
2 people

2 posts


🥑 List as many facts about yourself as you like, so that I can ask you follow-up questions. — Feel free to read my 25 facts for inspiration: https://ask.fm/zy_cv/answer/160124009327 🥥

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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【01】– My sun sign is Aqua, my moon is Sagittarius and my rising is fish - feel free to ask me anything about horoscopes because I'm a little obsessed x'D
【02】– My hobbies are singing, drawing, writing, reading, gaming - basically anything artsy.
【03】– I'm INFJ by the MBTI personality test.
【04】– I'm a nerd over any fandom I love and like. Harry Potter & GOT are one of those - I count myself to Gryffindor and the Stark-Family. Did some tests to find out where I fit better in - also...because they are fun. x'D
【05】– I speak german, Russian, English - and have a large interest in learning a language - some languages I can sing better than I can speak them. E.g. I can sing Hindi because I watched Bollywood from a very young age, so I have no problems singing...but would probably s*ck in speaking, some Japanese songs I can vocally perform aswell. Korean is a language I would love to learn :)
【06】– Pisanthrophobian | Philophobian | Thantrophobian
【07】– Ailurophile | Astrophile | Bibliophile | Clinophile | Cynophile | Heliophile | Hippophile | Limnophile | Nyctophile | Photophile | Retrophile | Selenophile | Thalassophile | Logophile
【08】– I have too many favourites in every kind of genres. I listen to lots of music, watched a lot of movies and played so many games. That's why I struggle...when people ask me "Tell me your favourite what so ever..." I can't do this. x'D Literally.
【09】– My favourite colours are violet, burgundy, colours of fire, all tones between red-violet-blue. Furthermore black and white.
【10】– I have an OCD with lists and sorting everything from 1-10 or A-Z.
【11】– I'm evangelic but furthermore spiritual.
【12】– Right now I'm doing my A-Levels. Hope that everything works out for me this year.
【13】– I'm in a happy relationship since 2009/ nearly 11 years, so to say.
【14】– I have a cute 5-6-year-old cat and his name is Tutankhamun. In short - Tuti. He is my adorable little sunshine.
【15】– My favourite food is food of my culture - Russian food.
【16】– I tend to get along with people who are open-minded, kind, creative, talented, optimistic and wise in their own way.
【17】– I did a training in media design for digital and print but didn't find myself happy in that specific field of work - so I am doing my A-Levels to study later media sciences.
【18】– I help when it's within my possibilities.
【19】– I'm a free spirit. The best to convince is to tell me about it...but then let it rest. Don't push me. Because if you do...I lose my interest in it VERY quickly.
【20】– Reason I am here initially is for writing RPG's with other writers. Now to share my thoughts on many topics.
【21】– I am open-minded for mostly anything new.
【22】– One of my favourite seasons is autumn and late summer.
【23】– I have brown hair, which is long but sadly not curly X'D - and green eyes.

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Sveiki, mano sekamieji. Paprastas klausimas - išvardinkite savo sekamuosius:) Jei rasiu čia save (:D), jus ir toliau seksiu:)) Gero vakaro <3

Kaip tik lygiai 100 seku :D Tu suvoki kiek daug man teks rašyt?Oh well.. :D
emptiness @KamileTamutyte
Coffee◕~◕Kitten @Skipzz
Určiuuuus @UrteSilinskaite
modus anomali @traskiEstrella
weltschmerz @padebesiais
† MantaS † @MantasTearz
Distancija @Pfiff
Death Grow @DropDeadKa
dark ♥ ♥ ♥ @IevaMikalauskaite
CM @TheUsos
Gyvenimo Mirtis @VisadaSalia
Pain. @somethingwhatyoudontcareabout
weird @iksd69
Beta @betarawr
Vilko sapnas @GPinky
martynas @nuassakauatsisesk
P s y c h o @IndruteAs
Mistake. @TheMoonSeesYourSoul
bevardė asmenybė @Ievulka
anesthetic @extazis
Rαιsεd Bẙ Ðε₥σηs † @Kornelija000
Disassociative. @Esteraxwoof
SATAN @Katiinukas
diagnozė . @MarijaLydekaityte
daug triukšmo dėl nieko...` @nezinomaanketa
11 Dievo įsakymų @ObuoliuPyragas
Worthless. @Paulinaa123
Dreamer. @TavoEl
inspired by 'blessed be' @netiekto
people- shit @Lopee4ever
Adelmoed @FirstWhiteMoon
Enjoy The Silence @paniicroom
Apeirophobic hippophile @XanimalloverX
  nyctophilia.    @paranoidsoul
never @SimonaJurksaite
♛ Evita♛ @Evitukass7
Kristina de Elvė. @PureEternity
Miss Nightmare @fanatica123
Кристина @kristyyynaa
blunderbuss. @Eglee69
Alice in the paradise @FlyingMoon
soul of darkness @Norsa7
Evaldas @AnonimasLOLS
†Viena iš daugelio† @ZebriUukas
Šešėlių Mozė. @SeriouslyNot
Midnight Owl @KaRRmA
You make me wanna die . @Unicornstears
Strawberry Swing @iLosstMyself
Kanalizacijos_undine @Abdalchakasgoesrawr
†PATHETIC † @NothingInThisWorld
†SexOnFire† @SimonaMonkelyte
Disposable teen @Yrozz
Morte et dabo. @SpaceVanity
adelė @nenezudziau
Insignificant. @Plbm
Guillotine @gabija147
Psychopath . † @IndreAkelaityte
Empty Body Hopeless Soul @Brigeeeee
Tarquinius Superbus @tarybiniszmogus
Panic. @Citrinaa
Angel In The Hell @Martyna1623
It's at the tip of my tongue @IevaMedveckaite
   сука   @Sauliusss123
Mantas Baudėjas Katleris @kateris
Šarūnas Senelis Šaltis (Shaz)
I vėl tas pats ŽYGIS @ZygisAsk
Giedrius @KodelManReikiaRasytKodusIsPaveikslelio
O jei dar kas nors nori kad jus sekčiau..Tiesiog spustelkit like ir aš peržiūrėsiu jūsų profilį ir gal seksiu. :)

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