

Ask @traciplayer

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can u post one of your poems here?

ok this is very extremely scary for me but here is the one i performed yesterday for the women's history month slam!!
i already regret this and i havent even posted it yet
you can say a restaurant was a seven out of ten because the service was slow
and that hotel was 2 stars because you found a cockroach under the bed
but that girl? that girl does not belong on your number line of shallow desires
compiling a petty summary of sticky lashes and glossy lips
adding shimmering falsehoods and subtracting human flaws
stripping her complexity down to the two or three meaningless lines we call numbers
numbers that determine if she is beautiful or if she is nothing
but she is NOT a math problem, the product is neither even or odd
single or double digits
the product is HER
her flaws
her insecurities
her wandering mind
her lilting laugh
her heart that beats and swells for everyone but herself
so how dare you, take her self worth and whittle it away
into the unrealistic mold that is your "ideal" woman
cramming entire worlds into societal pegs
carving like a jackolantern, insides tossed, shells glorified
because in our world branding integers onto living, breathing, human beings, is normal
when will we realize that describing a woman
should not be as easy as counting to 10

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post a poem?

I wrote this for a very very very very amazing friend and i performed this at the slam on friday so heree yay
You tell me I am your rock
your constant
you don’t know what you would do without me
how do i explain to you, that If I am your rock
you are my mountain
your talents and outward reaching intentions stretching higher than the sky itself
circling around the earth hugging each planet in the solar system
you contrast my clueless wanderlust with fiery eyed ambition
and a list on your phone of places you have collected.
running through empty subway cars
lungs gasping in unison
I watch as you leave your finger prints on this city and on me forever
I rant to you about goose bumps and late night noises cry about boys and the “toilet” that is high school
you spout wisdom that never fails to make me feel like july
but your ideas and dreams are bigger than these hallways and these ceilings leaking fluorescent lighting, some days I can see they are suffocating you
weighing you down with guidelines and giant books with empty words
trying to pull the stars from your eyes
like all mountains you have avalanches sometimes
yet you still have time for the scraps of insecurity I drop on every empty surface
and to write me letters with your left hand
you are so big to me yet to yourself you are small enough to float away
you told me you felt inferior and that your words didn’t measure up
so I wrote this for you so you will always remember, that you are my mountain

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what's a popular opinion that you don't agree with

the opinion that life is ALL ABOUT the college you go to and the grades you get, i feel like everyone thinks of things as checkpoints, like go here and do well so you can go here and do well AND YES that is very important but i feel like people are forgetting to have fun on the way!! high school is very stressful but at the same time its one of the freest times of our lives because we have a house that we dont pay for and we are provided with money and we can make our own choices!! so make the most of it!!! but then again like my opinion isnt very important because im not doing very well in school and the people with the opposite mindset of me most likely are so..... BUT what im trying to say is, too much pressure is placed on grades and i dont agree that grades are "everything" this is very vague and diluted but i am avoiding studying for a chem test

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What's something every teen should know?

hmmm that high school is SO SMALL we often get really caught up in our daily struggles and in small things like whether that boy likes you or how many likes you got on your facebook photo or failing a test you studied so hard for but really high school is an itty bitty part of your life!!!!! its definitely important but it isnt worth beating yourself up over i think we need to keep in mind that it literally does not matter even a LITTLE bit what people think!! that is hard i know but REALLY THINK ABOUT IT these people wont even know what youre doing in 5 years, they wont have any control over your life so dont let them have any control now!!!! doing your own thing is the best thing to do yo, so yeah remember high school is small---this is both sad and relieving


Language: English