
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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ho; bestfriend since jk a record !! but ily so much u+ty= ash all alone jk but u guys are cute i need to meet him to approve ur hot too see u tmoo

yasss!! but ilyt♥ and hahah you weren't joking;) but thankyou:) and yes you can meet him one day if you ever hangout with me instead of joel!!! but yaya see you tmroo

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Tbh; you think your so funny all the time when actually your not funny at all ;) you're also probably the biggest goof I have ever met but besides that your beyond beautiful, definatly the nicest girl I have ever met and I'm happy to call you my girl friend :) btw tell ash to hit up chad

Typoirier’s Profile PhotoTy Poirier
hahahahah the last part i just died, i'm sure she would love too!!! but i am funny so shut up;) and awhh thankyouu, although you're the goof but i'm happy to call you my boyfriend:):)

Tbh; your super pretty and seem like such a fun time to be around! I was kinda with u at the race cause rhi but we should talk more! Text me sometime❤️

aw thankyou, you too! and yes we should but ok will do❤

Tbh you're my best friend, we basically live together and idk what I'd do without you, I'm excited for more years to come bc they're gonna be greatt, I'm jealous of how pretty you are and ya ilu

ashleyedmond’s Profile PhotoAshley Edmond
awh wow i actually got a long tbh for once;) but idk what i'd do without you either and yass they'll be greattt, but stfu bc you're flawless and ilut♥

Tbh; i literally love you and you're perfect, you and ty are adorable and i would never try to come between you's so i wish people would stop saying that, anyways I'm always here for you and we suck at making plans since we've tried to for like 6 months and it still hasn't happened:(

ambertiffaniie’s Profile PhotoAmber Tiffaniie
Aw ilusm❤ but thankyouu:) and yes I know, people are just dumb!! but text me sometime soon so we can make actual plans since we suck at it;) hahaha
Liked by: Amber Tiffaniie

Favourite and nicest gr9 girls?

i pretty much like them all unless they're beyond annoying or they think they're top shit hahaha


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