

Ask @readburnrepeat6299

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Need to ask . Do people around you support your hobby?

But some people think their opinions matter it's easier to just listen to them talk and tell them to fuck off.

Do you believe everything is possible?

No. Peace is not possible Utopia is not possible a world without famine not possible world without pain is not possible world without hunger is not possible saving this planet's ecosystem is not possible me agreeing with people everyday is never possible proving there is a God is not possible proving there's not a God is not possible saving the whales not possible stopping slowing or altering time not possible traveling through time not possible potheads finding something other in the world to talk about than pot not possible Charlie Brown kicking the football; that is when the world implodes.

Ask me anything

When did you realize that your family was not the group of perfect individuals you thought they were?

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Will you allow me to use your phone?

No and they all have different passcodes and you don't need to be in my phone my phone is none of your business I don't ask to go in your phone I don't want to know what's in your phone it's none of my business and I'm not trying to start a fight for no damn reason. You got family for that go bug them.

Has a significant other ever played the broke game to use you before?

If you're in a relationship that's just called dating get used to it your money is her money and her money is your money or vice versa or whatever the genders are for the couple basically it's one person is going to have to be the for lack of a better term breadwinner so if that's the case now then start stashing some money somewhere have a talk get a financial advisor get a prepaid card or something cuz what's the bank accounts get combined they ain't got to ask no more they can just go pull. Hey before anyone says oh they would never do blah blah blah.... Hopefully you never have to experience the amount of stuff I have but when it comes to money everybody and I mean everybody will throw you directly under the bus and not even look back just for that money.

is it worth it to wait for someone that you love

Location location location. If you're in a very small area with not a lot of selection absolutely. If you're in a metropolis area where there is an abundance of options then I mean do what you want I guess but no I'm not.

Do you have online friends ?

I mean that's what the little drop-down menu says to the right of all the feeds of people posting stuff and then all the people that can see my stuff so I mean by definition yeah.

Are you happy ?

Yes I mean there's small very small very infrequent moments where I might not be the nicest guy in the world but you know who the hell is?

Let’s say you don’t have a degree or never went to college, what are the chances of making it in life?

Bill Gates (Harvard) net worth 92.5 billion Mark Zuckerberg (Harvard) net worth 74.4 billion Larry Ellison (University of Chicago and University of Illinois) net worth 54.2 billion Sheldon Adelson (city college of New York) 42.3 billion Francois Pinault (HS dropout) 32.8 billion. These guys seem to do just fine. Intelligence is not something that you can be taught or you gain over time intelligence is something you're born with and I can be damaged if it's not you know pampered or someone tried to help bring you along but it's something that once it's engaged it's there in some capacity or another so now you don't have to go to college to be successful or to "make it" whatever the hell that means. There's also one very very key element to whether something is successful or not that you can't really predict how it's going to be and it's people. If you're going to try to justify the people that make an income comfortably because of their social media videos as an intelligent form of anything I'm not hearing it I can barely stomach listening to those stupid things but I get it people pay to listen to it that's their thing they that's their hook so I respect what they do but I'm not going to listen to it. There are plenty of people in this world that make money without having a brain at all I'm not taking any low shots of anybody I'm saying that some people just right place right some people are willing to do things other people or not. Somewhere out there there is a way for everybody to make money we don't have to go take it from the people that have it just allow other people to do stuff without crushing their spirits. So now you don't have to go to college to make it you just have to find something somebody wants and find a way to get more before it than you pay to produce it.

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Do you watch tv ?

Some I mostly have it on for background noise while I'm doing other things like right now I have two laptops open a television and three phones going so I don't I don't really do anything and give it my full attention.

Do you like to go out ?

Yes. I'll go to the store once a day just to get out of the house because ain't nothing going to happen here and if so it's probably not going to be something I want to be a part of.

Are you someone’s hero?

I certainly hope not. If so we need to address what that individual values or thinks is commendable and we need to put the stop to that immediately I'm not a role model I'm not here to be impersonated and I'm damn sure not to be followed and I try to do my best isolate myself on my own I don't know if I can really do any more of that without going and living in the woods somewhere and I like electricity too much

When we get reborn again. Will you be my everything and wife. Wifi Id sunshinebabyanonymohelp. Remember it lol

Reborn again? Like I haven't even been reward on my DC character yet and I know those guys get rebirth they made comics about it. Plus I don't have any members of a past life I don't really have all the memories of this one to be honest with you.

