
Haaris Habib Qureshi

Ask @assasincode36

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What do you think was the most significant news story of the year?

Real Madrid sign Gerath Bale nd arsenal signed Ozil :P

Hahahh I am also doing great !! well studies have been boring as usual lol ! I miss IGCSE ..i hate A levels :P anyways chillx dude ..I am not there on XPC either ..I left it ages back ! and I left ask.fm even earlier ! its 8 months since i left ask.fm ..I post on your wall her as a passerby ..No a/c

oh.... great..keep passing by then :P hhehe...
Liked by: kkksssaaa

Halooo haloo !! HAARIS HAARIS !! OLDIE OLDIE ! YOu've definitely forgotten me mean ! Yeah its me zoeee ! How r u ?? How is uni ???

hey....... im good....h r u??? nah...didnt forget u... im just not on XPF lately.....nd here i dnt follow u i guess/....so click the anon thing nd let me follow u .:P my uni is great////doing well nd havin fun...... xd hwz ur study goin ???
Liked by: Mohammad Y.N :$

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be? :)

stay strong in life and believe yourself always ;P
Liked by: Mona

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well.... lucky me :P *eats em all*

You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing he/she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

i tell em everyone has some bad qualities in themselves...we shud look at our own selves before targeting others...plus ill tell em that he/she is my friend nd how cool of a person he/she is
Liked by: Maria

If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try? :)

immigration officer at King Fahd Airport, Dammam :)
Liked by: Mona


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