
Jay ✨

Ask @xDopeSoulx

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xDopeSoulx’s Profile PhotoJay ✨
spam me with tons of questions on @LovelySoulx habit when I don't use an account for so long I make a new one because I have too many things go catch up on so spam me with questions , coins , likes and follows!!

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What website/app do you visit daily the most?

SnappyJenkins’s Profile Photo$ηåקק¥
I would definitely say Facebook. I use Instagram as well , but I think I used Facebook more than any social media accounts I have! Like I have this app , but I don't come on here everyday. There's times where I won't use this app for two or three days! It all depends on my schedule and what I'm doing and if I have time to answer questions or not. Facebook is different I usually go and scroll for like 2 minutes or maybe post some pictures and things and I get right back off. But this app I try my best to answer my questions and be very detailed so sometimes I'm just not available to do so.

do you like the cops

See the thing about this generation is ( everyone hates cops) me personally I have nothing against them. People put the good cops in bad positions all because of the dirty and bad ones and that's not okay! Not every cop is bad and not every cop is good! But stop putting labels on all these officers because of the ones who do bad and are dirty! I have seen some quite genuine and amazing officers who are truly in the law enforcement field or actually help other people. I may have came across a bad cop or two , but that doesn't change the fact that I have came across some quite amazing ones as well.

People gain your trust easily ?

I'm not quite sure , but I will say I'm a very trustworthy person. You can tell me your biggest secret and we can fall off and not be friends or even family anymore whatever the case may be , but your secret will be always be safe with me. I have never seen the point in betraying someone that way when you are no longer in contact with each other or aren't friends or anything anymore and than people want to go and spread rumors and tell everything they told you in Confidence. That's lame to me I could never be that type of person. I wouldn't like it done to me so I wouldn't do it to others.

What kind of movies do you like ?

musicalprincess5491’s Profile PhotoBeautiful Kiwi
Usually I go for scary movies , but I haven't watched any horror movies lately because my husband doesn't like them , so when we do watch movies we usually go for something that we are both interested in. Mostly drama and recently I've gotten a little bit more into action as well!

What matters most when going out with friends?

AskKeishaJ’s Profile PhotoKJay
I don't go out with friends. I barely even have friends go be honest lol! I'm more of a home body and when I do go out it's with my little family or my husband , and honestly my husband is the only friend I truly need in my life. People are too fake and full of drama for me to surround myself with.

Continue to spam me!!

xDopeSoulx’s Profile PhotoJay ✨
inbox is currently completely empty! so continue to spam me with a ton of questions to answer ✨😌

How long is your hair? Color?

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
My hair is finally growing and I'm super happy it's making it's way down my back FINALLY! usually around this time of year I cut my hair super short , but this time around I've decided to just let it grow out and get it as long as I possibly can , currently my hair is my natural hair color. I don't dye my hair too often maybe like once a year or something if even if that! I've been thinking about going Burgundy but I haven't quite decided yet , but when or if I do I'll post some pictures ❤️

Do you have any earrings? Any piercings? (Don't have to answer and yes I sent this out to guys and girls because sometimes guys do have piercings also)

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
I have a nose piercing and my ears! I use to have my navel pierced years ago , but took it out not long after getting it done! But earrings are most definitely my favorite type of jewelery especially HUGE ones lol! I have such a huge collection of earrings it's ridiculous and I will go to the store and still continue to purchase more lol , I cannot leave my home without putting on a pair of earrings first.

Why do some neighbours love to be noisy?

illin_ahmed’s Profile Photo♡*:.。.ILLIN(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
This is actually accurate since our neighbors just love to worry about us so much. I'd say it either has something to do with jealousy or miserableness! Like I know our neighbors love to talk about us. We barely speak to our neighbors , we work and we come home. We are mostly not even home , but when we are we are usually either inside or we're outside alone! We speak to certain people , but other people we choose not to speak to because we'd rather pick distance over drama.

How many cars do you own?

sammiegabriella1991’s Profile PhotoSammie_Baby1991
I don't drive! But we have a total of three cars. Although one of them was up for sale , but my son has decided he's going to come and take the car for himself in August. It's an Acura 2001 my husband's most favorite car , but it has too many things messed up on it and he was going to sell it , but since his son decided to take it so it stays in the Family we're going to just let him take it and fix it up to his liking.

Whats your work out routine called?

I honestly don't work out and I really don't think I'd ever work out! I'm not the slimmest girl and my body isn't perfect , but I'm confident and I like the way I look and even if I put on some more couple pounds I don't think I'd really be bothered by it! Losing or gaining weight isn't something that is really my concern like I don't care if I lose it or gain a little 😌❤️

How was work?

Well I have off today , I don't work until tomorrow. I am with my husband tho as he works , it's a pretty slow day today! Once the weather starts getting nice and warm the business usually slows down a little! But let's see hopefully it'll pick back up soon ❤️

How was your weekend ?

My weekend was pretty good , I was suppose to work yesterday but didn't , so since it was such a beautiful day me and my husband decided to have a cookout , out from of our home! We had a really nice time. The food was amazing , I smoked some hookah we had a couple drinks it was a really nice time 😌❤️ The weather here is getting warmer and warmer so now it's time for us to do cute little simple things like this ❤️

selfie in skirt

I don't wear skirts , I don't think I've worn a skirt since I had to wear a uniform in middle school! I just really don't like the whole concept and looks of skirts. I do wear dressed , but not too often. As for skirts I don't wear them.

Favorite pizza place ?

I don't think y'all understand how much I'm truly tired of pizza! But lately I've been eating it a little more , but working in the pizzeria business will most definitely have you tired of pizza for a while! And let me tell you pizza use to be one of my favorite foods , but most definitely not anymore lol.

What gets in your eyes when you are upset

I would say tears? Lol i'm sorry but this question is definitely confusing to me , if you can only be a little more specific and detailed please?

What’s your favorite 90’s movie?

QueenLibra88’s Profile PhotoKIᗰᗰIE ᗷ
I would most definitely say Selena! Such a beautiful , strong and amazing spirit! Her story line and the way she was killed gets me every time! I don't see how someone could do such a thing to a beautiful person with such a beautiful and pure soul. She's definitely missed and her name will forever live. She was taken away by an evil and selfless spirit way too soon! R.I.P Selena Quintanilla ❤️

Do you fight for love?

BonesAngela’s Profile Photo#SWEET
Of course I do! When you truly love someone or something , you don't just give up. You keep fighting until ot works out best for you! Giving up shows you don't care enough to fight.


Language: English