There's also far more single mothers working well past 40 hours a week to provide for their families then there are single dads. Part of that you can put on the court systems for always awarding the mother the children in most cases part of that is just because well to be honest with you the mother is far more motivated about the well being of her children than the father is.

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Did you ask your Ex if they are using this app? Do you think they lied when they told you NO.?

I highly doubt any of my ex is even know this app exist. I've shown them how to do stuff on their fancy phones when I had a flip phone. They're not exactly the most tech savvy individuals.

If you were rich would you care about finding love?

JordannaAlexis’s Profile PhotoKallisti
I already don't trust people having a large amount of money is not going to help that.

Ever been held against your will and made to do things that you didn't want to do?

Yeah it's called childhood.

If cigarettes are so harmful, why do they still sell them? The only reason I can think of is money because I can’t find any other reason to sell chemicals to humans to put in their body.

Go research prohibition and see how well that worked. Alcohol can be just as damaging we are starting to decriminalize drug use in this country and I'm sorry but you can't tell me that methamphetamines is not worse than cigarettes the fact of the matter is that yes while the politicians do want the tax revenue from cigarettes you can't tell grown adults what they can and can't do because they're going to do it anyway. I want them to try and outlaw cigarettes in Washington state. I beg them to try it. Because the moment they do I'm getting on an airplane going back home talking to all the long haul truck drivers I know and seeing which ones can make deliveries every three days because I'm about to be rich.

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Are women more evil than men?

Evil is evil there's not a predominant sex that controls it. If you want to look at history books or religion you would say it's men but that's because men wrote all of the books for hundreds of thousands of years. But if there's a good woman behind every good man thentory books or religion you would say it's men but that's because men wrote all of the books for hundreds of thousands of years. But if there's a good woman behind every good man then that would mean the same is true behind every evil son of a bitch.
good and evil don't normally balance out in relationships. Ends up dead the other one winds on 60 minutes or whatever other stupid TV special still shows that shit.

Truthfully, do you think you're the villain in someone else's story?

Does them saying I'm the villain count?


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