
hey it's kay♥

Ask @AllthingsCENA

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I honestly don't understand why you get hate. You seem like the sweetest person ever.

A wise man once said, "If they hate, let 'em hate." c;
Liked by: Steven Cox

Don't Let the haters get to you :) . Jealously Hurts when they don't meet & Idolise cena ;). your great & perfect in everyway

Awe c: <3

Omg shut the fuck up! You are so damn annoying!!

Thank you for telling me this anonymous person :)

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When you met Natalya, how was the expirence ? c:

she was so sweet! I got a picture with her, but right when the camera flashed, my phone died & it didn't get/keep the picture :(
Liked by: عمرو‏✔

What was your reaction when you saw the photo John posted of himself naked but covering his private part?!

I stared at my computers screen for a good 30-45 minutes like O:

I wish I could marry you and you would have my children you are so perfect Kay I'm serious

oh lord, that's weird. o.o

Is there any other wrestlers you've met or want to meet? :)

I've Met: Ted Dibiase, Natalya, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth (2x), Sheamus (he's the best!), & John Cena. ❤ c': & my life goal is to meet the entire roster.

I have always liked john he is so amazing I am so glad you met him!

thank you & he is just beyond amazing ❤

What color poster board should I use for my poster for the live event I am going to go to in 24 days?

I always use white, makes whatever color marker or whatever I have on it stand out more, but use what you want. It's your poster.


Language: English