
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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TBH; I see you around school a lot. Your really pretty and I love ur hair. You seem really nice. Sc me sometime, Madisonn.suffel??

thankyouu, you too! and okay will do?

Why does everyone think your so nice? Personally I think your stuck up

everyone's entitled to their own opinion and if that's yours, then so be it lol, bc if you think I care what you think of me you're sadly mistaken?
Liked by: shan liguori

Tbh I'm a cheerleader for the wrestlers and you seem to appreciate that so that's good, on the other hand you're very pretty and really nice and funny

abbiharriss’s Profile PhotoAbbi Harris
Hahahaha you're my fav but thankyou, same to you?
Liked by: Abbi Harris


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