
hey it's kay♥

Ask @AllthingsCENA

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I seriously don't understand why you get so much abuse? obviously you don't pay any mind to it but i hope none of it makes you upset. you work hard for everything. and you are a cutie patootie. you love john and nikki as much as I do so we're basically bffs already lol.

I try not to let it bother me, but at times it gets hard, really hard. I'll never understand why I do get so much crap, but I don't care. I've been taught to be strong and overlook negativity. Thank you for your words. ❤️

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So whyd you quote Farzys tweet about getting the tattoo when it would have been easier to just fucking tweet her directly? Cause you're rubbing it in to your followers and bragging. That's also any your playing dumb, cause you know we're right

I quote almost every person I tweet back. I'm not bragging about anything, it's a tattoo that I'm getting big deal. Scarring my skin to show that I won't give in to stupid ignorant pricks like you, is bragging? The tattoo isn't just for Cena, it's to remind myself every single fucking day not to listen to people like you, not to let it get to me and break me down. Its people like YOU that have turned me into the strong person I am today. Because without NEVER GIVE UP, I would have gone batshit crazy over the ridiculous crap I get on here EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. But, if I wanted to brag about a fucking tattoo, I CAN. I'm not but I could. So, enjoy your pathetic life behind the computer screen knocking down others, I really hope it gets you far in life. ❤️ thank you for making me stronger.
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

I would really like a response to this, no disrespect, thanks! :) file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/.cliptray/1406515530419.jpg

I can't click on the link so I don't know what it is....

How did u get so many followers? I thought u were famous lol

I've been on twitter for almost four years, I'm not famous, at all. Not even close. People just follow me, if I knew why I'd tell you, but I don't.
Liked by: •Melissapls•

you say you 'love' your followers, but you don't even follow most of them back. Almost all of them actually. Don't think you're too cool not to follow people back..

No, I don't like my timeline clogged with people I don't talk to or people that don't tweet me or anything at all for that matter. Plus, it's my account I'm not obligated to follow anyone, I follow who I want to follow. Bottom line.

Hi I am hopefully going RAW in atlanta in october and i know you have been before so i was wondering where do you buy your tickets from?

I'll be going in October also, I bought my tickets from stubhub.

thoughts about eva marie

she's gorgeous and I love her personality outside of the ring, but I just don't like her in the ring...at all.


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