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Is it weird to have never had a best friend?

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From like around 2009 through like...effing yesterday (2022), if I were you, I wouldn't feel to freakish about not having:
▪︎ a relationship
▪︎ friends / best friend
Since around 2009, you don't know what you are getting in people-much less, the essentials in true connection of friendship/ relationship
Don't feel bad. These are weird times in how we're wired among all this wirING.
Is it weird to have never had a best friend
It probably is to most people but it isn’t weird to me. I have no friends and I think if I did have any, I could only handle one friend at a time because the more you have, the more is expected from you and that is before they try and take advantage of how much you try to help. I know some people that have no best friends but a lot of friends they view no differently to the rest. You could be one of those as far as I know
Nah, it's not weird. I've known a lot of people who've never had one either, and they were always well liked and respected. Some people have them, some people don't. It doesn't say anything bad about you or them, don't worry. Some people just prefer to hang out in groups with either lots of friends, or a smaller tight-knit group, etc. That's perfectly fine and equally valid ^_^

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