

Ask @syd13kidxo

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Should I talk to my bf about this?He's a loving guy and never fails to show how much he loves me.Supportive and patient.Everything was going good!But then, I woke up, remembering him mansplaining to me something or at least being condescending I think and also subtly downplaying a woman writer.

Yes, talk to him about it, express like hey i didn’t like that comment or whatever, but also, say like I understand your feelings and how you felt about it; but this has been bugging me, and tell him, he either be understanding and be like, I’m sorry and understand you and your feelings, or he flips and if he flips he gotta go. Cuz you gotta be with someone who understands you and your not always going to agree on everything but understands that you are human as well you have your feelings on things as well.

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Steph claims she only sht talked people to be your friend and the only way to be your friend is sht talking people you don’t like

Not even true. 🤣🤣🤣

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Honest thoughts? Steph said she’s already acknowledged she’s talked sht about people and apologized to them. She said everyone has grown up and moved on from everything except you https://ask.fm/newbeginningsxo/answers/173804534243

It’s her patterns. She apologized about talking shit about me, and look what’s happening now, she continues to talk shit. This is what she does. She talks major shit, about people then when shit hits the fan she goes and kisses the ass of the person or people she talked shit about and is like yes I talked shit, I’m sorry but then won’t talk shit about you but will talk shit about that person who shit hit the fan with. Like, that’s not a friend, if she can do that to me, she will do that to you, for real, that’s my whole point. She wants to move on every time I post screenshots of her patterns. People need to wake up and actually see she is the one with the problem and I truly think she is the reason for a lot of shit that has happened, and why it continued.

I know this guy I’m talking to is talking to other girls. Why does he gotta lie and say he’s not? I don’t understand why guys can’t be honest and upfront.

🚩🚩🚩Cut his ass off, if he is lying to you now, he will definitely lie if you get into that relationship.

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Or she’s jealous cuz she has to get up early every day for work 🤣

I get up early for work too, and you still won’t catch me going to bed at 10 🤣🤣🤣🤣

All those girls are jealous of your body and it shows

Jealous of a lot of things, hate that can’t bring me down and be miserable like them. No matter what they say it doesn’t bother me. 🤣🤣🤣 like it’s sad tbh. Like they try and bash me but I’m out here living my best life, and what are they doing stalking my profile.


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