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some People can be so stupid no other talents have said john has bullied them just listen to nikkis interviews she is all ways say john helps all the talent in the back not trying to be a bully just speak the truth

Exactly, and several other people BESIDES Nikki have said the same thing.

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You act as if Cena is so sweet and innocent yet he bullied Alex Riley and cheated on his wife with a porn star. If he isn't a role model then idk what is. *insert sarcasm here*

again, none of that was actually proven lol. Until you give me concrete evidence of ANY of that. Besides one or two people saying "OMG it's true", and a desperate porn star trying to get attention, and the fact that widely respected legends have completely put all the "bullying" allegations to rest, all that you're saying is irrelevant. Please get off my ask, the next thing you send me, if anything like this, I will block you. Have a great day ❤️

Why do you care about Randy's personal life? As a wrestling fan, you should not get into his personal life. Plus don't act like you haven't called anyone names, because you have.

I'm not in his personal life, his personal life is all over my timeline. No, everyone has done that, but I'm not a "celebrity" or loved and respected wrestler making my image look like complete shit because my girlfriend can't take heat or learn how to use a block button, am I?
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

But its ok for Orton fans to attack his gf just for the fact she's dating him and they aren't? (I'm talking before last night) lol ok then

no it's not okay, but it's not okay for two ADULTS to act like children and retaliate as if they were 5 years old. Randy is a public figure, and should know better than to do something of that measure. There are no excuses on either part.
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

What are you going to do in college when your roomate doesn't watch wrestling and raw, smackdown or a PPV is on and she doesn't wanna watch wwe?

I don't have a roommate, not do I love on campus. I live 10 miles away from my college.
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

Hi there! I'm from canada and will be meeting john at wizard world in chicago. I bought a photo OP to meet John and was just wondering if he's nice in person?

his incredibly nice and humble in person.
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

So many people hate on you. You gotta say "You can't see me." #teamcenanation ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'd feel kind if stupid saying that tbh lmao. I'd rather just not say anything at all
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

Ya,thats right you are a moron,and i am just telling facts that 98% people would agree except cenation lol..truth hurts..

Not true lmao. You're guessing percents and telling me YOUR opinion. But continue to believe what you want ❤️
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

Cena bullied Alex Riley backstage tho. >.>. Lol he's a bully

besides here say, there isn't actual proof of that, especially when you have legends that say how much of an amazing guy he is backstage...I'd believe them over a butthurt jobber (I love A-Ry but honestly) any day tbh.
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

Cena is not a good wrestler..its a damn fact not an opinion,you moron + Dwayne is a much better wrestler than Cena..thats also a fact..Cena is a babyface who gets bood..that explains a lot Cena fangirl try to accept facts for facts rather than stating them as opinions...

nothing you just said was a fact. It's all opinion based. Lmao. But I'm a moron so what would I know ❤️
Liked by: Ratag Abdelmalik

You could film total divas reviews or just rant about what you don't like in WWE. That would be cool :)

sounds awesome tbh ❤️

Where do you find new music?

99% of the time I don't, listen to old music more than anything. Most new stuff sounds like crap to me


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