

Ask @traciplayer

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you are like the cutest person i know! im a guy

!!!! this is very nice anonymous boy!!!! i would love to know who you are

just wanted to say, you make the world a better place for someone, somewhere, so be happy!

thank you kind anon!! this is such a nice mass message you are gr8~~~

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PART 2 you have such good taste in clothes music people hobbies and you are just overall a lovely person. i really appreciate how you are always there to talk and that you confide in me. you are such a genuine person and a great friend :) sorry for the weird tbh lOVe YoU tRaCI

carlinewman’s Profile PhotoCarli
thank you so much carli!! im so happy to have you as a friend you are such a fantastic person, i love you <33 see you tomorrow bb
Liked by: Carli

PART 1 tbh Trace-me I am actually so jealous of how adorable and sassy and hilarious you are and I'm so glad we've been friends for so long (kind of long ok) you are so fun to be around and I love seeing you around school even though you make fun of me and try to be friends with my friends

carlinewman’s Profile PhotoCarli
HAHAHA ok but your friends love me <333
Liked by: Carli

what are some things you love about yourself? (don't avoid this there are many things)

does this mean like my physical self or personality?? ill just do personality lol well i guess i love that im not very judgmental?? i really try to think about things from other peoples perspectives but thats all i can think of
Liked by: Carli J Eleanor

little things that make you happy?

when someone remembers things i have mentioned before, or little things ive said that i thought no one noticed, also just when people invite me places it makes me happy!~~~~hmmm it also makes me happy when people confide in me, it doesnt have to be big i like when people trust me and tell me things about themselves
Liked by: Cat Ryan Carli Mio

what are your quirks?

-i do this really weird thing where if i dont know whether to say hi or wave to someone or i feel uncomfortable i like scratch the corner of my eye....i dont do it on purpose (and now im giving myself away)
-i alsoooo always do this weird half peace sign thing when i say hi to people
-and i always make this noise when im like distressed/ being awkward and my friends ALWAYS make fun of me for it they can imitate it pretty spot on
and there are more but im lazy

things you'd want a boy to do for you

mostly just to ACTUALLY like me,..like no bs no bad intentions just like me for me
cliche but buy me flowers, because i just think that is so SO nice
uummmm tell me their feelings without being confusing
ask me to a dance!!!1!! (ha ha ha ha will never happen)
idk just go on a date with me??/////!!
i feel stupid writing this stuff because i dont talk to boys
Liked by: Lachlan Catania

what do you think about flirty guys

!!!!! it really depends, if someone flirts with everyone it isnt attractive to me and it mostly just annoys me....also i dont really like the type of flirting that is like SUPER direct because it can be a bit uncomfortable,...but sometimes it can be really cute and special!!! so i dont really know sorry for this answer its super all over the place but it makes sense to me!!!!

What is something you want right now?

i want to never ever have to go back to school
i want a cherry limeade from sonic
i want to go shopping with lots of $$$$
i want all my friends to be happy wooo
i want math to stop existing
i want someone to buy me flowers \(^▽^)/
i want to do interesting things
i want to be SMART and never have to study!!
above all i really want a soft pretzel rn

do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

no i dont have an older brother...and what.
Liked by: Lena Z.

if you had a pet penguin, what would you name it?

im so annoyed i spent like an hour trying to make a kaleidoscope from a diy thing on pinterest and it doesnt work AT ALL !!!! i wish i was crafty
Liked by: Lena Z. Eleanor Alec R

imitate either sophie, elenor, immeee or eileenn

im going to imitate eleanor because i know her best!!!
*saved me from dying by letting me back into our hotel room after i sleepwalked outside*
*dressed up in an animal suit with me during youth conference*
"disco pant"
"easy jean"
"easy treasi"
"easy treasi beautiful, cover treci"
*hates when i call her ethanol*
*has really nice clothes*
*taobao master*
*went on a spontaneous night tour of dullwich with me with imme*
*had deep talks with me often*
*made fun of sophie with me*
*always brought imme to church activities*
*sweetest funniest greatest person ever*
*often instagrams her cat*
*thought i was a texas pageant girl when i was new at church*
*FREAKED out about allegiant* (which i still refuse to finish)
*took selfies in my room and posted them to my facebook wall*
*has such an interesting sense of humor*
*overall a great friend and person*
eleanor im so glad i was able to meet you i hope singapore is as fab as you i miss you my fav dullwich pal <3

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Liked by: Eleanor


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