
hey it's kay♥

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I started crying when Y2J recently returned and my sister said i was weird. Is that weird?

NO! You're not weird. I cried too lol. There isn't anything weird about that in my opinion
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

fave tv shows from late 90s?

I was really little so all my favorite 90's shows are cartoons: Rugrats, Rocco's Modern Life, Angry Beavers, the first season of Spongebob that aired in '99, The Wild Thornberry's, Catdog, Hey Arnold and more...
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

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On your memories poster you got signed by John at the comic con what does it say?

wonderful work,
he said it was beautiful.

Alberto Del Rio said Cm.Punk will come back do you think he will come back to WWE?

It's doubtful, I don't think he will.

Do you think if fans saw Punk like walking around and asked for a picture would he take one or be like no sorry

He normally declines from what I've heard and I don't blame him.

what is your top 3 dream fueds that never happened? That you would like to see off the top of your head?

Cena vs. Austin, Punk vs. Austin,

was paul bearer a wrestler

He wrestled a little in independent promotions for a very short time but he was mostly a manager.

Who is your favorite person that Cena has feuded with??? :)

Loved his feuds with Punk, and Dwayne, some of his feuds with Batista were badass, and I loved him feuding with Miz but my favorite by far is Orton, I can't help but love a good ole Cena/Orton feud.

Have you ever been in row 2 at a wwe live event? and is too difficult to get to be on the railing?

No, but you have people in front of you on the railing so, it's going to be difficult unless someone is nice enough to let you get beside them


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