
hey it's kay♥

Ask @AllthingsCENA

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Kiss Cena on the cheek when he notices you :D

*If he notices me & I'll definitely think about it ;)

How many times have you seen Punk in person? Have you ever got his attention or have being close to him?

I've seen Punk in person 3 times & no I haven't been close to him :\

What do you do when you have writers block?

Wait for something to give inspiration to start writing again c:

What was the most extreme thing you ever did?

I don't really do alot of "extreme things" so idk really

are you going to get wade's movie dead man down on dvd when it comes out on july 9th

Idk yet..

some people are actually nice to you and you answer them so bluntly. have some decency.

I'll answer how I want to. K? Thanks.

What your top 5 T-Shirts of John Cena?

Purple, The Champ is Here (new), Rise Above Cancer, Blue HLR, Rise Above Hate (black) those are my favorites c:

Superstar and Diva you like the least?

Probably Mark Henry & Aksana...I'm just not a big fan of them.

how do you feel when you see obvious gorgeous and or skinny girls calling themselves ugly or fat?

it's pisses me off.


Language: English