
Rouaa OS

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طيب ممكن مو معرب وتقولين لي وش قصه سنه ثانيه وش المواد الي مرره مقرفه اذا فيه طريقه حلوه لحفظها او شي كذا؟؟

مم والله موااد سنه ثانيه يعني في عندك اناتومي. فسيولوجي بودي سيستم. 1
واللله احسن شيء تذاكرها اول باول :)

عمرك؟؟ اي سنه؟؟ دكتوره انتي؟

La mo. DR bs I will be enshalla :)
6al3a 3al thalthah
3mri 20 :)

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How do you learn best: by listening, watching, reading or doing?

In some thing I learn best by reading but mostly I do much better by watching and doing.Basically I am a 'hands on' person.

would you move for someone you loved....

It's all a matter of whether you truly love him/her. If you are in love with someone and you know that they are the one for you and you are the one for them then there should be no doubts in your guys' minds about picking up and going to wherever the other one is. :)

If there is one thing about yourself that you could change, what would it be and why?

FahadRH’s Profile PhotoFahad RH
I wish I could be more confident. I always am the first to think I'm in the wrong. I wish I could have more confidence in my abilities. I have been told that I don't give myself enough credit. :)

always i'm fine al7mdllah i'm here ;D ,wallah al summer y3ne it's not bad how's urs ..?:)

Fahadi11i’s Profile PhotoDr.Fahad
Wallla iam ok mashi el7al enjoying loool :p
And have fun :)

حِـكـمَة.. من يتجاهلك و يحقد عليك ﻻ تنفعل من اجله بل إستخدم القاعده المكتوبه على «مرايا السياره» .. ... [ الاشياء التي تشاهدها اصغر مما تبدوا عليه في الواقع

Eee walla 9ad8a 100 %

Leh elensan ynam kl yom?!!

fd6’s Profile PhotoFAHAD bin k
There is a super-replicating false belief in our society that sleeping in is lazy. Sleeping in is not lazy- many individuals
“Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Makes a Man Healthy Wealthy and Wise” loool
They are many reasons like :
Most people need more than 8 hours of sleep
Sleep consistency is important; the time you wake up is not (unless you must get up for work)
Sleeping in can improve your long-term memory retention, memory organization, and learning

heey Dr how r u ? btw nice background ;)

Fahadi11i’s Profile PhotoDr.Fahad
Oh my DR is here :o
Long time !!!!
Where have u been
Iam ok el 7amdelah :)
How about u kaif el summer m3ak :) ?

3aadii aklmk somewhere else on facebook msn or bbm i wanna know u better ;$ ?? < if u want 2 ;*

Who r u can u include ur self info I won't publish :)

اذا مس احد كرامتك و رجع يعتذر هل تعذرينه وتسامحين ولا تقطعين كل اللي بينك وبينه\ا و تنسين كل شيء كان بينكم ؟

GR54’s Profile PhotoMr.Al-Rasheed
Laaaaaaaaa no way
Cut minute el bedayah 3al6ooool
Etha minute bdaytha k4a ajal shlon b3deeen
Thnkx 3la so2alak


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