
Sentai Filmworks

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I was wondering if Trinity Seven will be dubbed because I was looking at the preorder for the DVD and saw that will be in English & Japanese with English subtitles?

Robert Garrett
When you see "English & Japanese with English subtitles" it means that the home video release will options for an English dubbed version AND a Japanese audio + English subtitles options.

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Ushio and Tora is a great show, and I found out fairly recently that it previously had an old OVA that ADV dubbed and released. Would it be possible to get some of the old cast back for the new show? Especially Brett Weaver; he's AWESOME as Tora.

It's always a possibility, but we do not have any home video release details for Ushio & Tora yet. Besides, the show isn't even finished yet ;) Are you keeping up with it?
Liked by: Re'Nell Glover

Hello Sentai Filmworks, really not trying to harass you guys on this because I know you guys probably get this question a lot, but will there be a Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-Kun Season 2??? It's killing me! It's such an amazing show!

Trust us. Nothing would make us happier than more Nozaki-kun. That show was WAAAAAY too much fun, but right now, it's all up to Japan. It is a common misconception that Sentai Filmworks has anything to do with the production of anime. We are a licensor, not a production company, hence we have NO SAY in the creation of second seasons. Let's all just cross our fingers and hope there will be more Nozaki in the future.

I would really love a Haikyu!! English dub! How would I go about showing you guys the momentum?

Aquilla Perill
The best place to start would be Twitter and Tumblr. Also, letting your friends/social circles know to stream Haikyu!! on legal anime streaming sites. If people stream from illegal anime streaming sites, we can't quantify those numbers to gauge overall interest.

Im probably the only one asking this but I think Ushio and Tora would make great show for toonami.

Enemy Otaco
You are NOT the only person asking for this actually. You and a bunch of other Toonami fans have been saying Ushio & Tora would be a good match for Toonami, so please feel free to tell THEM your thoughts. :) Here is their Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Toonami) and here is their Tumblr (http://toonami.tumblr.com). Remember that your voices are powerful!

Any news on when to expect The Legend of the Galactic Heroes? Very excited for this release.

James Bull
You can expect The Legend of the Galactic Heroes... sometime in the future. In a time that is neither right now, nor before now, but some time in the now that is not the immediate now. We thank you for your excitement, but still nothing to report at this time. At this now.

I just ordered the collectors edition of Love Chunibyo & other delusions on Amazon. It says that it's temporarily out of stock and that it will be delivered when available. Does it is actually going to be re-stocked? And if it is, when does it will be re-stocked? Thank you!

All of our collector's editions Premium Box sets are limited edition, meaning we only do a limited run of them. If you can't find them on Amazon, you can try with other legal re-sellers like RightStuf.

Can you explain how your dubbing process works? Like, do you work in-house, do you have a pool of directors and actors with good relationships to Sentai that you consider first, etc.

The long and short of it is that we dub in-house at the Sentai Filmworks studio. We also have in-house directors, but our actors are contract, professional actors from around the country.
Liked by: Re'Nell Glover

if you guys dubbed haikyuu I'm sure that it would be fantastic so yeah pretty please Sentai

Beth Morris
You guys know this works. Be vocal, be visible, and share if you want a certain title to get a dub. With Haikyu! in particular, it would require going back to dub the first season. So if you WANT this, you need to gather the momentum and let us see it.

Why do you guys stream your anime on so many different sites, instead of sticking to a single one? It's incredibly inconvenient as a fan.

Our content is designed to reach as many fans as possible, and this means catering to the Cruchy crowd, the Hulu crowd, and the ANO crowd. There's also VOD options, too. We try to make it a point to be where the fans are.

Do you'll plan to release Shokugeki No Soma to blue-ray? I'm really curious to know because I've seen that you'll announce that you'll were going last year but nothing ended up happening yet.

Jacob Jacinto
It takes roughly 12 to 18 months for a home video release for a simulcast, and since Food Wars! just finished last summer, it'll still be a bit before we release blu-ray/dvd details for it.
Liked by: Relyat08

Are you planning on licensing any more shows from the winter season?

Brett D.
With winter season technically over, the answer is "possibly, but less likely." We're looking at the Spring 2016 anime season right now!


Language: English