What is better: bitter truth or sweet lies?

liquid_sinn’s Profile PhotoSinn
The bitter truth. When you lie to somebody and they know it it causes a problem whether they say to me or not and most people are not the confident rehearsed liars they think they are. I can normally in a very short amount of time hearing partial parts of a story between people be like yeah that person's full of shit and that person really didn't and all I do is look at their body language and watch the reactions to people. You also when you're lying to somebody kind of telling them that you don't respect I don't know if it's their opinion or feelings or however you want to phrase it but you just it's blatantly disrespectful which I have a bigger problem with. Also don't think the whole notion of sparing someone's feelings is healthy or productive. If it's something like your painting or whatever and it's not that there's something trivial but it'll make them feel better sure fine I don't care who gives a shit if it's something important like a skill they think they have or their ability to do something that they think they can transfer into like a job or life not going along with that lie is detrimental. No I'm in no way suggesting just tearing someone down but there are plenty of ways to respectfully and responsibly convey that maybe the perception they have is not the shared view of everyone else. I get it it's difficult situation because nobody wants to do anything that's difficult cuz you know whether anyone wants to admit it or not we're all selfish and it's not about us we don't give a shit but every now and then it only takes like 20 seconds to not be the worst person on Earth.

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Do you dare to confront ?

I was once told I'm aggressively confrontational. If I have a problem with somebody I'm not going to go till five different people about it I'm just going to go knock on the door and tell the person I have a problem with hey stop what you doing it's pissing me off.

Do you like people ?

The worst part of living is other people. Not everyone just like 97% and you got to factory in 1% for like mathematical error no tragic loss of death somewhere or something I don't know you always got to leave like 1% for wiggle room. So if you got 8 billion people 2 billions about the size of the United States and then factory in all the rest of people so like one and every 39 person is okay we can do without the other 38.

Are you a strong person?

A while back when one of my bosses had a tagline on Facebook for the "zombie Apocalypse team." Everyone had their little title no hero blah blah blah this person dies doing this la la, you got some mine and it said "Gets fucked up, somehow survives." And I started reading them and everyone else on the team dies. I'm the only one that's guaranteed to come out that's pretty much been my real life situation as well no matter what happens no matter how crazy it is I get some scarring whether visible or not I get a little bit less impatient with the world around me but I'm still here everyday.
For compassion so maybe I could avoid some of the situations that need that but what are you going to do

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Broadcast journalism or advertising. I feel that even though people cease to amaze me with their actions that if you make an effort to inform people we give ourselves a chance that a better place to live even if it's one that drives me insane. Advertising was easy fallback because it doesn't really take much to look at something figure out some way to make it appealing and I can sell ice to an Eskimo. May I have on numerous occasions walked up to help somebody and have no idea anything about the product they're asking me but when I was done talking to him they were going to the counter with a very expensive tool that I've never personally ever used. Instead I chose to move for love because 17-year-olds know everything. Also turn down $40,000 from the army so nice string of decisions I made there.

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Should same sex marriage be illegal or legal and why?

I started to say it should be a States issue and blah blah and I remembered that like five six years ago Kim Davis was a big news story in this country because of her stance on this issue and her job is a postmaster whatever the fuck she was I don't remember but I remember it was eventually ruled and other people's favor that she was out of line. Then I also remembered that everyone has a neighboring state that allows it and if you just absolutely had to find some way Vegas you can go get married and those marriage license are real they're not gags and fakes they're fucking court documents that state yes you two are now together so I don't understand why we're wasting more time on this it's already been decided it happened move on. But I don't agree with Elizabeth Warren wanting to give a reparated tax returns to couples that have been together for 20 plus years or whatever which is essentially just a give back money program for the 1%, or in all honesty, the mid-level management of the grocery sto

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Do you have an ex who cheated and lied and even falsely filed charges against you? If so drop their name. Let’s put them on blast.

Right because if there are charges that were filed that could be you to intimidation or harassment which could then lead to more charges or the initial charges can be reintroduced. 🤔💭

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Do you like Tik Tok?

I don't have anything against tiktok I do block people that try to keep sending me tick tock shit after I told them I don't have it and don't send it to my inbox so I mean it helps me weed out people that don't listen but I don't care what other people do I'm not on six talk and I have no desire to be on 6:00 everything I've seen on tiktok seems just like the combination of Snapchat and Instagram and I already have those so

Do you like Kristen Stweart?

Not really no she's not that attractive and has never been in any type of movie that sounded worth watching or worth the time. pass.

Do you like Vin Diesel?

I don't have a problem with him as a person I don't care for anything he's ever done in his acting career. I would sit and watch South Park before I would watch any of his movies and I hate South Park with every fiber of my being.


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