
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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Ty has clearly moved on already so time for you to do the same gf

honestly if he's moved on already, good for him! but sry i don't take advice from anons so i'm not going to force myself to move on just bc an anon told me to hahaha

tbh; i dont you but your very pretty and seem like a nice person and a great friend to have

you seem so sweet, thankyou, same to you!?

You broke up with him, you should not still care about him

sorry but when you date someone for over 7 months your feelings don't just magically disappear, plus we're still friends, so idk about you, but i care about my friends lol

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Are you still friends with him, and why did you guys break up? If you don't mind me asking.

yes! and what he said on his ask is basically the reason summed up

do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

no i don't so can't help you sry

tbh- you are a very nice person, and you were in my webpage design that was fun! also very shy

joshlehtinen’s Profile PhotoJosh Lehtinen
thankyou, you too:) and yes haha thanks again for all your help in that class! and i know, wish i wasn't?
Liked by: Josh Lehtinen

HO on Maggie Hotchkiss

she's pretty and seems really nice but she seems very quiet/shy from what i saw last night!


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