
Rouaa OS

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do you think life will end in 2012 @@ ?

The world may end tomorrow. Why not? It is not necessary to fix the dead line so. End may be on any day but the most important is to live the life in a meaningful and enjoyable way. ;)

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What can not be forgiven?

AIvIER’s Profile PhotoA.S
Thank you for crushing me. Thank you for dealing me heartache so painful, so unbearable I never thought I’d get out of bed. Thank you for forcing me to learn lessons the hard way. Thank you for reminding me that no one or nothing is perfect. that all cannot be forgiven. </3

Have you ever lost anyone you loved?

mohammad85’s Profile PhotoMo7ammad☀
Yes, unfortunately a few friends. I have never felt like pulling my hair out but sure the tears were heavily streaming for weeks. Death is never easy ,, A piece of you dies too. However, I know that they are now resting peacefully in heaven. No more pain for any of them. :(
Liked by: Dhmii Albishi

I'll pass :p I wanna give you likes but they bloked me =)) man you are tough :p

U see ;)
I'm tough I told you that
Yalla go ahead likes 3al 6ayer :p

almmlka or fai9lya .. 7y al3'deer or alro9'a .. mama noura or alb6ree8 alja23 .. asta4 almlk fahad or almlz ? Lool ;p

M7md’s Profile PhotoMohammed Mg
Loool crazy
Kingdom tower
El '3deeer
Mama nourah
Elmlk fhd


Language: English