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How do you deal with someone who’s really selfish?

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im not going to pretend this is not extremely difficult. it may not be possible to even achieve a level of satisfaction with someone who is too selfish.
this is an issue i think about as i find most people to be very selfish.
one thing working against us here is i think selfishness by nature is a part of our instinctual survival methods. so when you are working against human nature you will find it to be quite sisyphus a task. so there is that.
the other aspect is you cannot confront this in a very logical manner. logic doesnt work with a selfish person because ofc they will bend and shape the logic to suit their needs. you will always lose even though you are right.
the answer here i tend to find is there is no answer. there is only mitigation. first just try to limit contact as much as possible. second never assume they will ever change, thus limiting your exposure to anymore undo suffering. third, well third is just looking over those two lol.
sadly most people are selfish. i think to be selfish is to be blessed on this earth. to be selfless is a curse thwart with just endless disappointment. it can be a lonely place. the hope is to fall somewhere in the middle. having a degree of selfishness is healthy. as with all aspects of life, going to either extreme is going to hurt someone.

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