

Ask @syd13kidxo

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All she did was respond to you talking about her best friend for no reason about stuff that's none of your business!

Umm honey you post it online! THATS YOU SEEKING ATTENTION! You if you really don’t want people knowing your business, don’t post it. I don’t post my whole fucking life on here! There is a HUGE part of my life I don’t post on here on purpose!!! I don’t want that attention, there are a few people that know that part of my life! But that’s because I trust them! It’s really not hard to post something that’s “your business” you talk to your group of friends, that’s it!

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You do know if you do try for charges every name you've called her will be used against you

Okay cool, but like idgaf, I haven’t called her horrible fucking names like she has me, and I’m not personally out here looking for fucking drama. I’m not fucking talking about someone day in and day out for 17 fucking days straight! So I will take those few names I have said to the amount of shit she has done! Next!!!!

Do it! Put her in her place!!

Well clearly if she continues and just doesn’t know how to stfu, I will have too but like I’m done! I’m done trying to be nice and not say anything mean, but honestly, I’m done with her and her thinking it’s fucking okay to say the shit she does and doesn’t think there will be actions, to what the fuck she says! Simple cause and effect!

Thoughts on @NineGDxFour terminating her pregnancy?

Look, if your going to say it’s your body. Which I do agree on. Don’t be a bitch, when all you have done is look for attention and dragging it out saying I can’t say I can’t say. If you don’t want attention you wouldn’t wanna expose that you are getting an abortion! Simple. But she lives off of attention. So let her abort her kid, and keep letting her living her life with “2” kids. When reality she only has one kid. And gave her rights and gave her other kid away! Just own that up!


Language: English