
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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tbh I always get these good vibes from u I feel like ur super sweet , and ur hair is soooo nice? plus ur gorgeous and seem like a great girl!

vanessa reid
Aw you're so sweet, thankyou! All the same to you☺️

tbh your really sweet I wish we're closer! snap or text me sometime

aw, so are you☺️ but ok will do!

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Tbh; I don't know you very well, but you seem really nice! And you're stunning, have a good day! ?

All the same to you, thankyou! ☺️
Liked by: Kayls

Tbh; we met at Lesages party and it was so much fun! You're super gorgeous and we should def make plans sometime!?

yes it wass but aw thankyou, you also! and plans for sure!!? text me sometime
Liked by: Marissa

Get back together w him you guys were so cute omg

I barely even consider us friends hahaha haven't talked to the kid in over 2 months so I doubt that'll happen but that's sweet of you to say! also on another note he seems happy with his gf so why would I want to ruin that? lol, I'm glad he's happy

With the "don't know don't care" about ty

doesn't mean i'm mad or was mad hahaha, i literally just don't know and don't care?

Tbh aw you are so pretty. Super nice and funny. And whenever I see you sprung school your always smiling. But we should talk sometime!

aw you're so sweet, thankyou☺️ but yes, text me anytime!

You literally seem still obsessed with ur ex if your so annoyed with the questions don't answer them it's that simple

LOL but i'm sure if you got like 5 questions everyday about your ex you would get annoyed too
Liked by: Hannah Clement


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