
“To Whom It May Concern”

Ask @WriterAngelaSherice

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My heart hurt. I miss this girl so much. I wish we communicated better. We wanted the same thing and our love just got too intense and she thought I was misunderstanding her when I was just trying to learn her..I was willing to do that


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Would you ever like to own an exotic cat species? If so which breed?

HaleyValkert’s Profile PhotoCaptain Cosmos
It’s like I explain in my book “First Things First: Discovering Your Karma Mission and Purpose in Life” (by which I wrote using):
•the book of Genesis,
•the 4 elements
•odd v even numbers
•abstract v concrete
•positive v negative
•masculine v feminine
•dynamic vs strategic
• land animals v sea animals v wind/air animals…
I respect our respective positions with us humans having dominion over animals. HOWEVER, let’s us try playing in the wind, venturing too far into the sea (or even the wrong seas) or over in the land of the Serengeti / kingdoms (or wooded areas in some states) we will be quickly shown THEIR dominion over us.
All that explained: No. I respect where each animal belongs and don’t find trying to make them our “pet” an exotic (or sensible) thing. At ALL.
I love dolphins and long to play and swim with one
I long to meet an elephant to see if she will intuitive love my spirit
I love visiting the zoo and admiring the majestic lions. But no… I don’t want either as my “pet” bruh.

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Would you ever like to own an exotic cat species If so which breed

Females don't have to work as hard as guys to get to the top. All females have to do is show off their body and boom they get a promotion or make a lot of money. Females don't need as much skill or experience. What you think?

“Females” that truly got work simply work and/or work smart.
“Females” (like what you speak of) don’t have to work “hard”, and quite frankly, don't have to be smart, but the shelf life for that spoils like milk.
Looks get you to or in the door—revolving.
Skill sustains you and keeps in the door—solidly.
Looks fade.
Females dont have to work as hard as guys to get to the top All females have to

My biggest fear is magically becoming famous overnight and having people who knew me before expose my disturbing and dark past, such as the fact that I dated a grown man who collected Funko Pops

😂 LoL

best medication to overdose on ?

Let me make you laugh right quick.
When I was like 18 or 19, I was crying over my bf to my TGGF /girl I was friends with since 3rd grade - we are still friend’s today
{ https://othersideofthefame.com/?s=Tggf }
Well. I threatened to take all my moms iron pills in the cabinet and she goes (in the middle of my crying) “girl, and afterwards you’re about to go right across that street over there and lift up a damn house!)🤣
But back to you.
Is it nighttime where you are?
I ask this because I have a thing about night time when the sun goes down—versus sun up/morning.
(I write about it in book 2 of my Angie Situation 3-book memoir https://othersideofthefame.com/angie-situation-book-3-finale-sophistication-samp-excerpt-somebodys-got-to-die/ } 🔞
Never make the finality or be ‘decisioned’ to the any thing in the night time hours. It shuts off our senses that the morning sun helps to give us clarity on.
The sun - being energy and a life force - routinely gives us the chance to begin again— or think again.
Relax like a line of one of my favorite rap songs (Glorilla feat. Cardi B) “That’s why I love tomorrow”.
Always give yourself a chance to “sleep on it”…wake up and see how you feel about ANY thought, word or deed done the night before.
There, your answer will be found.
Get your mind and thoughts out of the dark…
Dig deep.
Wake up, light and look to the light 🙏🏽

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best medication to overdose on

🙆‍♀️ What would you say is your greatest attribute?

I’m very resource-full and love being so.
When I come across welcoming/reciprocal spirits who are human and kind (with no pretense, deliberation/contemplation);; I’m very open, fluid and natural—likewise.
I love that attribute about me because it’s the foundation of my experience with you.
Anything other than that, 🤷🏽‍♀️just own your part in how you started it / started in / began—or let no one tell you different.
I love being my natural, open self where I feel safe to ❤️
There, is my “greatest” attribute. It’s pretty great.
What would you say is your greatest attribute

Have you been snacking too much recently?

I’ve been on my vegan journey since like July 2023, so when you are in that phase of learning how to prepare your own meals (versus picking random plant based options) and learning how to prepare fully cooked meals that are based plant-based; you’ll find yourself being a junk food vegan if you’re not careful.
Or when you become conscious of removing soy out of your diet, you’ll find yourself slipping into junk food veganism too ..so you gotta kind of be careful.
I found myself slipping into that but all I have to do is reset my mind, my focus, and IF 16:8s and I’m back. (And that’s with little to no exercise).
Then when I turn up my water intake and strength strength training, I bounce back.😘
P.S. “Too much” snacking for me is plain Ruffles and Lantana dark chocolate Hummus lol
I’m such a phattie🤤😋

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Have you been snacking too much recently


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