
victoria moore

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Tbh I don't even know where to start but I think it's safe to say your probably the biggest goof I know ;) but your also by far the most beautiful and sweetest girl I know and I'm glad we're dating. I like ash more then you and I hate snuggles rn. Love you fgt ❤️

Typoirier’s Profile PhotoTy Poirier
hahaha ya ok;) but d'aw thankyouu qt:) and it's okay, everyone likes ash better!! and aw cry, is it bc she scratched you?? hahah but love you too loser❤
Liked by: Ty Poirier

Ok. How many years difference are you with your younger sister then?

You're creeping me out, why do you care how many years apart my sister's & i are? but 5 years difference for my younger sister, if you must know

If she is 19 and your 16 that's three years lol

she turned 19 yesterday, i'll be 17 this year, so that's 2 years difference actually

Opinion; I miss you :( I wish we had classes together, we don't talk that much anymore but that should change, you're perf and one of the nicest people ever, text me :):)

Heathercameron15’s Profile PhotoHeatherCameron
I miss you too!! but thankyouu:) and i would but don't have your # anymore since i got a new phone, so you text me!

tbh; we used to talk quite a bit but we stopped and imu a little, your really nice and good to talk to, text me sometime !

stephanegiroux2’s Profile Photostephane giroux
aw, imu a little tooo! but thankyou:) and okays will do!

How old were you in your instagram pic? You had a perfect smile back then as you do now, I assume you never had braces?

i would've been 5 in that pic and thankyou!! but hahah i didn't have a nice smile from ages 8-13, so yes i had braces!


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